Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:29 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Friday, April 16, 2004


Making Hillary look better all the time!

Like, gag me with a spoon!. TerRAYsa's Tirade!

Testy Teresa Tirade: I Can't Believe I Came to America

It didn't take long for the rigors of the campaign trail to sour first lady-in-waiting Teresa Heinz, who fumed yesterday that she "can't believe" she moved to America and married an American politician.

"I can't believe my family left Africa and came to this country," Heinz Kerry complained to the New York Post's Cindy Adams. "I can't believe I ever even married an American."

"A politician's wife has a hard life," she said. "To become more of a 'thing' and less of a person is terrible."

Teresa's tirade continued, "I can't believe I married a second politician." Then referring to her first husband, the late Sen. John Heinz, she blasted: "I can't believe I married the first politician. He wasn't one when we met."

"What people don't know is that I am basically shy. I never wanted to do this," Heinz Kerry complained.

NewsMax   [Reality Hammer]

If Waffles wins she will probably refuse to live in a dumpy place like The White House.

8:12:31 PM    


R Todd King Photography

Chinese Snow Festival

8:01:44 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Stars of NGC 300

6:19:44 PM    


Motorcycle Violation

I guess it's because she's not wearing a helmet.... [Grouchy Old Cripple]

6:17:12 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Oh Rearry?

6:09:01 PM    


See!  It wasn't the SUV's at all.  It was those damn roofs!  Down with roofs!

White roofs cut air-conditioning by 40%

Painting our roofs and roads white would substantially reduce the cost (both monetary and environmental) of cooling our cities.

Cooler roofs come from changing the color of the material used for roofing shingles. Most homes have to be re-roofed about every 20 years. Changing from a dark shingle (once traditional because it was more "wood like") to a light-colored (titanium-based white or terra cotta red) shingle can cut air conditioning costs by up to 40%. Georgia has been a leader in pushing cool roofs, passing a state law encouraging the shift. A few other states and regions also provide incentives, and the federal government is considering adding heat reflectivity requirements to housing regulations.
[Boing Boing]
4:26:53 PM    


LA Times: Hunting Snipe In Minnesota?

The Los Angeles Times goes far afield this morning in order to capture a bit of voter angst towards George Bush and the war in Iraq: For both parties, Minnesota is rich with potential; its voters are among the most... [Captain's Quarters]

Yep!  That's our good old Times for you.  A day late and a fact or two short.  But hey! ... it must be right ..... I saw it in the Times.

12:57:55 PM    


Not really all that stupid pet tricks    [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

12:46:58 PM    


Bin Laden Offers Truce If Kerry Elected

(2004-04-16) -- An audiotape, purportedly from al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, offers to cease attacks on the United States, and her interests abroad, if Sen. John Forbes Kerry is elected president. "I'm offering a truce to the United States,"... [ScrappleFace]

12:36:20 PM    


Get the shirt.  I am.

10:21:44 AM    


Headline of the Day!

10:09:03 AM    


Sounds apocryphal, but ...     [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

9:26:46 AM    



Imagine it is April, 1943 and FDR is meeting with the press. Mr. President, why did you fail us... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

9:25:52 AM    


What someone did while I slept.

Have they no shame?  This site will now need to be burned to the ground and the ashes buried thousands of feet down.  Even then the stench will probably leak through.  This is just awful.  Please excuse me while I go cry for awhile.

See the entire defiling of the Poopdeck by the inhuman terrorists here.

8:49:48 AM    


Allah has his new house completed

Stop by and check it out at Allah's Open House.  While on the tour, if no one is looking, go through his dresser drawers looking for anything incriminating, if you know what I mean!

8:38:08 AM    


Blog like an Egyptian

The first English-language blog from Egypt (that I'm aware of) has just appeared. But oddly enough, the author doesn't seem to have got the official memo from Al-Jazeera about the noble Arab people's standing locked in solidarity with the brave Iraqi resistance against the hated Yankee occupier.   [Silent Running]

8:28:32 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

8:15:05 AM    


Spirit of America
Here's a way you can help the cause in Iraq.

"The First Marine Expeditionary Force and U.S. Army in Iraq want to equip and upgrade seven defunct Iraqi-owned TV stations in Al Anbar province--west of Baghdad--so that average Iraqis have better televised information than the propaganda they get from the notorious Al-Jazeera. If Jim Hake can raise $100,000, his Spirit of America will buy the equipment in the U.S., ship it to the Marines in Iraq and get Iraqi-run TV on the air before the June 30 handover."

2:57:10 AM    


Michel de Montaigne  "He who is not very strong in memory should not meddle with lying." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

2:51:16 AM    


4/16/2004   Day By Day by Chris Muir

2:48:38 AM    


Diplomatic Malpractice   [Cox & Forkum]

2:46:33 AM    



Just how dumb are liberals?

I say this knowing that liberals are very, very stupid at times. However, I keep assuming that they have some basic level of intelligence and ability to function.   [Reality Hammer]

2:43:54 AM    


Chris accidentally discovers a new way to make a living!

Easiest $180 I Ever Made   [C:PIRILLO.EXE]

2:29:25 AM    


Poking the Hornets Nest!

 Deb Shinder, Editor of WinXPnews dared to insinuate that Linux might not be the most perfect creation since the dawn of the universe and got mail bombed by the Linux Weenies.  She should have known that was coming.  Here is her answer to them which makes all the same points I have been making for years.

 Followup: Commercial Software vs. Open Source Battle Lines

One way to ensure that the mail will flow in is to open up the "commercial vs. open source" discussion, and last week's editorial was no exception. We received a lot of passionate responses (some of them too passionate to print) on both sides.

Of course, I was accused of having been "bought" or "compromised" for daring to write about a study that suggests Linux/UNIX might not always be more cost effective than Windows. *NIX fans wrote to proclaim that their Linux machines get fewer viruses than their Windows machines - never addressing the obvious fact that virus writers are going to go after the OS with the largest installed base.

A couple of folks mentioned that there is a third alternative: Apple. With the advent of OS X, though, the Mac just runs another variety of UNIX. Is it more stable than Windows? Of course it is; Apple is able to control the hardware as well as the software, while Microsoft has to deal with supporting their OS on a huge diversity of machines made by hundreds of different vendors (as well as those that are "home made").

Several messages started or ended with "I'm typing this on a *NIX computer that hasn't had to be rebooted in 3 weeks (or 6 weeks, or 3 months, or whatever)." That's great, but proves nothing; my primary XP workstation has gone over 180 days without a reboot, and many of our Windows servers have been up continuously for well over a year.

We also got some responses from Linux admins who took issue with the idea that many open source advocates support socialism. In fact, one pointed out that it's generally true that it costs more for a business to run Linux and that those who make their livings supporting Linux are thus capitalists in every sense of the word. Interesting point!

One reader said that I implied Windows has no learning curve. I didn't mean to, only that generally, the learning curve is less steep, especially for those transitioning from one version of Windows to the next as opposed to moving to Linux.

The MySql model of software licensing was mentioned by reader Paul R. as the "best of both worlds" - with a license required for commercial use (with support and services available), and open source for non-commercial use.

1:50:24 AM    

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