Updated: 5/3/2004; 7:33:21 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear.

Friday, April 30, 2004




There was a shift during the Vietnam War, from blaming the Government to also blaming the individual US trooper.  [Left Coast Conservative]

11:48:42 PM    


Sexy Twins

Oh go ahead and click it guys ... you know you want to.   [Grouchy Old Cripple]

11:40:08 PM    


Striking Back in Canada

When your health care is controlled by the government and the health care unions, this is what you end up with.  [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

11:32:13 PM    


You Go Rovers!

" As of Monday, Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, have completed all the tasks NASA required before the space agency would consider the double mission a success."

11:26:25 PM    


 Joe Says It Was So
Remember Joe Wilson, the loudmouthed former ambassador who stirred up a kerfuffle last year by claiming that BUSH LIED!!!! when he purportedly said Saddam Hussein's Iraq had sought to buy uranium in Niger? Now Wilson has a book out, and it seems he's changing his story. The Washington Post reports:

It was Saddam Hussein's information minister, Mohammed Saeed Sahhaf, often referred to in the Western press as "Baghdad Bob," who approached an official of the African nation of Niger in 1999 to discuss trade--an overture the official saw as a possible effort to buy uranium. . . .

In his book, Wilson recounts his encounter with the unnamed Niger official in 2002, saying, he "hesitated and looked up to the sky as if plumbing the depths of his memory, then offered that perhaps the Iraqi might have wanted to talk about uranium." Wilson did not get the Iraqi's name in 2002, but he writes that he talked to his source again four months ago, and that the former official said he saw Sahhaf on television before the start of the war and recognized him as the person he talked to in 1999.

Weird. Wilson was a cause célèbre on the Angry Left for awhile there (there was also something about his wife, if we remember right), but apparently for no reason. [WSJ]

It just gets weirder and weirder!  What happened?  Did the Clintons or the DNC forget to send this guy his check?  Jheez!  I can't take much more craziness from the left.  Wait a minute! ....... you don't suppose?

11:12:09 PM    



Harvard University Professor Weldong Xu, 38, a former
  researcher at the prestigious Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, told
  colleagues, students and friends that he had started a research company
  in China to cure Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. He managed
  to collect $600,000 in "investments" from 35 people before police in
  Boston, Mass., caught up with him -- while he was pressing a victim for
  more money in the Dana-Farber cafeteria. The SARS research company was
  a scam. So what was he doing with the money? He told police he had a
  "business investment" with "partners" in N&ger&a he met by e-mail, and
  was to collect $50 million from a horde of cash -- a classic Internet
  fraud. "I tried to tell him he'd been scammed, but he never caught on,"
  said Detective Steve Blair. (Boston Globe, Boston Herald) ...Proving
  you don't have to be stupid to be an idiot.

Found at This is True.com

10:58:03 PM    


Deus Ex Machina

 The dramatic arrival of Major General Jassem Mohamed Saleh  with the newly formed Fallujah Protection Army, to which the USMC is supposed to hand over control of Fallujah, must rank as one of the most surprising episodes of the war. The Washington Post said:

The surprise agreement in Fallujah, which was authorized by Marine Lt. Gen. James T. Conway, is intended to give more responsibility to Iraqis for subduing the city while attempting defuse tensions by pulling Marines back from front-line positions. ... The Marines will be replaced by a new militia called the Fallujah Protection Army, which will comprise 900 to 1,100 Iraqis who served in the military or other security services under former president Saddam Hussein, Marine officers said. The militia will be commanded by a group of former Iraqi generals, the officers said.

"They will bring in former Iraqi soldiers who are committed to fighting and maintaining the peace in Fallujah," said Lt. Col. Brennan Byrne, a battalion commander who was briefed on the deal. "They'll pick up from us," Byrne said. "The plan is that eventually the whole of Fallujah will be under the control of the Fallujah Protection Army. The goal is that anyone should be able to come into the city without being attacked."

[Belmont Club]

Be sure to go read the whole thing folks.  I would give a part of my anatomy on the lower left side if Belmont Club would get away from Blogsplat and get a RSS feed.  I miss all the good stuff because there just isn't enough time in the day to look at the blogs I can't see on my newsreader.  This evening for example I have been away from the computer for 6 hours and I now have 323 posts to dig through.  I will end up falling asleep and just dump more than half of them.  Who knows what gems I will miss.

Anyway ... thanks to Great Big Turkey (inside joke folks) for the email that made me look back at them tonight.

10:53:05 PM    



"It is impossible not to believe that the decision to list of the names of the Fallen in Iraq is politically motivated, and is done as an anti-war gesture. If that was not the case, why not include the names of the Fallen from Afghanistan?"   [The Spoons Experience]

4:35:32 PM    


Hippie Hangout

"Somebody here is chatting about how Bush is the master of evil, but is still thinking about voting for Nader. Go ahead. Make our day. He thinks that Kerry is just not "green" enough for his tastes. His friend is objecting. A heated discussion, to say the least. Oh, what's this? An quasi-legal Kucinich sticker peeking out of his ragged backpack, otherwise festooned with the badges of Leftist "heroes" of the day: Che; Mao; Lenin. Hasn't he heard that they lost?

Apparently not. The last Bastion of Communism might very well prove to be the heart of the Bay Area. Misguided fools, the lot of them."  [Shining full plate and a good broadsword]

4:32:23 PM    


Letter from Baghdad.   Letter from a senior NCO in Baghdad.   [Winds of Change.NET]

2:36:22 PM    


Koppel to Read Names of Saddam's Victims    [ScrappleFace]

2:23:46 PM    


Woopee!  People living in my home state can now chant ... "We're number 49!  We're number 49!"

Living safe!

If we all moved to the safest place in the country we would all live in Vermont and North Dakota.  Then we would be living in the least safe places because as we all know people just can't get along.

I am a little surprised at the rate some states are dashing to the top of the list.  What's going on in Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Texas?

I am also surprised to see that there are 11 states more dangerous to live in than California.  If you look at the summation scores you can see there is a huge difference in the numbers between this state and the ones at the top.  Of course there will be huge differences in the crime rate even within each state.  If you live where I do in California you can get away with leaving your door unlocked but I probably wouldn't do that in LA.  I would like to see this same type of list for all the medium to large cities in the U.S.  It probably already exists but I'm to lazy to look for it today.

1:54:31 PM    


Rene The Pussy

Turns out that Rene is an anti-Semitic, anti-American asshole. He's also a pussy. More on him plus a picture of... [Grouchy Old Cripple]

Go see what the creep looks like.

10:57:22 AM    


That Monkey is Strangling that Poor Dog!. Fan Club II has a caption contest.... [IMAO]

10:51:36 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Did that bag just insult me?

10:28:31 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Eyeful of Saturn

10:26:55 AM    


The Real Spirit of America. Aside from all the equipment and the buzz of the event, the real meaning of Spirit of America was in the faces of the people who were there. At one point, the kids were racing from Marine to Marine, asking for autographs. It was good to see the children looking up to the men and women who are out there, defending our Freedom. [Da Goddess]

Wish I could have been there.  Go look at the pictures.

10:25:19 AM    


This is why comments are still not turned on.  Until the server problems are fixed I would just turn them off again.

Re: Userland's New Hosting Rocks  blueArrow
4/29/2004; 2:50:37 PM (reads: 36, responses: 0)
It's true, the servers are faster, except for the radiocomments(2) server(s). My blog keeps waiting for those to load. That way people think my blog is slow, while it isn't..

9:12:00 AM    


Molly Ivins - Incredible Idiocy

"Why is it that flakes like Ivins believe that someone (I suppose it the President or Ashcroft) is going to eliminate their right to speak out against policy? Is there some secret force of jack-booted storm troopers ready to sweep down on the next big protest event that focuses on something the administration doesn't like? Can we expect any Tiananmen Squares on the Washingtom Mall in the future? Ivins apparently believes this, since she opens her column by describing what fun the march was and how important it was for these women to protest, as she claims, "while we still can." Molly, trust me, if President Bush or any of his official designees wanted to put a stop to your party, it would have taken ten minutes for an armed military unit to clear those streets and toss a few feminists in jail for some speech crime. You know, like Saddam used to do in Iraq, or like they used to do in the old Communist bloc. But, 228 years of American history is still on your side, and I don't see that changing. Ever. So simmer down."   [Attaboy]

9:01:12 AM    


The Georgia angle on the quality of student turned out at umass..........

a true prick

 Let's get one thing straight: Even a prick has the right to say what he thinks.   [Gut Rumbles]

7:39:17 AM    


Commission Impossible    [Cox & Forkum]

7:31:53 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

7:29:39 AM    


School Vouchers Saving Millions

An interesting new article on the Milton Friedman Foundation website shows New Hampshire saving millions of dollars with their school voucher program.  [Alternate Voice]

1:31:42 AM    


Libs can't stand success.  Success means they have no reason to exist!

Success Story

The new issue of City Journal has been out for a while, but I just got around to reading Steven Malanga's article, "What Does the War on Wal-Mart Mean?" . [Wizblog]

1:24:30 AM    


Henry David Thoreau

"It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

1:12:32 AM    


We're all gonna die!


And can someone please tell me how one of the imagined consequences of global warming is a fricking ice-age that freezes the eastern seaboard in less than a week? Hey, Hollywood and dumb leftoid greenie panic-merchants! Call us once you get your story straight!  [Silent Running]

1:04:30 AM    


Here's your list Koppel! 

I'm sure those other people would not care to have their names pass your lips!

Found the list thanks to Michele at A Small Victory.

Looks like not all the stations thought the list reading was such a great idea.

12:39:31 AM    


Get the shirt.

12:21:41 AM    


4/30/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

12:14:22 AM    

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