Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:46:36 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


From A Spanish Commenter

I received a lengthy comment frrom a guy from Spain, Miguel, in this post on Pat Tillman. His first comment was bellicose, but he took it back and engaged me. I wrote so much I thought it merited its own... [Insults Unpunished]

8:05:37 PM    


The Numbers Don't Lie. There's a great post on uneployment over at Wunderkinder.

Unemployment levels are not in any way "high" compared to historical norms. You can do your own research at the Department of Labor if you wish. But the main point is that from 1980 to now, unemployment did not dip below the current rate of 5.7% for any serious length of time until 1997. There are two arguments... [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

7:52:21 PM    


Bush Makes Deal with 9/11 Panel, Betrays Cheney

"I told Dick it was nothing personal, but one of us was going down and it sure wasn't going to be me," Mr. Bush said. "Now that America knows that 9/11 was Dick Cheney's fault, I hope we can put this all behind us and get on with the business of alienating the global community and reducing our nation's surplus of civil rights."  [ScrappleFace]

7:47:21 PM    


I could tell these people where they can pack that towel!

Towel Heads

Someone sent me this warning about the use of this politically incorrect term. They said: "Please try to pay attention to your language!" We have been informed that the Islamic terrorists do not like to be called "Towel Heads" or... [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

5:34:11 PM    


A Study of Moonbat Migration Patterns

INDC Journal mounts an expedition to observe the fascinating and often bizarre Seasonal Moonbat IMF Migration. [Little Green Footballs]

5:25:56 PM    


The truth is...

"For instance, The Truth Is... that "liberals" who suddenly have started talking about reintroducing the draft are not in the slightest concerned with military readiness, and do not believe that filling out the army with draftees is an essential step in winning the war. What's actually going on is that they know that one of the biggest reasons that the people of America ultimately turned against the Viet Nam war was because it was being fought primarily by draftees. And one of the biggest reasons why America's college campuses were particular focal points for anti-war activism was because it was men that age who were being drafted."   [USS Clueless]

5:22:42 PM    


I'm going out to buy all the materials needed tomorrow.  Finally a home project I can really get excited about!


When geeks and booze collide... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

5:18:16 PM    


Warming The Cockles

You would have to have a heart of stone not to get the warm&fuzzies about this report from Fallujah:

And don't give me the jive about "Iraqis didn't fly planes into the WTC!"

We're not fighting Iraqis: we're fighting Islamist assholes (like the 9/11 crowd) who happen to be in Iraq.

And one last thought for the Islamist bastards: what part of "...and the people who did this: they will hear from us" was not clear?   [Kim du Toit]

5:13:45 PM    


Not your father's CIA

"When people think of the CIA, they think of people lurking around in trenchcoats, sending messages in code, and using cool tools to do their job. Well, to some extent that's true, but it's not the whole story." For the rest, visit the Central Intelligence Agency Homepage for Kids! [Boing Boing]

5:04:14 PM    


$10,000 1965 "kitchen computer". Mitch sez, "Another Jetsonian Relic: A $10K kitchen computer ca. 1965. Notice the orange-and-black Star Trek: TOS design."
[Boing Boing]

5:02:21 PM    


Annika found a real gem!  They even know about me in Iraq.

More Fun Stuff To Waste Time With. Via Breanagh McTavish, check out this fun website. Remember those two Iraqi kids who posed with a sign, and there was some controversy about whether it had been doctored? This site lets you create your own caption for the sign.... [annika's journal]

4:42:26 PM    


Go vote.  Be sure to read the poll question carefully so you vote correctly.

PC muckamucks

[Illinois] Senate President Emil Jones demanded Tuesday that the University of Illinois Board of Trustees drop the school's Chief... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

3:45:59 PM    


After they win the war!

3:24:45 PM    


Engrish of the Day

See you next life!

8:31:58 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Smooth Spheres of Gravity Probe B

8:28:38 AM    


Iraq does not equal Vietnam: VDH

"Victor Davis Hanson, definitely my favorite contemporary political essayist responds to a few questions. Here's one I liked, since I've tried to answer this same question for my kids, they knowing I'm a Vietnam Vet and self childishly wishing to..." [Alternate Voice]

8:05:51 AM    


Morning Comics.   [American RealPolitik]

7:47:07 AM    



"Wow.. sounds like John F. Kerry's getting a good rip! But you can't really trust those conservative tabloid rags; they constantly distort the truth to fit their conservative slant, if they even print the truth at all. You have the right to that opinion, of course.
Unfortunately, these are far from conservative rumor mills: they're excerpts from The Village Voice and the New York Observer, respectively."   [The SmarterCop]

7:46:02 AM    


they're desperate

"Scare 'em, then offer them salvation. It's the oldest trick in the book."   [Gut Rumbles]

7:35:01 AM    


4/28/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

7:24:15 AM    

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