Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:55 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004


His first mouse.......

8:22:55 PM    


Oh, that liberal media..

No doubt, had the roles been reversed in this story, the shrieks of "prejudice!" and "oppression!" would be echoing through the bay area and christopher street, while the ACLU and other nutball organizations would be pushing for boycotts and marches. But, they're not, because "equality" only applies to Minorities, dontchaknow.   [Capitalist Lion]

8:14:37 PM    


Rethinking Uncle Tom

Found at [annika's journal]

8:00:29 PM    


QUAGMIRE!  Get us out of Illinois!

Four Hurt, 4 Missing in Tornadoes in Ill. (AP). AP - A severe storm spawning tornadoes cut a swath through northcentral Illinois on Tuesday, tearing the roof off a school, collapsing buildings and injuring at least four people, authorities said. Four others were reported missing. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

7:50:10 PM    


The "BITE ME" award of the day goes to..........

Dominican Republic to Pull Out of Iraq (AP). AP - The Dominican Republic will pull its troops out of Iraq early, in the next few weeks, following the lead of Spain and Honduras, Gen. Jose Miguel Soto Jimenez said Tuesday. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

7:48:25 PM    


7:43:37 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Comet Hale Bopp Over Indian Cove

6:01:56 PM    


A report from a "Mercenary"..

This is an email I received. I've snipped the photos because the author asked reciepients to do so - not from copyright perspectives, so much as from family security perpectives. I'll let the rest of it speak for itself. 03APR04... [Castle Argghhh!]

5:50:43 PM    


Ice Cream Prices Rise; Left Proclaims "It's Bush's fault!"

The DNC has issued a press release accusing President Bush of "failing to protect the American consumer" from ice cream prices that are "record highs, the highest in the history of the universe!"   [Reality Hammer]

5:46:32 PM    


AP finally gets it right on gas prices

Stung by the criticism that it either can't count or can't do research, AP finally has stated gas prices in the correct context in a recent story:

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, of which Saudi Arabia is a leading member, had announced at the end of March that it would cut its crude oil production target by 4 percent. That decision was expected to push prices higher - and U.S. motorists already have been paying the highest prices in recent years for gasoline.

(Emphasis added)

Hey, it only took them a few months. That is better than never, right?

Now if we could only get the rest of the left to stop claiming that gas prices are the "highest in history". [Reality Hammer]

5:45:08 PM    


How Bush Caused 9/11

"For the past two years, I could have sworn it was a bunch of fanatical Muslims under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden that hijacked four planes and crashed three of them into American buildings.

But now I learn that these events were actually caused by George W. Bush. I know this because I've heard noble patriots like Richard Clarke come forward and blame him for it.

It's time for a few doses of reality."    found thanks to [American RealPolitik]

5:43:04 PM    


More Letters From the Front

"What you won't hear on audio-bites "...parts of Falluja/Ramadi still under enemy control..." or from those fat phoney ****s Kennedy and Kerry et.al. is this: "Dad, we are kicking the living **** out of those mother****ers." It seems that the group that got ambushed were elements of 'G' 2/4. The rags set up diversional ambush sites elsewhere in Ramadi to draw attention and devoted their main effort on the Golf''s routine foot patrol. Nick has been told that the Ramadi front is designed to take heat off Falluja (2/1 and 1/5...1st recon is there as well). MAP 3 was called to provide relief to 'G.' Nick says that as they moved up, the rags were performing disciplined, as he calls it, "bounding fire and movement---they knew what they were doing---even when we knocked them back, they were 'bounding' " When I asked if he had cranked-off any rounds he replied with disgust, "Uhhh...yeahhhhh" (a version of 'no duh')...Dad our platoon alone has killed over 200 of those (again) mother****ers."     [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

This war is so different than the past in one way.  The liberal slanted sound bites heard here at home are now heard by the troops in the field.  They can send e-mail the same day telling their loved ones back home that the crap they are hearing on the news is just that ... CRAP!  Reading the excerpt above seems to indicate that some of our troops are not all that enamored with some of our legislators.

5:31:53 PM    


Do you have a dangerous dog?

From the Seattle Times we find this little bit of moonbatiness. Some city councils have entirely too much time on their hands, it would seem. In Auburn, they call it Fritz's Law -- a proposed dog-control ordinance named in honor... [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

1:32:10 PM    


No Comment!

Babes without makeup.

1:20:16 PM    


Goof Gallery


12:11:01 PM    


Stick figure Hardcore P0rn!    [flabbergasted]

11:31:10 AM    


Call to Action.......

According to WorldNetDaily.com, "A University of
California at Berkeley lecturer speaking at an anti-
war rally Saturday called for a Palestinian-style
intifada, or uprising, against the United States in
response to American actions in the Middle East."

[Dizzy Girl]

11:16:06 AM    


Hillary's Jamaican vacation

Via the Jamaica Observer According to Observer sources, between her aides, friends and Secret Service protectors, [Hillary] Rodham Clinton's entourage occupied 40 rooms. Only 40 rooms, at one of the most exclusive resorts in the Caribbean. And guess who's footing... [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

10:58:37 AM    


Kerry's Konspiracy

"Kerry would probably be doing better in the polls if he'd, ya know, actually take a position on something other than "Bush = Hitler," make that position consistent, and quit spinning ludicrous conspiracy theories. He's trying to get elected by gimmicks and phrases, rather than by presenting a clear political alternative.   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

10:47:13 AM    


Garry Trudeau Slices off Character's Leg

"I admit, I quit reading the strip when it became a preachy, boring self-caricature. Maybe I missed the series where Duke's pal Honey goes back to China, raises a family, tries to have a third child, and has her newborn murdered by the attending Communist physician. Could someone send me a Xerox of that?

While I'm waiting for it, as far as I'm concerned, Trudeau can hack the legs off the whole imaginary "Doonesbury" crew. Call me inkthirsty."   [HOG ON ICE]

I'd like to hack something off Trudeau to send to the boys in Iraq to play with ... too bad he doesn't have any!

10:44:09 AM    


government knows best

"Did your parents spank you when you were a child? Did you get a righteous ass-whuppin' every now and then because you richly deserved it? I did. Hell, a couple of times I earned the dreaded "two-fer." I fucked up, got caught, Mama whupped my ass, and when Daddy came home from work and learned what I had done, HE whupped me, too.

Was I abused? Hell, no. My parents loved me and wanted me to grow up right. They needed to get my undivided attention sometimes and they knew then what I now understand today.

There is a direct channel from a young boy's ass straight to his brain. You can lecture him all you want to, but words don't hit that bee-line to the brain that a firm smack on the ass does. I know from personal experience. Spankings are a necessary form of good parenting."  [Gut Rumbles]

10:29:07 AM    


The World Stinks

" I have contempt for the United Nations. It is one of the great obstacles to goodness and decency on this planet. Its moral record -- outside of a few specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization -- is almost entirely supportive of evil and condemnatory of good. It is dominated by the most morally backward governments in the world -- those from the Arab and Muslim worlds, the Communists during their heyday and African despots. It appointed Libya, a despotic, primitive state, to head its Human Rights Commission, whose members include China, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. Neither the United States nor Israel sits on the Commission."   [Common Sense and Wonder]

It's not the world that stinks .... just the human infestation on it's surface!

6:58:01 AM    


4/20/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

6:34:10 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

6:33:00 AM    


Peter da Silva  "Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."  [Quotes of the Day]

6:32:06 AM    


Chicago Lights

 "You might think meteor expert Steven Simon knew exactly what was happening one evening when the skies over his home were lit up by an exploding, 2,000-pound space rock bigger than a refrigerator. But it was only the next day, when nearby residents brought him chunks of the extraterrestrial visitor that had landed in the street and punched through their roofs, that Simon began to understand the true nature of the frightening event."  [Space.com]

6:20:16 AM    


 On the Defensive Again

Perhaps on the theory that the best offense is a good defense, John Kerry raised questions about his own patriotism in a Pittsburgh speech Friday, falsely accusing Republicans of attacking it. The Associated Press reports:

"I'm tired of Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and a bunch of people who went out of their way to avoid their chance to serve when they had the chance," the Massachusetts senator said. "I'm not going to listen to them talk to me about patriotism."

The truth be told, Republicans almost never question Democrats' patriotism. Even if there is reason to question it, to do so would look vicious and unseemly and would almost certainly backfire on the Republican politician who tried it.

Kerry knows this, which is why he (and many Democrats before him) is so eager to perpetuate the myth that Republicans are questioning his patriotism. But anyone who's paying attention knows it's not true, and as we've patiently tried to explain, to accuse someone of attacking your patriotism is to raise questions about it.

But Kerry's Pittsburgh statement is even more ludicrous. Not only does he falsely attack Rove and Cheney of attacking his patriotism; he actually does attack their patriotism, thereby showing himself to be as vicious and unseemly as the Republicans are not.  [WSJ]

6:12:53 AM    


Oil Is Not Well

Kofi Annan can run, but he can't Hyde.

 "The U.N.'s mechanisms for controlling Oil-for-Food contracts were inadequate, transparency went by the wayside, and effective internal review of the program did not occur. . . . If the United Nations cannot be trusted to run a humanitarian program, its other activities, including peacekeeping, arms inspection regimes or development projects may be called into question." [WSJ]

6:10:44 AM    


Great Air Show Pictures

Thanks OD

6:06:42 AM    

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