Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:45:08 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


"This is Jihad"

When Westerners are murdered in the name of Islam, Saudis smile and nod approval. When Saudis are murdered in the name of Islam, suddenly it's a shocking and unsettling crime: ... [Little Green Footballs]

10:56:18 PM    


Dear Babs

From: Air America To: Barbra Streisand Ms. Streisand: We are writing you this letter because we desperately need your help.... [Grouchy Old Cripple]

10:50:21 PM    


In honor of Earth Day.........

Eat more Possum!

Eco Fur G Strings - Possum Fur

10:38:44 PM    


another little war

"Here we have another little disagreement among naval gazing bloggers. John Hawkins of Right Wing News writes: "To be honest, I'm not even sure there are 35 readable blogs written by women on the right side of the blogosphere."   [Julie Neidlinger]

I agree Julie.  John needs to come up for air.

10:22:35 PM    


Kerry Gets Permission to Drive 'Family' SUV


Kerry just gets sillier by the day.  We should let ScrappleFace do all the stories on him.  They could write it today, by tomorrow it would be true.

10:11:45 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Yep!  Those are Radies alright.

7:28:21 PM    


People have eyes

"I think Mr. Bush is admired and liked after three years of war, terror, strife and recession because people have eyes.

They look at him, listen to him, and watch him every day. They can tell that George W. Bush is looking out for America. They can tell he means it. They can see his sincerity. They can tell he is doing his best. They understand his thinking because he tells them his thinking. They think he may be right. They're not sure, but at least they understand his thinking."  [WSJ]

7:12:52 PM    


Vely Intalesting!

 John Moore highlights an interesting piece of information concerning a mysterious range of dates in John F*** Kerry's record. It brings into question Kerry's military status while he was off cavorting with the enemy in '71. It would prove to... [The SmarterCop]

2:50:47 PM    



 [Allah Is In The House]

2:46:09 PM    


Michael says he's leaving.  No way!  He's doing a Kerry on us.  He'll be back in no time.

2:42:14 PM    



Did PETA place a brick with a hidden message at San Diego's PETCO Park? [New Urban Legends]

2:11:44 PM    


Another phishing expedition with Citibank as the bait.    [New Urban Legends]

2:08:41 PM    


Good old Google!  Type in "Waffles"

Earth Day 2004

11:11:51 AM    


NEWS FLASH!  This just in.........

Terrorists kill children.... Will liberals finally denounce them without reservation?

Apparently not. The miserable failure is busy pimping his latest propaganda film and waffles is pimping "Earth Day".

I'm glad they have their priorities straight. Terrorists may undermine global democracy, but at least socialist propaganda and environmental policies will survive! [Reality Hammer]

10:58:07 AM    


Saudis to Al Qaeda: You're Killing the Wrong People

The Associated Press continues their shameless whitewashing of radical Islam, with a blatantly misleading headline: Saudi Cleric Denounces Suicide Bombing. Grand Mufti Abdul-Aziz al-Sheik, the kingdom's highest religious authority, denounced the bombing in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. "God revealed the criminality of this wayward ... [Little Green Footballs]

10:53:10 AM    


Time Magazine Describes Kerry

"Democrats said they thought Kerry was their most "electable" candidate. That was the result, apparently, of a process of elimination; Kerry was everyone's second choice. That was a stunning achievement; Democrats never agree on anything, not even second choices--and so the Kerry anointment was an unprecedented act of pragmatism."    [PoliPundit]

10:51:15 AM    


Keep up on all the UNRON news here.

10:48:31 AM    


Kerry's latest ads

How long before the president or Karl Rove is accused of injecting "the culture war" into the campaign as soon as the president even whispers something about "gay marriage" or "heaven forbid' abortion in a speech? Well wouldn't you know it...  [PoliPundit]

10:47:01 AM    


Cold Blooded Vicious Killer!

9:43:02 AM    



"So the one thing that any society needs is the ability for the state to have a monopoly of force. This is even needed in democracies. In plain language this means that we need cops who can kick some ass...." [Hell In A Handbasket]

9:38:24 AM    


Change in the Kingdom?

"Rania al-Baz has been hailed as a hero for letting newspaper photographers snap pictures of her face and for frankly discussing her case after she said a beating by her husband earlier this month left her unconscious."


9:30:08 AM    


FN P90 (5.7x28mm)

Well now, here's the winner of the latest NATO competition for "What gun should we adopt next?"  [Kim du Toit]

9:25:30 AM    


Climate Change: A Longer View

"Though policy-makers are apparently itching to act "now" on climate change, it is clear that for the moment the status quo and "do no harm" is the preferred option. A much better understanding of natural cycles of climate change and of the magnitude of human effects on climate are needed before we consider implementing global mitigation measures. In such a regard, neither current IPCC advice nor the Kyoto Protocol are remotely adequate as a basis for action.


By encouraging the scientific angels to dance on the head of the "only-1,000-year-history" pin, the IPCC has so far signally failed to resolve the debate about a human influence on climate. It now needs to refocus its effort into understanding the causes of climate trends over a statistically more significant period, at the same time seeking to understand the unknown mechanisms which in the past have caused abrupt climate changes over periods as short as a decade."

9:16:11 AM    


"I don't want to say it's a lie, but it isn't true."

The reason, we are told, that Gary Hart's 1988 presidential campaign was derailed because of his adultery, was that... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

9:07:21 AM    


They can dish it out, but...

I love it when double standards and hypocrisy by the left are revealed in all their glory. [Attaboy]

8:47:17 AM    


Prenatally Incorrect    [Accidental Verbosity]

8:38:23 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Comet C 2002 T7 (LINEAR)

7:49:09 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

7:47:24 AM    


4/22/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

7:46:39 AM    

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