Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:29:35 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Barney's Barn

It's necessary to periodically set aside serious issues of war, politics and public policy and smile a bit. Here's a site where you can create your own drum solo, and then watch yourself (well, actually watch a cow) perform your... [Wizblog]

10:26:57 PM    


The mountain lion moments before it was shot.

I can just hear the uproar from the community if the officer had not rushed to the scene and dispatched the kitty and that kitty had attacked one of the nearby school kids.

Good Dog, but Only a Fair Shot

[Hell In A Handbasket]

11:02:45 AM    


Saturday Boobage

Doesn't she have pretty eyes?... [Grouchy Old Cripple]

Yes!  My eyes were immediately drawn to her eyes!

10:51:39 AM    


Bastard has already decided he is going to win the Taco Bell  "Share Your Sauce Wisdom" contest.  Check out his entries.


10:34:23 AM    


Moving day is coming.........soon.

This blog will probably be moving sometime in the next few weeks.  I will give ample warning so that both of my readers will know where to go ... ha ha!

I no longer care to put up with all the problems with Userland.  The comments have never worked reliably since day one, and trying to post while traveling is a royal pain!

At one time I thought I would end up with MT or Typepad but they seem to have problems also.  There seems to be a lot of unhappy people in the MT world lately so another reason to shy away.

I am looking at Lockergnome.net.  You can watch as I experiment with the features they offer here.  So far it looks like they will fit my needs.

I hate moving.  Packing, loading the truck, unloading the truck, unpacking, ...........!  Whine, whine, whine!

10:08:44 AM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 X Rays From Tycho s Supernova Remnant

9:50:20 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Doesn't sound too friendly to me...
(Item is a wallet)


9:49:02 AM    


Ringing Taco's Bell
A fast-food chain seeks "left of center" messages. [WSJ]

A lot of bloggers are apologizing all over themselves for saying that Taco Bell was making a political statement when they said "Left of Center".


They knew exactly what they were saying and thought it was real cute.  You will never convince me that a large corporation of that size made the statment without hundreds of people passing on it.  I refuse to believe that not one person in the company said "Maybe that is a poor choise of words".  Management wanted it said like that so thats the way it was printed.  They wanted everyone to take it just the way it sounds.

Don't drink the kool-aid people!

9:16:42 AM    


Wedding Bells

We've all heard the stories for the past couple of days about the Iraqi wedding party that was supposedly attacked by US forces. With the Abu Ghraib scandal still fresh in everyone's minda the onus has fallen on the US military to disprove every accusation the world media feels like laying upon it.  [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

8:23:35 AM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

8:06:14 AM    


Gore Vidal

"Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half." [Quotes of the Day]

8:04:23 AM    

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