Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:43:50 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Saturday, April 10, 2004


The Blame Game

I was just sitting here thinking about the ridiculous partisan sniping that's been going on lately about who knew what about 9/11 and who did what or didn't do what. It's just ridiculous to try and nail the whole of 9/11 down to one event, one memo, or one missed opportunity. It's like a basketball team who loses the game right at the buzzer. In the locker room you don't go to the guy who missed the final shot and blame him for losing the game.   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

11:47:27 PM    


Kerry's Iraq Plan: Liberalism in Inaction

"George Bush is in a situation no President wants to be in. There are no easy, painless answers, and no matter what he does, a lot of people are going to be very unhappy with him, and there will be lots of opportunities for cheap shots and demagogic criticism. Up until now, this has been a bonanza for Democrats, and John Kerry has never missed a chance to put a verbal knife in George Bush's back.

But wait! Suddenly, Kerry realizes the shoe may be on the other foot soon. Yes, a few short months from now, Kerry may be in charge of Iraq and the war on terror, and it'll be the REPUBLICANS who can sit back, relatively free from accountability, and look for openings for cheap shots."  [HOG ON ICE]

11:44:33 PM    


SF "Insurgence Solidarity March"

The Morlocks at Nazimedia have their own photos from the demonstrations in San Francisco. Titled: Pictures From Insurgence Solidarity March. But whatever you do, don't question their patriotism. Dude. More photos from the San Francisco Moronic Convergence here and here. Lots and lots of Palestinian flags and kaffiyeh in ... [Little Green Footballs]

11:39:32 PM    



"Anyone with an ounce of integrity would read the August 6 Presidential Daily Briefing and see that it is just as the National Security Advisor described. There was simply nothing in that memo that gave any information we could act on -- other than the 70+ investifations we already had going (and which Drum conveniently forgets to mention). Of course, that doesn't stop Drum from selectively quoting and piecing together snippets out of context in an attempt to make it seem as if the Administration had enough information to prevent 9/11."   [The Spoons Experience]

Ass Kissing mode on..............

Spoons asks in the first sentence of this post......

"Are there no honest, decent liberals in the blogosphere? None at all?"

Well ... yes, there is one that I know of.  I was privileged to meet him at the Spirit of America gathering at Camp Pendleton on January 21st of this year.  He calls himself the Armed Liberal and is a pleasure to be around.  I was shocked to meet a self professed liberal who one can have a political conversation with and come away feeling refreshed instead of wanting to take a long shower to wash off the bile.  I heard no "Bush lies", "Bush is Hitler", or "Bush stole the election", from him.  I had never been near a liberal who I wanted to listen to more that a few seconds.  You come away feeling like you learned something about how they think and why they think that way. 

Ass Kissing mode off............

You can find him posting now at Winds of Change.  Start with this one.

10:52:25 PM    


August 6, 2001 PDB Declassified

What in God's name in this report gave any specific warning that coordinated hijackings would turn planes into guided missiles? Nothing. There is absolutely nothing in this PDB that could have prevented 9/11, and Ben-Veniste and Kerrey knew it -- because they had already read it. Why did Ben-Veniste and Kerrey demand its declassification? Because they thought they wouldn't get it, and wanted to suggest that the Bush administration was covering up something. Ben-Veniste and Kerrey bluffed, and today their bluff got called. Game over. They've been exposed as political hacks, and should withdraw immediately from the commission, or else the commission should disband. [Captain's Quarters]

6:27:27 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Facing NGC 6946

5:44:09 PM    


All that fuss for this?

"Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997' has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."

Wooptie Doo!

5:14:42 PM    


Fog of War

"The Battle of New Orleans was actually fought after the US and UK had signed the Treaty of Ghent, ending the war. News of the treaty didn't reach that area in time."  [USS Clueless]

5:00:58 PM    


Today's BITE BE! goes to Spain ... again.

4:43:55 PM    


Time to put your money where your mouth is Kerry supporters.

A Web Page In the Pot for Everybody from John Kerry!

The ever-alert Kevin has spotted the good Senator's offer of a web page to all inWizbang: John Kerry is graciously offering you your very own web page on his campaign site. Shouldn't you take him up on it? We did our job HERE.  Why not give him a minute and pitch in for THE HOLY CAUSE! Remember to save a screen capture of your work, because as Allah notes, "This won't last long."... [American Digest]

4:39:40 PM    


Oh, Canada, the Naive

"Bell, who writes for the National Post and is, in my view, Canada's leading reporter on national security and terrorism, has taken on the courageous task of warning Canadians about the terrorists living among us. This has stirred up a real hornets' nest. He has been threatened by many who don't like his message and has been branded as anti-Islamic by the Canadian Islamic Congress. Such is the fate of those who say what others are afraid to say."  [Common Sense and Wonder]

Thanks for all the help Canada.  We knew you wouldn't let us down!

4:36:20 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Passing Gas!

4:28:33 PM    


Doing Well By Doing Right

Over at Political Animal, Kevin Drum is properly ridiculing Jay Nordlinger for claiming that "those who despise Wal-Mart are the very ones who may not be so crazy about the United States." I've got a... [Winds of Change.NET]

4:24:07 PM    


Easter Cats For Pumpman 5    [Grouchy Old Cripple]

If I was this cat I would definitely be looking to run away first chance.

3:43:17 PM    


Quantum Democrats   Evan Coyne Maloney

"But instead of trying to analyze what works and what doesn't in the hopes that we might do better in the future, it is obvious that assigning blame--not securing our nation against terrorists--is the true goal of the Democratic party today. That's because Democratic politicians mistakenly believe that they can regain power merely by pointing accusatory fingers at President Bush. But voters are a little smarter than that. If voters see nothing from the Democrats other than anger, if they see accusations but no alternatives, if they only see a series of self-contradictory criticisms, voters will see right through it."

3:39:37 PM    


Preemption Is Wrong, Except When It's Not


"AN ALTERNATIVE HISTORY: washington, april 9, 2004. A hush fell over the city as George W. Bush today became the first president of the United States ever to be removed from office by impeachment. Meeting late into the night, the Senate unanimously voted to convict Bush following a trial on his bill of impeachment from the House.

Moments after being sworn in as the 44th president, Dick Cheney said that disgraced former national security adviser Condoleezza Rice would be turned over to the Hague for trial in the International Court of Justice as a war criminal. Cheney said Washington would "firmly resist" international demands that Bush be extradited for prosecution as well."

3:33:28 PM    


April 9th, And Where Are the Pro-U.S. Iraqis?

"In the wake of Sadr's uprising, some readers have asked where all of the allegedly pro-US Iraqis are right now and why they aren't opposing this Khomeini wannabe's efforts to take over their country. The answer? They are.

In closing, it is worth noting that Radio Farda is citing the Italian intelligence and media reports that Sadr is receiving in excess of $70,000,000 in funding from Iran to carry out this little uprising in addition to corroborating other reports about him being reinforced by the IRGC and Qods Force, the latter being an elite division of the Iranian military answerable only to Ayatollah Khamenei. If this is in fact true, then there is no way for anyone conclude that Sadr isn't being backed at the highest levels of the Iranian military-intelligence establishment or that Khamenei is at the absolute least providing tacit assistance to attacks on US and coalition forces in Iraq."   [Winds of Change.NET]

11:24:42 AM    


Iraqi Communist Party Statement

Even good comrades in Baghdad have this to say: Statement of the Political Bureau: About Recent Events The recent tragic and grave developments, which have taken place during the past few days in several cities in Iraq and resulted in hundreds of people killed and wounded, have only intensified the suffering of Iraqis and deepened their already sore wounds. It is quite clear that these developments do not serve, in any way, the country?s stability,... [The Politburo Diktat]

11:16:00 AM    


Tax Cuts

"With a gigantic IRS 1040 income-tax form covering a slightly ajar door presumably leading to a room filled with tightly guarded information, the headline of Newsweek's current cover story screams: "The Dirty Little Secret of the Tax Cut: Why It's Smaller Than You Think." Inside, the article greets the reader with the bold assertion: "Why Your Tax Cut Doesn't Add Up." But the only thing that doesn't add up is the article itself. It is replete with misstatements and distortions masquerading as the real-life experiences of Americans since President Bush's tax cuts were enacted in 2001 and 2003."   [Common Sense and Wonder]

11:10:53 AM    


11:07:36 AM    


Wi-Fi comes to Bay Area Micky D's

Be sure to check out the scrolling marquee at the bottom with some interesting fact about Wi-Fi.

Thanks Greg

11:00:58 AM    


Take a deep breath

 "Come on people, let's get a grip.

This week, Chicken Littles like Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were ranting that Iraq is another Vietnam. Pundits and sages were spinning a whole series of mutually exclusive disaster scenarios: Civil war! A nationwide rebellion!

Maybe we should calm down a bit. I've spent the last few days talking with people who've spent much of their careers studying and working in this region. We're at a perilous moment in Iraqi history, but the situation is not collapsing. We're in the middle of a battle. It's a battle against people who vehemently oppose a democratic Iraq. The task is to crush those enemies without making life impossible for those who fundamentally want what we want." [NYT]

Thanks Sid

8:38:18 AM    


They need more troops in Iraq! The sky is falling!

This has become a revitalized favorite for the Left, out of the loop retired military Talking TV heads, and anyone looking for a rock to throw at the US operation in Iraq.

Let's get the short answer out of the way first. Horse hockey.  [Silent Running]

8:25:02 AM    


Jimmah Carter Is Still an Idiot

"And if anyone could recognize a tragedy it would have to be Jimmah Carter since he presided over the tragedy known as the Carter presidency."  [Grouchy Old Cripple]

7:59:55 AM    


What a bunch of pansy ass whimps the liberal media has made this country into.  We would have loved to only have an average of a couple deaths a day in Vietnam.  Did I mention I served in Vietnam with Waffles?

Iraq = VietNam

"I'm especially tired of seeing reports of "heavy fighting" and "fierce battles" in which a grand total of 4, or 8, or 12 American soldiers are killed, put forth by journalists who have no clue what a war zone is.

You want to talk about "heavy fighting" and "fierce battles"? Read your history books, if you can find one that hasn't been "revised" by the liberals, and read about:

Bastogne...Iwo Jima...Montecasino...Normandy...Hue City...Midway...

Heavy fighting? Let's get serious here. Iraq doesn't come close. We're talking about a mop-up operation to finish off a few remaining thugs and terrorists who don't have widespread support among the Iraqi people."   [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

7:55:04 AM    


4/10/2004   Day By Day Cartoon

7:33:00 AM    

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