Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:35 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Saturday, April 17, 2004


Redundant Right Wing Conspiracy

"Air America should fail because it sucks, not because of some shadowy conservative cabal is pulling strings! No fair! The Republicans are cheating!"


9:18:03 PM    


Cheney Takes a Shot   (Reuters)

Reuters - Vice President Dick Cheney used a speech to the National Rifle Association on Saturday to paint Democrat John Kerry as a firearm industry foe bent on over-regulating gun makers and owners. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

8:51:50 PM    


It's religion gone mad

"We used to be told by pop stars and other philosophers that "the Russians love their children too." It was self-evident then that all people loved their young. Now I'm not so sure. Do the Palestinians, for example, love their children too?"

8:48:44 PM    


WMDs found. Again..

King Abdullah: Al Qaeda WMDs Came From Syria


Foiled Al Qaeda Attackers Caught Red-Handed with WMDs

[Reality Hammer]

8:41:03 PM    


More Chill Wind

"I think they harbor the delusion that if we could rid ourselves of Bush, we could all go back to our pre-9/11 comfort zone. As side benefits I suppose, European governments would embrace us, the U.N. would become credible and effective, and Islamic terror would fade from the scene. Proposing policy alternatives and debating areas of disagreement with the administration would necessitate acknowledging the existence of a murderous enemy. Hence rage and rhetorical venom are the defense mechanisms they use to stay in denial."   [Wizblog]

8:31:52 PM    


Babes with guns!

[Groughy Old Cripple]

6:50:23 PM    


Military Humor

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

6:44:51 PM    


 Tyson, the skateboarding bulldog, has his own website, with movies!

11:00:55 AM    


 Kerry: Terror, Shmerror
"Democratic White House challenger John Kerry has accused President George W. Bush of manipulating fears about security and terror for political gain," Reuters reports from New York:

Kerry, who is running even with or leading Bush in most polls seven months before the November election, said on Thursday the president wanted to turn the political debate to issues of terror and security in hopes of gaining political advantage.

"Home base for George Bush, as we saw to the nth degree in the press conference, is terror. Ask him a question, he's going to terror," Kerry said, referring to Bush's prime-time news conference on Tuesday.

Perhaps it has slipped Kerry's mind, but terrorists actually did kill some 3,000 people on America soil just 2 1/2 years ago. What could possibly be more important for a president than preventing another attack, one that could be even deadlier?

Kerry's complaint about the press conference is just silly. Every question the president was asked was about the war on terror. Is Kerry faulting Bush for answering the questions rather than changing the subject? And if so, what should he have changed the subject to? [WSJ]

10:49:53 AM    


More debunking of the "record this" and "record that" hysteria..

Cato expert: Despite hysteria, gas prices are not setting records

WASHINGTON--The national average price for of gas has climbed to $1.77 per gallon in the past few weeks, according to one survey. The news media report that gasoline prices today are higher than any other time in recorded history. However, Jerry Taylor, Cato's director of natural resources studies, says that in fact gasoline prices are relatively low by historic terms and warns against the growing hysteria.

Are we paying more for gasoline these days than ever before? Sure, says Taylor, but we are also paying more for homes, cars, groceries, baseball cards, and almost everything else than ever before. "Historical comparisons of prices over the years mean absolutely nothing unless we adjust for inflation," says Taylor.

"Politicians and the press are becoming unglued over the price of gasoline at the pump," he continues. "Despite all the hysteria, prices are NOT setting records - not even close. If we adjust gasoline prices for inflation and use 2003 dollars, we find that during the most celebrated days of cheap fuel and gas guzzling cars - 1955 - gasoline actually cost $1.66 a gallon on average across the nation. In 1972, the year before OPEC began to flex its muscles, prices were $1.28 a gallon. In 1981, the real record was set - $2.36 cents a gallon. Heck, prices are only a nickel higher now than at this time last year.

"Not adjusting prices for inflation when comparing prices now with prices then is to compare apples with oranges."

Remember, when all of the spin is removed, only the facts will remain! [Reality Hammer]
8:33:15 AM    


Democratic Party Platform, 2004, For Dumbies

[American Digest]

8:29:06 AM    


Victor Davis Hanson

Our Present Chaos

"Then came these 9/11 hearings in the midst of war, and a most surprising new thesis was advanced. A Clinton administration that had done very little to retaliate during some eight years of terrorist attacks and provocations was now seen as less culpable than the newly inaugurated Bush team. About-face critics alleged that the latter, in its initial dozen weeks of governance, had not properly digested intelligence data, steeled its will — and, yes, preempted the terrorists by sending American troops far abroad to kill them before they could kill us. Apparently, the notoriously preemptory Mr. Bush was now to be condemned as not preemptory enough."

8:26:27 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Lunar Dust and Duct Tape

8:10:12 AM    


4/17/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

8:01:28 AM    


Morning Comics     [American RealPolitik]

7:38:08 AM    

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