Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:43:29 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Great pics from Mojave!


It would seem that the US gov has just issued the very first license for a manned, commercial rocket! It's for SpaceShipOne, which is built by Scaled Composites. This link will take you to a pic of the craft and... [Hell In A Handbasket]

8:04:50 PM    


The Poopdeck takeover!

It's Spring Break and Grandma and Grandpa Poopdeck did the babysitting thing today.  The bridge of the Poopdeck was stormed and taken over soon after the arrival of the Munchkins!

Main bridge takeover picture

Even the secondary bridge was taken

Takeover video for those with broadband

Where do they get the energy?

7:49:36 PM    


Mosquerade   [Cox & Forkum]

7:39:34 PM    


John Kerry lies again

John Kerry is on Fox News. And, as usual, he is telling lies.   [Reality Hammer]

2:23:29 PM    


Oh the humanity!

Live From Iraq

THE VIEW FROM BAGHDAD shows us a panoramic view of the unrest in the Iraqi capital.... [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

2:19:19 PM    


Judges 5:31

We examine the e-mailed account of a judge called upon to deal with a plaintiff's complaint that atheists have no holidays. [New Urban Legends]

2:14:57 PM    



Does a Ford SportKa commercial show a cat being decapitated by a sunroof? [New Urban Legends]

2:12:21 PM    


Camel Spider

Does a photograph show U.S. soldiers in Iraq posing with camel spiders? [New Urban Legends]

Camel spider

more on the Camel Spider.......

2:09:40 PM    


If you had any doubt left in your mind about where Waffles stands on Iraq and what will happen if he is president........

Kerry: Terrorists Have "Legitimate Voice"

John Kerry continues his quest towards self-destruction today in an NPR interview this morning, as he described a radical Islamist currently attacking American troops in Iraq as a "legitimate voice" who shouldn't necessarily be arrested if encountered: In an interview... [Captain's Quarters]

2:07:54 PM    


Scientists Weight A Single Bacterium   [The Raw Feed]

1:02:00 PM    


WHY STICK PEOPLE ARE EXTINCT   [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

12:59:10 PM    


Porn Wars

ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT is launching a "War on Porn," the Baltimore Sun reports.  [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

12:51:58 PM    



Why is it that Martha Stewart can be arrested, prosecuted and sentanced for her stock sale which, though wrong, affected less people than the Tyco and Enron scandals, while those cases drag out and end in mistrials and slaps on the wrist?  [Julie Neidlinger]

12:48:25 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66

12:30:55 PM    


Just Beat It!

9:32:45 AM    


Hey Clarke! ... be careful what you wish for!

"Reconsidering" Clarke Testimony: Washington Times

"The problem with Clarke is that in his haste to do political damage to the administration that reduced his authority, he will inevitably wind up doing more damage to the previous administration by focusing on their feckless approach to terrorism specifically, and foreign policy in general. However, given the prevailing wisdom of the day, the Clinton NSS really isn't that remarkable for being bad or good; it just demonstrates a lack of imagination that could easily be applied to both sides of the political spectrum prior to 9/11. The key difference is that one side seems to have woken up since then a bit more than the other -- and Clarke desperately wants people to believe that he set the alarm clock a bit earlier than the record shows."   [Captain's Quarters]

9:14:53 AM    


Open source: expensive trend?

"Whilst the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) supplies patches and updates whenever a problem is reported, BIND is not the easiest beast to administer. More than one IT manager has been heard to say that looking after BIND is "hell". Indeed whilst BIND and other open source tools commonly utilised in the IP management space, such as address caching software, DHCP software, may be "free" to acquire, they are by no means cost free to own. Looking after these systems can involve the use of highly-skilled, expensive IT staff. As these systems are of vital import to organisations, they must be maintained on a daily basis and this costs time and money. Their very complexity and lack of simple management capabilities adds a large degree of risk to the equation."   [The Register]

I was preaching this years ago when no one wanted to listen (OUCH!  That hurts reaching back there!).  It was true then and true today ... There is no free lunch!

8:58:36 AM    


Right on Lee!

Taking Vienna

"We are an occupying army, not a day care center or a girl scout troop. We are there to help and protect, but we're not there to be sitting ducks. We need a swift, violent retribution for the attacks of the past few days. We have been promised such by the military leadership but it has thus far failed to materialize.

If you are a parent of a small child, you know that idle threats begin to lose their power as time goes on. You can only say, "Stop it, or else" so many times before you actually have to demonstrate what "or else" consists of. We need to show the Islamofascists just what kind of awesome force and power we wield, and that we are not afraid to use it.

It's time for a little "or else." If you're going to take Iraq, take Iraq."   Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

8:42:33 AM    


Know Thy Enemy: PETA

"PETA is an annoying bunch, now trying to put the Colonel out of business by giving kids buckets of blood....

PETA had championed eating whales since less whales would have to be killed to feed the same number of people than chickens. That's crazy. Ever try raising whales on a farm? They really don't get along well with the horses."   [IMAO]

8:35:56 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

8:26:26 AM    


4/7/2004. Day By Day Cartoon

12:40:02 AM    

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