Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:30:45 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Friday, May 28, 2004


Same company that built the airport?  Hope not!

Engineers brought the two central ends of the Millau road viaduct in southwest France together, completing the span of the highest bridge in the world.(AFP/File/Eric Cabanis)

from Right-Thinking from the West Coast and Yahoo News

10:59:18 PM    


Iraq: The Good News

"The electricity situation in Iraq, for example. The left make it sound so gloom and doom that the energy problem still exists for the Iraqi people -- they're having blackouts and the demand for electricity is more than what they can currently supply. Sounds like a bad problem - until you look at the reasons why. There are more businesses open now in Iraq than there were before Saddam was outsted. Those business are open and running - using electricity. When the temperature in Iraq reaches 4 gazillion desert degrees - those business owners shut their windows and doors and RUN THEIR AIR CONDITIONERS. The actual demand for electricity in Iraq is more than it hever has been -- and much more than it was under Saddam's rule. Did you know that they've never been able to run air conditioners, much less have the money to purchase air conditioners and other appliances prior to their liberation? Businesses are running and making money, running appliances and increasing the demand for electricity - especially when the temperatures are untenable. Gee, sounds like California, USA in the summertime, doesn't it?"

from Right Voices

10:52:01 PM    


Connecting Some Dots

Chris Matthews has made quite a few comments over the past 6 months or so about how incredible it is that polls show many Americans believing there was some connection between Saddam and al Qaeda or even Saddam and 9/11. 

from PoliPundit

10:46:41 PM    


Looks like Baldilocks has found one of the people Bill Cosby was talking about recently.

Another One

"We?re slaves, says he. I seem not to recall the instances in which a gun was put to my head or the times in which a whip was brandished at me to coerce me into enlisting and re-enlisting. Perhaps I need to take some memory-enhancing classes. Or maybe I need to brush up on the history of American slavery. Or maybe I need to do both, because I certainly don?t remember reading that American slaves signed contracts stipulating the terms of their servitude."

from baldilocks

10:42:24 PM    


Gas prices getting you down?

Check this chart for the prices in Europe to make yourself feel a little better.  Compare to the US at the bottom of the price column.  You can use the currency conversion chart about half way down the page.

Someone I work with is going to England next month for a visit.  They have relatives who live in London who have said they are paying about $6.50 in US dollars at some places.

Kind of puts it all in perspective doesn't it?

10:31:43 PM    


Cold Day In Hell

Does this mean Dimocrats are gonna start telling the truth?>...

from Grouchy Old Cripple

6:26:48 PM    


Don't Try This At Home: Anime Girl PC Case Mod

A mod enthusiast has created a PC case shaped and painted like an anime heroine.

from The Raw Feed

6:19:07 PM    


It's about freaking time the slimeball Moore got called on his made up trash movies.

Believing in angels...

"Only two months ago, I was pretty depressed and ready to give up. We had no money, I was running out of time, and everything looked grim. But I appealed to you for help, and help you did. We raised money through donations and t-shirt sales to help us weather the storm. We raised this project from near death and started moving forward again. Lee at Moorewatch, Jason at Moorelies, every blogger who mentioned us, every radio person who interviewed me, every reporter who wrote about us and every person who contributed to this vision we have of taking back the American Dream made a difference you’ll never fully know."

from MichaelMooreHatesAmerica

6:13:39 PM    


This is the kind of news you should be seeing on TV and your local paper but of course you never will.  Just keep reading the blogs folks and you will be one of the few people in your social circle who is truly well informed about what is really going on in Iraq.

Iraq Daily Life

Omar at Iraq The Model translates some opinions offered by Iraqis about the their daily lives. He says that over 70% of them were positive...

from Common Sense and Wonder

2:54:44 PM    


Help Joe get Friday off his chest.

I've been a bit light here lately, as work and other things have dominated my time. But I found a few things in the local paper this morning that got the old hairs standing up, so I'll take a couple...

from Attaboy

2:40:47 PM    


Mac OS X update fails to fix vulnerability

"This confusion is compounded by Apple, which has thus far failed to address another critical - and easily exploitable - security hole which it wrongly told Techworld was fixed by the Help Viewer patch.

An updated version of a security testing tool by Unsanity establishes that even patched systems are vulnerable. So patched Mac OS X systems are vulnerable and unpatched systems are even more vulnerable."

 from The Register

2:32:43 PM    


It's a wonder we still have a country with the Clinton era FBI still in place!


In Denver. At a Denny's. But of course!...

from The SmarterCop

2:25:30 PM    


The Global Battlefield

I want a War Sim where I spend two hours pushing across a map to destroy a "nuclear missile silo," only to find out after the fact that it was just a missile-themed orphanage. I want little celebrities to show up on the scene and do interviews over video of charred teddy bears, decrying my unilateral attack. I want congressional hearings demanding answers to these atrocities. On the very next level I want to lose half of my units because another "orphanage" turned out to be a NOD ambush site. I want another round of hearings asking why I didn't level that orphanage as soon as I saw it, including tearful testimony from a slain soldier's daughter who is now, ironically, an orphan.

Every War Sim has a "Fog of War" that obscures the map in darkness until units scout the landscape. Well, I want a hazy, brown "Fog of Bullshit" layer below that. I want it to make a village of farmers look like a secret armed militia, I want it to show me a massive enemy fortress where there is actually an Aspirin factory. I want to never know for sure which it was, even after the game is over.

from Belmont Club

2:18:46 PM    


More Tits and Cats for Acidman!

from Curmudgeonly & Skeptical

2:00:46 PM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 A Manhattan Sunset

10:08:46 AM    


Engrish of the Day

 All your Japanese-style-kitten are belong to us...

10:06:54 AM    


Good to see a famous Black with some cohunes say what needed to be said for a long time.  Of course he will have to wear the "Uncle Tom" label now but he will be respected for it by the large majority of all races.  He's still a flaming liberal, but even they get it right some times.

 Bill Cosby Stands Behind Critical Comments

 "Comedian Bill Cosby has declined to retract remarks that were highly critical of "the lower economic" African-Americans that he claims are willing to pay $500 for sneakers but not half that amount for educational tools."

 He said, "These people are not parenting. They are buying things for their kids - $500 sneakers for what? And won't spend $200 for 'Hooked on Phonics.'...They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain't,' Where you is'...And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk...Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads...You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."

from Atlanta Daily

Thanks OD

9:46:17 AM    


Hopeless Resistance

"If all the data exists on a database, there is no longer any such thing as a "search warrant", or "reasonable cause": it can be analyzed just because someone has written a database query. There is no safeguard against this, remember? the fox is watching the chicken coop."

from Kim du Toit

8:31:05 AM    


"Kerry"-class aircraft carrier after his 8 years in office.

from Kim du Toit

8:18:09 AM    


Did Any Drive Home Afterwards?

Looks like Kalifornia is not the only state with a do nothing bunch of asswipes at the State Capital. 

from Captain's Quarters

6:45:38 AM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

1:17:29 AM    

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