Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:14 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Monday, May 03, 2004


Allah de-pantsed!... [Allah Is In The House]

7:48:51 PM    


Ice Cream Prices Rise; Left Proclaims "It's Bush's fault!"

The DNC has issued a press release accusing President Bush of "failing to protect the American consumer" from ice cream prices that are "record highs, the highest in the history of the universe!"  

These record high prices are part of a diabolical plot orchestrated by the President to harm women, children, minorities, the middle class and the French (makers of French vanilla ice cream).

The President has cut a secret deal to lower ice cream prices after Labor Day, clearly an attempt to buy votes right before the election.   [Reality Hammer]

6:17:40 PM    


A Marine's Plea

Hugh Hewitt posted this at his site, and I think it's required reading for anyone who thinks that the overwrought oracles of doom about Iraq that dominate the mainstream news media have no effect on the troops they claim to... [Captain's Quarters]

6:11:36 PM    


Redneck Spoiler    [Grouchy Old Cripple]

6:09:45 PM    


Quote of the Day

"Obviously cigarettes were declared a sin in the part of the bible that was written in the 1800's."
- Auggie Smith

6:01:46 PM    


Where we're at  

Nineteen of 23 officers who served with John Kerry in Vietnam are among hundreds of former commanders and... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

3:46:41 PM    


Abu Ghraib

Victor Davis Hanson has some thoughts on the repugnant acts reputedly commited by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison.  [Common Sense and Wonder]

3:40:54 PM    


Some fight others are cowards

NAJAF, Iraq - One of his friends was dead, 12 others lay wounded and the four soldiers still left standing were surrounded and out of... [Common Sense and Wonder]

3:38:08 PM    


Dogpile on the Turdsack

Oops. Seems he was lying about the entire thing.  [iowahawk]

3:36:38 PM    


This Guy Wants Me Dead

MORE FUN AND GAMES at Portland Indymedia:   [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

3:33:37 PM    


Raisin the Alarm

If you love your dog, don't let him eat raisins or grapes. [New Urban Legends]

3:31:49 PM    


Born to Run  

" President Bush came to visit the wounded in the hospital. He told Mike that when he could run a mile, that they would go on a run together. True to his word, he called Mike every month or so to see how he was doing. Well, last week they went on the run, 1 mile with the president. Not something you'll see in the news, but seeing the president taking the time to say thank you to the wounded and to give hope to one of my best friends was one of the greatest/best things I have seen in my life. It almost sounds like a corny email chain letter, but God bless him."   [New Urban Legends]

3:30:57 PM    


Two Cat Videos so Acidman can enjoy his brand new broadband connection!

Cat vid 1Cat vid 2

Thanks Beckie.

2:45:33 PM    


Internet Killed the Video Star

Thanks Beckie.

2:41:09 PM    


Abuse photos 'not taken in Iraq

"A former commander of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment has dismissed the Iraq abuse photographs as having "too many inconsistencies".

Colonel David Black argued that the images, apparantly showing soldiers from his old regiment beating and urinating on an Iraqi captive, published in the Daily Mirror, were probably not even taken in Iraq.

He told BBC1's Breakfast that the vehicle shown was never sent to the war zone and the uniforms were not the same as those worn by the regiment."

8:49:49 AM    


'Arab Street'    [Cox & Forkum]

8:35:21 AM    



7:57:20 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

7:55:19 AM    


Official Poll

Be sure to vote in this very important poll!   ... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

7:54:04 AM    


American poop

The crowd raises their goblets, yelling "Kill Bush."... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

7:52:20 AM    


Atkins Can Bite My Arse

"I accidentally picked up a "low carb" Ben & Jerry's and thought it was the "low fat." While I was eating it I thought, "this ice cream does not taste right." And then I look at the cap and realize why - man that stuff just don't taste right, in fact, it tasted like shite. Even fat free don't taste that messed up."  [Downtown Chick Chat]

3:51:56 AM    


The Cost of Ted Koppel, Quisling

"Our enemies have made a bet -- that the West in general and America in particular are soft and decadent and have no attention span; that the ''sleeping giant'' Admiral Yamamoto feared he'd wakened at Pearl Harbor can no longer be roused."  [American Digest]

This time it will take a lot more to wake the sleeping giant.  The education system in the country has had over half a century to do the job of dumbing down the population.   And a damned fine job they have done I might add!  Manhattan and D.C. will be memories before the giant stirs this time.

3:44:35 AM    


Chandra Time-Lapse Movie

The pulsing Crab

If your using Windows Media Player be sure to go back and click play after mpeg is fully loaded.

3:32:54 AM    


The next Kerry?    

"So color me suspicious of this man, coming to us trying to pass off his tale dressed up in the cloak of a soldier disappointed that he and his troops lacked the support he felt they deserved, or were misused in their task by their leadership. And color me concerned as well, as the Lieutenant stated on This Week that he has been agitating and organizing within his battalion this message he spreads. He should perhaps tread lightly - it is one thing to speak his mind in public, and allow people to draw their own conclusions, make up their own minds. It is quit another for an officer of a military organization to use his position to persuade his fellow servicemen to vote one way or another."   [Silent Running]

3:20:10 AM    


Demon Fat

"But a growing group of historians and cultural critics who study fat say this obsession is based less on science than on morality. Insidious attitudes about politics, sex, race or class are at the heart of the frenzy over obesity, these scholars say, a frenzy they see as comparable to the Salem witch trials, McCarthyism and even the eugenics movement."  [NYT]

3:03:27 AM    


The End of American Jewry's Golden Era

"Moderate Islam is not standing up to the extremists in most places of the world. As a result the United States has to confront them."   [Common Sense and Wonder]

Figures!  We should be use to having to take care of the worlds problems by now.  What if we just stopped doing that some day?  I'm sure Europe would step up to the plate and take care of their own problems.  Right?

2:57:06 AM    


5/3/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

2:46:39 AM    


Engrish of the Day

It's a glass loots movement.

2:45:50 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Comets Bradfield and LINEAR Rising

2:43:51 AM    

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