Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:56 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


To all the people coming by from Google looking for the Berg snuff video, I just want to say that you're really sick!

7:58:47 PM    


"If we just stayed out of other people's affairs, these things wouldn't happen!"

7:52:06 PM    


Look, up in the sky!

How much you want to bet Kerry called them Sons a Bitches?

7:48:52 PM    



[Grouchy Old Cripple]

7:45:16 PM    


Had any good 'Toothing' lately?

7:22:37 PM    


Smash has more emails from Iraq.

5:25:04 PM    


Boston Globe publishes bogus GI rape pictures  

Taken from pornographic website!

Your wonderful unbised liberal media at work!

5:06:54 PM    


Global Warming?  Never mind!

Australian scientists have found the Earth may be more resilient to global warming than first thought, and they say a warmer world means a wetter planet, encouraging more plants to grow and soak up greenhouse gases.

2:26:24 PM    


Another spirit lifter....

A Public Service Announcement on the importance of proper diet!... [Castle Argghhh!]

2:19:14 PM    


Cute Japanese food. hellobentoHello bento box! And other smiley-face food from Japan.
[Boing Boing]

1:55:10 PM    


Oh the humanity!

1:49:30 PM    


Decisions, decisions!


Let's see: humiliation from naked hogpiles vs. painful death by slow decapitation. [Helloooo, Chapter Two!]

1:46:27 PM    


Mexican Pilots Catch UFOs on Film.

Have the tequila after flying!

If there were little green men with faster than light travel and invisibility they would have sterilized the earth a long time ago.

[Planenews Aviation News Portal]

1:39:31 PM    


Reductio ad Absurdum

"Let's start an internet campaign to insist that the major media - including the New Yorker, the networks, the major newsweeklies, and every major paper - run a picture of Zarqawi holding up Nick Berg's severed head. It's time to release the Pearl video and stills too. Enough with the double standards. The media were absolutely right to show the abuse photos. But they are only part of the story. It's about time the media gave us all of it, however harrowing it is."

[Belmont Club]

1:25:05 PM    


Beheading?  NOT!

Let's quit calling it beheading. Let's call it "sawing the head off while the victim is fully aware." Beheading is what the executioners do with sword, axe, or guillotine.  [Castle Argghhh!]

1:20:40 PM    


Times up!

Too bad we won't take any effective action and millions of people will die on our side first.  That sucks!

Why is it we always pay a much higher price then necessary for freedom?

1:00:43 PM    



"I am deeply disappointed that once again the Senate Republican leadership has chosen to play politics with America's unemployed.... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

11:22:06 AM    


Frock of the Town

"What's up with The Wedding Dress Guy and his hilarious eBay listing of his ex-wife's wedding gown?

By the time the auction ended, Star's listing on eBay had been viewed more than 5.8 million times. Some of those visitors, possibly caught up in the frenzy of it all, placed bids they did not intend to honor. (Officials at eBay had to weed out many phonies — at one point the bidding reached $99 million.) How many of the remaining bids were legitimate is not known. And, even if all those bids were meant seriously at the time they were placed, some of those prospective buyers may now be having second thoughts, particularly those who offered more than $1,000 for a used, stained dress that was only worth $1,200 when it first came off the hanger."  [New Urban Legends]

11:19:18 AM    


Country Rat, City Rat

Do major cities harbor rodent populations equivalent to one rat per person?

[New Urban Legends]

11:17:12 AM    


Feign Reaction

Student makes humorous guesses at answers on chemistry exam.

Explain why an atmosphere of argon is required in the second stage.

Answer: I'd say it was probably those damn aliens again. Them and their illegal moon rock trade. Always trying to kidnap all the argon.

[New Urban Legends]

11:15:08 AM    


Empire of Shame

"America is the Empire that was ashamed to be an Empire. Say what you will about the Romans, at least you knew who was in charge when they came to town. And the British, too: for all that was misguided about the British Empire, at least they knew how to articulate their vision, and they knew that after you invade a country, you need to stick around for at least a few decades if you really want to bring fundamental social, political, and/or religious change to that country."  [Infinite Monkeys]

And because of the liberal brainwashing we have received for so long we will remain ashamed until the enemy drops the big one.  Once again we will need the kick in the teeth like Pearl Harbor to get our attention.  The enemy will be doing us a favor.  Unfortunately, this time the wake up call will mean the death of a lot more than 3000 and the loss of an American city and a very large area around it for a very long time.  A hundred years from now our great great grandchildren will sit around and talk about how we let another Pearl Harbor happen because we wanted to be viewed by the world as nice people.  The only sure things are death, taxes, and this country never learning from history.

11:01:15 AM    


Email Direct From Fallujah - "What Happened To Our Country?"

Here's an email that I received through the Marines (thanks Seamus and Colonel B!). It's verified authentic. It's from a Marine Officer in Fallujah who is trying to balance harsh reality with what we are getting (shoveled) from the media....

"I'm going to discuss a subject that I know does not apply to most of you...We're reading that everyone back home is starting to lose faith in our efforts in Iraq. The last CBS poll put the numbers under 50% for the first time. I know that doesn't mean a loss in support for the troops, but supporting "the troops" while not supporting the mission doesn't do much for us. If we're over here for nothing then vague "support the troops" statements carry little weight."


10:38:33 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Beware of Baby!

10:35:38 AM    


Astronomy Picture of Day

The Tails of Comet NEAT Q4

10:34:04 AM    


Losing Our Way

"In my 45 years on this planet, I have never been more disgusted with “my fellow Americans” than this past week. The aberrant behavior of a group of soldiers and their chain of command has turned much of this country into a howling mass of moral midgets. As much as the actions themselves are shameful, it’s the rationalization of victimhood and other morally incompetent comments I have heard in the past week that have made me ashamed to be an American.

I never thought I’d have to say that. Ever.

It is shameful that our eyes have become so clouded we no longer can see what was once simple truth. These terrorists use subhuman acts in an attempt to advance their cause, and their cause is to kill all who oppose their extremist beliefs. When we bicker among ourselves and point partisan fingers of blame in the aftermath instead of simply condemning the barbaric act of rabid animals … we do their work.

And there’s a lot of Americans working for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi today, whether they realize it or not."

10:32:43 AM    


If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.
-- Phil Pastoret

10:27:22 AM    




It's certainly lasted longer than I ever expected, but not because it's any good... it's because there's enough of an audience of mean-spirited, crude, brain-fried individuals out there that actually follow along with what Air America is ranting.  [The SmarterCop]

10:19:05 AM    


Endorsement, Indifference, Denial, Rejection, Participation

"Simply put: if a US city is nuked, the US will have to nuke someone, or let it stand that the United States can lose a city without cost to the other side. Defining “the other side” would be difficult, of course – do you erase Tehran to punish the mullahs? Make a crater out of Riyahd? These are exactly the sort of decisions we never want to make. But let’s say it happens. Baltimore: fire and wind. Gone. That horrible day would clarify things once and for all. It’s one thing for someone in a distant city to cheer the fall of two skyscrapers: from a distance, it looks like a bloody nose. But erasing a city is a different matter.

Everyone will have to choose sides. That would be one possible beginning of the end of this war."

10:15:01 AM    


Air Hate America Hostess Says Shooting Bush "Works for Her"

IN DECEMBER OF LAST YEAR, I wrote "Bush Hate, at the rate of festering intensity currently observable, is headed towards only one singular event: An attempt on the life of George W. Bush by an American citizen." -- American Digest: Where Bush Hate is Heading The group of losing traitors that make up the staff of "Air America" took that concept one step further today when, as pointed out by Donald Sensing at One Hand Clapping an "Air America hostess says President Bush should be shot   [American Digest]

5:16:08 AM    


5/12/2004   Day By Day Cartoon

5:10:23 AM    

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