Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:41 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Sunday, May 09, 2004


The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal ? A Contrarian?s View

"The moral of the story is that Arabs, let alone all Muslims are not monolithic. Some are Jihadist, some are not and are hostile to us, and some are neither Jihadist nor hostile to us, and some really like us but cannot show it for fear of other Arabs opinion and retaliation. How they react will depend on which group they fall in.

Please remember, too, that the prison abuse pictures released to date that the newsies keep going on and on about are amazingly tame stuff by local Iraqi or Al-Jazeera standards.

Where are the broken bones?

Where are the severed limbs?

Where are the genital electrocution burns?

Where are the deep laceration wounds?

There are not any because none of that happened in those pictures."

[Winds of Change.NET]

10:12:22 PM    


End of the world as they know it.

James Lileks is right. Yes, shocking I know. He said this on big media not long ago: I’m talking about ongoing coverage of ongoing issues, the sort of thing hometown newspapers are perfectly positioned to do. That’s the niche that waits for them. The internet will swamp their ability to sum up t... [Capitalist Lion]

10:04:27 PM    


So Sorry 

[Cox & Forkum]

9:59:55 PM    


Undoing Islam With Prefixes

In Pakistan Today, AbidUllah Jan explains that the distinction between "moderate" Islam and "fundamental" Islam is an invention of the West, for the purpose of dividing Muslims: Undoing Islam With Prefixes. (Hat tip: DP111.) Thanks for the clarification, AbidUllah. Others doubt intentions of the self-proclaimed moderates because they openly ... [Little Green Footballs]

What did I tell you?  As far as the terrorists who have taken over control of the "Religion of Peace" are concerned, all Muslims are terrorists.  There can be no such thing as a moderate. If you think of yourself as one you are siding with the enemy and must die.  Hey! .... maybe they will all kill each other!

7:39:27 PM    


More black & Hispanic kids fall out of buildings; in other news, Sky is blue

From Sunday's New York Newsday: Minority children are more likely to be hurt in falls from buildings than white children, according to a study by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center.... [Ramblings' Journal]

7:31:15 PM    


Found......a real live blogger at Abu Ghraib.

"Rumors of our internet access getting cut off are, I think, much exaggerated. Not sure quite whence they originated, and I only became aware of them a few hours ago, but already I'm tired of them. Especially the censorship overtones. Especially with an eye toward, "THEY don't want the people at home to know what's REALLY happening."

More amusing is that I've essentially been called a Bush apologist/disinformation source at least twice in 24 hours. Now, granted, he's my boss, but other than my paycheck I'm not particularly beholden to the guy. I'm a registered Independent, think of myself as politically moderate and have been less-than-thrilled with the administration at times. But, I mean, come on. The tone of what some people say about the current administration, of a kin with what the foaming-at-the-mouth fundamentalist Christian crowd used to say about Clinton, just makes it impossible (I think) for a rational person not to respond in defense."

7:29:19 PM    


New York, Washington Declared Muslim Holy Cities


7:12:27 PM    


Hometown boy makes good.

"I haven't taught him too much," said Dorothy Erstad, Darin's mom, after making the trip from the Erstads' home in Jamestown, N.D., to watch her son play against the Twins in the Metrodome.

3:17:02 PM    


The Worst Ex-President

"Carter has somehow managed to acquire the image, even among many conservatives who ought to know better, as "America's finest ex-president." In fact, he should be regarded as America's worst ex-president (though Bill Clinton has a long time yet to make his own bid for the title) for the way he has meddled ruinously in the foreign affairs of the nation, especially North Korea. Second, what might be called "Carterism"—a sentimental, neopacifist view of the world—has come to define the core ideology of Democratic party liberalism today."  [Right Voices]

3:00:00 PM    


Perspective From Facts

Where was indignation during Hussein's regime? Revulsion at the revelations of prisoner abuse by U.S. forces in Iraq has spread faster than hot sand in the desert wind. No one has expressed the outrage with more horror than the American... [Right Voices]

2:53:46 PM    


Frisbees over Fallujah

An email and photos sent to Spirit of America, from Lt. Col. Colin McNease, USMC, in Fallujah. Those frisbees and soccer balls sure are popular! [Winds of Change.NET]


12:45:36 PM    


The Religion of Peace and Understanding

MORE GOOD NEWS FOR ISLAM from Africa:Governor Ahmed Sani of Zamfara State, has ordered the demolition of all churches in the state, as he launched the second phase of his Sharia project yesterday.   [American Digest]

12:35:49 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Danger! Engrish is contained generously.

8:00:59 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Antares and Rho Ophiuchi

7:58:12 AM    


British Scientists Frightened by Shrubbery

"This UK Guardian article was actually kind of funny. You don't see wacko paranoia come this thick very often. Well, Ok, I just made that up. Actually it's a daily feature of the Guardian. 

Thousands of Britons may be forced to wear charcoal masks and stay indoors this summer to avoid deadly fogs of ozone that will pollute the country during heatwaves, scientists have warned."    [bastardsword]

This gave me a good belly laugh.  I live in the middle of what would be another Mojave Desert were it not for irrigation water from the Sierra's.  We are routinely blessed with several weeks of above 100 degree weather every summer and I don't see people dropping like flies.  We consider any day below 100 between May and September to be a cool day.  The streets here should be littered with bodies in the summer.

7:38:08 AM    


5/9/2004   Day By Day Cartoon

7:12:37 AM    

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