Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:46 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Monday, May 10, 2004


Get your Dog Outfitted!

Go get the goods Rover.

8:26:55 PM    


reuterville again

According to "Reuters": Bush's Backing of Rumsfeld Shocks and Angers Arabs Mon May 10, 4:52 PM ET By Firouz Sedarat DUBAI (Reuters) - Arab commentators reacted with shock and disbelief .........[Julie Neidlinger's Blog]

8:11:58 PM    


The Commissar has found a hidy hole for the duration of the war.


That's it, comrades. There's no way out. The terrorists' victory is inevitable. You can reach me in my new UNDERGROUND FACILITY.... [The Politburo Diktat]

8:01:19 PM    



I noted that the liberal media are basically jumping on the Iraqi Prisoner flap harder than a pack of wild dogs on a scrap of meat. [Capitalist Lion]

3:27:44 PM    


The Chief weights in.

"It is my understanding that no MI soldiers were implicated in the incident, but several were reprimanded for perhaps failing to maintain tighter control over the behavior of the MP guards. To the best of my knowledge, this was an isolated incident which occurred around 3 to 4am, by a small group of guards. Based on what I have heard, this is a case of individuals getting carried away in some sick and demented fashion, finding fun in the total humiliation of another human being.

I personally lived at Camp Bucca, a prisoner of war camp with a prison population which exceeded 10,000 at one time, for over 4 months, interacting with the MP’s and the prisoners on a daily basis. I worked with many MP’s from the 800th MP group in question, finding most of them to be hard working, law abiding soldiers, conducting them selves professionally at all times. There were exceptions but none that would warrant any type of concern or discussion. Yes, we gave strict instructions to the MP’s at times, regarding how we wanted the prisoner to be treated, but at no time were they instructed to mistreat the prisoners in any way that would have been against the Geneva Convention.

The Red Cross was always there looking over our shoulders to insure the proper handling of the prisoners and care and concern for their well being. There are checks and balances to insure the rules are kept.

Under extended pressure and stress, in a strange and surreal environment, when the humanity of the individual is lost, men will act out of character doing what other wise would be considered bizarre and unthinkable things. I do no condone their behavior nor excuse it, but just attempt to understand and forgive. This is an isolated incident, not representative in anyway of the large majority of soldiers who strictly follow the rules of engagement."

Read the whole thing.  Lots of good first hand info on what's really going on. 

3:19:25 PM    


Beijing makes its move in Latin America

"Despite knowing these facts President Clinton still insisted on the canal passing into Beijing's hands, even though he knew... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

1:53:09 PM    


Don't feed the Bears

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

1:52:10 PM    


The Commissar is getting cold feet.  Probably left over from the Cold War.

Energy - Low

"My energy is low, comrades. I must suppose that my good friend, Captain Ed, will consider me another hair-shirt David Brooks. So be it. I am struggling mightily here. These are tough days. If President Bush rides out the recent storms, and some good result eventually prevails in Iraq, historians may view these days along with Lincoln's summer of 1864 and Churchill's 1940. "This was their finest hour?" I hope so."   [The Politburo Diktat]

Be sure to read all the comments.  Good ones like this from Captain Ed.........

"Two things we need to remember. One: the Arab world is watching how we act when things get a little tough on us. We aren't going to get widespread cooperation until we wipe our bloody nose and continue to press forward. Arabs aren't idiots, and they won't ally with anyone who won't be there next week, regardless of all the bounties of freedom. They know power, and we'd better learn to start projecting it. Otherwise, the majority who want liberation won't trust us to stick it out to get it, and they'll better-deal us in a second."

1:09:22 PM    


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

7:13:54 AM    


The New Crusades

"Thanks to the Crusades, Islam's attempts to conquer the Western world and its civilization failed and they have never forgiven the West, which in a craven effort to mollify Muslims treats the Crusades which preserved our civilization as a sorry chapter in our history. But like it or not, we are now engaged in a new crusade to save Western civilization -- that's what the war against terrorism is all about. Iraq is just one battle in the war which will not end until we have driven fanatical Islam back into the sanctuaries where it has been hiding and seething with resentment for centuries. There are a legion of fools running amok these days trying to convince us that Islam has been provoked into attacking us by the poverty and misery that exists among its adherents... because of exploitation by the West. That's garbage. The poverty and misery is the result of Islam's centuries-long refusal to join the modern world and bring its material benefits to its people... This is a war for the survival of Western Civilization and we are facing an enemy determined to destroy everything we hold dear." --Phil Brennan 

[Found at American Realpolitik]

7:13:03 AM    


 The Wages of Appeasement
How Jimmy Carter and academic multiculturalists helped bring us Sept. 11.

 Imagine a different Nov. 4, 1979, in Tehran. Shortly after Iranian terrorists storm the American Embassy and take some 90 American hostages, President Carter announces that Islamic fundamentalism is not a legitimate response to the excess of the shah but a new and dangerous fascism that threatens all that liberal society holds dear. And then he issues an ultimatum to Tehran's leaders: Release the captives or face a devastating military response.

6:55:30 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Do you have to be drunk to pay for free drinks?

3:02:14 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Endurance Crater on Mars

2:40:42 AM    



"The election coming in November is crucial, and not just for the United States, but for the world; all sides agree on that. Will America stand against terror, or will we step back, and leave it to the UN? Are we a sovereign nation or a vassal of a global government dominated by thugs, thieves, and spineless bureaucrats?

Based on the above, I'm sure you know which side of the question I come down on. I don't like or trust the UN. They're remarkably ineffective, woefully inefficient, amazingly corrupt, and fundamentally inept. I am convinced that if it is left up to them, the war on terror will end with the terrorists victorious. America will go from being the last superpower to an impotent supplier of men, material, and money to support whatever wild ass scheme the UN comes up with."

[Shots Across The Bow]

2:38:47 AM    


Anti-Gun Math

Let's see if you can notice the logical flaw in this sentence.

About 2,000 people celebrated Mother's Day yesterday by attending a Million Mom March rally at the Capitol to demonstrate support for extending the nation's ban on assault weapons.
[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]
2:35:14 AM    


5/10/2004  Day By Day Cartoon

2:29:00 AM    

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