Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:29:16 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Monday, May 17, 2004


"Why Do They Hate Us?"

"Well, you might have a point if it wasn't for the fact that you've misunderstood a very basic fact: They don't "hate" us. They ENVY us. And the ONLY way that we can make them stop doing that is to make ourselves inferior to them. Because the only thing they truly hate is not being on top of the hill. It's quite natural too. Mankind didn't get to where it is today by longing to be at the bottom of the food chain, we got there by constantly trying to be in control, to be on top and to be the ones everybody else listened to.

Well, currently we're sitting on top of that hill, and it pisses the ones at the bottom off, which is perfectly normal.

What ISN'T perfectly normal is this self-destructive urge that the Loony Left has to jump down off the top of the hill and let somebody else take over.

Just because somebody "hates" you doesn't automatically mean that you're wrong.

The sooner we realize that, and the sooner we stop trying to please everybody regardless of the cost, the shorter this war will be."

11:30:24 PM    


P.C. Olympics

[Cox & Forkum]

11:22:30 PM    


The Woman Who Would Be First Daughter

"No questions about my dad, but I have nothing to hide." LOOKING VERY EUROPEAN, John Kerry's daughter exhibited the taste, style, judgment and discernment that has become a hallmark of her party. [American Digest]


11:06:29 PM    


Sarin Gas and Lazy Reporters

I foolishly decided to see how the major news services were handling the report of sarin gas found in Iraq. I didn't get far before I found this from the AP.[PoliPundit]

11:01:08 PM    


Reagan Launches Last Tomcat.

[Planenews Aviation News Portal]

10:56:33 PM    


Supreme Court Shuns Female Pilot's Appeal.

[Planenews Aviation News Portal]

10:50:33 PM    


Car Talk

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

8:12:46 PM    




8:08:37 PM    


Bowling for 9/11

"Well, some reviews of Michael Moore's new movie are out, and it's time for the fact checking to begin. 

If Bush was into career moves he wouldn't have taken a job with a fixed salary and no opportunity for advancement.

The attacks allowed the President to push through Congress restrictive laws that would have been defeated in any climate but the “war on terror” chill.

Actually, the courts finally ruled that the Patriot Act didn't actually grant any powers that weren't already there, if Clinton, Reno, and Gorelick had been willing to use them."  [bastardsword]

7:20:53 PM    


Media quick to poo poo inconvenient facts

"What!?! No, no no no, noooo. It's just background information folks...Prior to the war, U.N. inspectors had compiled a short list of proscribed items found during hundreds of surprise inspections: fewer than 20 old, empty chemical warheads for battlefield rockets,...

It's looking like the 'no evidence of such weapons' part is pretty much out the window, since this isn't a report about something that happened today - the binary Sarin round was a couple of days ago, and the Mustard round was about a week ago. And the announcements were made following the results of 'further testing', which confirmed the contents."  [Silent Running]

4:36:47 PM    


At least the Iraqi's understand whats really going on even if the press in this country does not.

Victory in Fallujah

"They were brought here by the acts of one coward who was hunted out of a rathole — Saddam — who disgraced us all," Latif said. "Let us tell our children that these men (U.S. troops) came here to protect us.

"As President Bush said, they did not come here to occupy our land but to get rid of Saddam. We can help them leave by helping them do their job, or we can make them stay ten years and more by keeping fighting."   [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

4:34:21 PM    


More Lies on WMDs - Nerve Gas

Lies! Lies! Lies! Did Gen. Kimmitt not read Politburo Diktat #69, issued personally by First Comrade Sean Penn Himself?

"There are no WMDs in Iraq. There are no WMDs in Iraq. There are no WMDs in Iraq. There are no WMDs in Iraq. There are no WMDs in Iraq. " [The Politburo Diktat]

4:27:06 PM    


Pilots Ferry Millions in Cashed Checks Nightly.

[Planenews Aviation News Portal]

1:20:30 PM    


Political daydreams..

An idea on Presidential politics struck me this weekend. Let's assume for the moment that the Kerry campaign continues to flounder, and President Bush picks himself up off the floor and gets his numbers back up. Since this is what... [Attaboy]

Joe is really thinking to the future.  I had not given any thought to the 2008 election and just assumed that it was Billary's for the taking.  I only see one flaw in Joe's thinking which is that Condi has no aspirations to power and being the true "Smartest Woman in America" would not want to be president.  If Joe's scenario were to come to pass, they would have to find a padded room for Hillary and place her on 24 hour suicide watch for the rest of her natural life!

With four more years of Bush and eight years of Condi you would have to place the entire leadership of the Democratic Party in the same room where they would spend the rest of their lives bouncing off the walls or sitting in a corner drooling.

12:52:35 PM    


Michael Smerconish responds to comments by Michael Berg.

"The America that all of us grew up in no longer exists. But that is not attributable to the Patriot Act, nor any other effort to combat the lawlessness that changed the world on 9/11. You are blaming D-Day for the attack on Pearl Harbor. If you wish blame someone or some group for the disappearance of your America, may I suggest you start with al Qaeda?

Nick Berg didn't die because librarians are at risk under the Patriot Act. He didn't die because he was sent to war by the president and secretary of defense. He didn't die because of the absence of negotiations. He died because some sick SOB with an insatiable hatred for all that is good and decent in this world took his life. The sooner all Americans unite against our common enemy, the sooner we will return to the America in which we were all reared."

[Common Sense and Wonder]

6:12:59 AM    


Fred meets the Linux Weenies!

"Other posts--- many from people who dropped in from various Linux forums, skimmed the article, posted a flame, and left--- were, well, somewhat less helpful. <g>

I've read through all the myriad original posts and extracted what I think are the main areas of controversy--- the ones that are ripest for clarification and comment. They include:

  • "You're being too harsh; you expect too much of Linux."
  • "It's not a Linux problem; it's user error."
  • "No sound? So what? Sound is for wusses anyway."
  • "Stop complaining and write your own driver."
  • "You're hiding/lying/ignorant about your hardware."
  • "It's all BS; you just wanted a sensational headline."

 If you've ever tried Linux yourself, you may have run into some of these kinds of criticisms, too--- especially the "You're too stupid to use Linux" argument. Should you ever find yourself under attack by the more, um, enthusiastic Linux supporters, some of my answers may help you."

Fred is a nice person and calls these rabid vermin "enthusiastic Linux supporters."  One of them is even sane and doesn't drool from the mouth.

5:16:32 AM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 NGC 3372: The Great Nebula in Carina

1:46:25 AM    


Dhimmicratic Party

 "When you get down to the brass tacks, there's more truth than humor in this parody. For all intents and purposes, the Democrat Party won't be happy until all citizens of United States of America live as second-class citizens under Islamofascist dhimmitude.

The more this election year progresses, the more it's plain just who the terrorists would vote for...and it wouldn't be Bush, that's for damned sure." [Sacred Cow]

1:43:22 AM    


Engrish of the Day

I hear its going to be a high-rise....

1:41:11 AM    


Da Goddess is two years old today!


Two years of bloggy goodness/strangeness..... I have met some of the most interesting people over the last couple of years and you all never cease to amaze me. Thank you for everything! Can't wait to see what the next two years bring. [Da Goddess]

1:15:19 AM    


1 Reason Not To Post

Today, I experienced 1 simple reason not to post to this blog. I was out teaching women how to shoot. We trained 38 women today. One asked me some questions after the wrapup about the law. I gave her the... [The Bitch Girls]

12:55:08 AM    


Beginner Books

The Banned Book of Dr. Seuss!. Did Dr. Seuss once write a children's book since banned due to its references to suicide and violence? [New Urban Legends]

12:52:44 AM    


Station Break

Are gas stations routinely imposing an extra $10 fee on credit card customers? [New Urban Legends]

12:50:23 AM    


Pain in the Gas

Will participating in a one-day gas out on May 19 help bring the retail price of gasoline down? [New Urban Legends]

12:44:15 AM    


The rest of the story.

A Call to the Media

"For the past 34 years I have been an interrogator in the Utah Army National Guard, serving my country proudly in this capacity. I have performed my duties as an interrogation team chief in many capacities in a variety of situations. I have been to two wars in the Middle East as a chief warrant officer, conducting numerous interrogations, screenings, debriefings, etc. I have been to South Korea some 40 plus times, been through countless interrogation exercises, and have personally conducted numerous debriefings of North Korean defectors.

I welcome any news media that would like to delve into the details of the other side of the story, the one that represents the way most American soldiers act. I would love to have the opportunity to explain my world, from my perspective, the one shared by the majority of soldiers and especially interrogators. I will gladly give them the finer details of each phase or approach that was used.

Why can?t we show the world that what they are seeing is an isolated incident not representative of the thousands of soldiers who do sincerely care and who have accepted the humanity of our fellow brothers, the Iraqis.

This is your chance News Media. This is a way for you to redeem yourselves from the barrage of accusations that you are biased and one sided, that you are just looking for any opportunity to crucify us and our leaders, and that you fail to provide us the American people with balanced factual reporting. We need to offset the continual flow of negative degrading reporting with factual positive stories of all the good that is being done.

Can you not hear the scream of the American people, demanding a relief from the depressing images plastered across every magazine, tabloid, and screen? Are you listening to your audience who wants balanced, truthful and unbiased reporting?"  [Chief Wiggles]

Do you think anyone in the media will call Chief Wiggles?  I don't.

12:40:49 AM    


5/17/2004   Day By Day Cartoon

12:32:02 AM    

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