Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:45:30 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Sunday, April 25, 2004


Global Warming update    

"Frankenclime! Satellites and weather balloon data show no appreciable atmospheric warming since 1979, except in Alaska and Siberia, at night, in mid-winter. Except for those who think a 1-degree rise over the past century is alarming -- and most of that was pre-1940 -- there's little to fear. Some surface temperature gauges do show more warming, but they're near cities and airports, and thus contaminated by exhaust heat."    [Insults Unpunished]

3:29:36 PM    


Someone Call Mel Gibson

"At the last meeting of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy? we went over this plan, and there is so much that this source is unaware of. See, as you may or may not know the world is actually ruled by the New World Order, and as with all secret conspiracies it is controlled by Jews. Therefore, Ariel Sharon is the ruler of the world, and Bush is nothing but his ignorant lapdog, happily barking out whatever his Zionist overlords order him to. So the Jews, in conjunction with the Bavarian Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Olsen Twins, the second gunman on the grassy knoll, the anti-Castro Cubans, the mafia, and Halliburton, have all joined forces to ensure that George W. Bush remains in power at all costs. Why? Because Halliburton's top secret mind control weapons division has developed a new mind control ray that can actually operate through tinfoil! "   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

3:21:24 PM    


Kill a Yankee for Allah

Seller's item photo

11:29:38 AM    



Mark Steyn recounts the UN's handling of the Food-for-Oil program and explains why the organization should not be put in charge of a candy store.... [Common Sense and Wonder]

11:21:52 AM    



Gun laws I'd like to see.

New Jersey: There's Hope!

New Jersey has the potential to become a really popular place for gun owners.... [The Bitch Girls]

New Jersey Law: You Must Own A Gun!

Obviously, this isn't current New Jersey law. In October of 1775, the New Jersey Provincial Congress revised the existing militia law, and it ordered “all persons… capable of bearing arms, between the ages of sixteen and fifty years” to enroll in the militia “and shall, with all convenient speed, furnish himself with a good Musket or Firelock….” Failure to have a gun would be punished with a two shilling fine. Conscientious objectors were allowed to pay four shillings a month for exemption from militia duty. [American Archives, 4th series, 3:1236-9]

11:15:48 AM    


she outdid me

I admire greatness when I see it. And this is a great post.... [Gut Rumbles]

11:09:11 AM    


The future of partisan-liberal media bias

Gazing into the crystal ball . . . . ahh, yes, it's coming into focus now . . . November 3, 2004, New York Times, Page 3, Corrections Section "A picture in yesterday's edition mistakenly depicted former German Chancellor Adolph Hitler as part of th [PoliPundit]

10:36:47 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

D rad Bacteria: Candidate Astronauts

10:30:50 AM    


John Wayne    "Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

9:47:43 AM    


'Spirit of America' Art Auction    [Cox & Forkum]

9:39:32 AM    


4/25/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

9:38:20 AM    

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