Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:43:36 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


I would love to know who blockedReferrer is!

7:59:18 PM    


Looks like the Script Kiddies are getting tired of playing with Uncle Bill and will now play with Uncle Steve awhile.  I won't say I told you so to all those Apple people over the years who have always told me that MAC's can't get any of the bad things MS can.  I would always preach about 1's and 0's and how hackers and virus writers could give a rat's ass which OS you are using.  I was wasting my breath. They just knew they were right because they heard it on the news!  Join the club suckers!

First malware for OS X?. One of the selling points of OS X has been, to date, the lack of any viruses, worms, or Trojan horses. Intego reports that it has identified a Trojan horse called MP3Concept.

Mac OS X displays the icon of the MP3 file, with an .mp3 extension, rather than showing the file as an application, leading users to believe that they can double-click the file to listen to it. But double clicking the file launches the hidden code, which can damage or delete files on computers running Mac OS X, then iTunes to play the music contained in the file, to make users think that it is really an MP3 file . While the first versions of this Trojan horse that Intego has isolated are benign, this technique opens the door to more serious risks.  Link [Boing Boing]

6:36:37 PM    


Democrat TV show backfires: Dr. Condi Rice administers corrective therapy!

Democrats hoped to use the TV appearance of Dr. Condi Rice to either implicate the Bush administration in 9-11 or provide some sort of televised gaffe that could be used against Bush in this year's election.

Their ploy backfired spectacularly.

6:22:17 PM    


Poll: What's Your Opinion of the 9/11 Commission?

Take the poll everyone.

 [Captain's Quarters]

6:17:49 PM    


The Objective

"The goal of this offensive, therefore, is not to take and hold any particular piece of territory in Iraq; but rather to create and reinforce the impression that the United States is bogged down in an increasingly costly and “unwinnable” war. The objective is nothing less than to break the American fighting spirit, and force an ignominious withdrawal from the Middle East. Their models are the American experience in Vietnam and the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan.

In this goal, our enemies have found unlikely allies in the West amongst those who believe, for political or ideological reasons, that they stand to benefit from seeing the United States humbled and defeated."   [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

6:04:02 PM    


The Killer Flu

One subject I blogged on quite a bit last year was the manufactured hysteria over the "killer" flu season, where people seemed to be dropping like flies every day from "deadly strains" of the virus.  [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

2:55:43 PM    


Informally Speaking   [Sacred Cow]

2:27:35 PM    


Kerry and Gun Control   [democrats give conservatives indigestion]

1:06:41 PM    


Bush Requests Condi Testimony Sequel

(2004-04-08) -- Despite his initial reluctance to allow National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify publicly before the 9/11 commission, U.S. President George Bush today said he would like to see a sequel. "I could watch a couple more hours... [ScrappleFace]

12:56:40 PM    


Bob Kerrey demonstrates partisan goals today, fails America  

Excuse me, Mr. Kerrey, but you were a Senator for sixteen years including the period up to the 2000 transition. It is the job Congress to change the way these intelligence agencies work, and it is Congress who limited their power after Watergate. If you knew 'from day one" that this was a problem, why didn't you try to fix it in the sixteen years you were a Senator? How dare you claim that the administration '"should have" done something in six months, that was not in their power, when you failed to do tihs in the sixteen years you were a Senator and it was in your domain.

Bob Kerrey, you have failed America!  [Reality Hammer]

12:39:30 PM    


The Paratrooper of Love secures the Drop Zone!   [Blackfive]

Not safe for the work place. Depends on where you work of course.

9:14:12 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Think I missed yesterday!

8:45:12 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Elusive Jellyfish Nebula

8:38:00 AM    


and Kelley likes her to!

Come What May....

For the record, I'd just like to state how much I admire our National Security Advisor. Dr. Rice is just a bad-ass. She is just rocking my world, here.  [suburban blight]

8:18:17 AM    


Hijacked 911 Flights and Military Bases.   [Planenews Aviation News Portal]

8:10:38 AM    


Signed Racist Artwork: Available Now    

"I'm sure all the Democratic friends of the Trudeaus would get a big laugh at that during their next dinner party... if they remembered not invite any African-American Democrats.

But the real outrage is not that Mr. Trudeau emitted this bit of offal, but that hundreds of American newspapers printed it without some much as a moment's hesitation. But why not? After all, Gary is, in the final analysis, "one of them."   [American Digest]

8:07:46 AM    


4/8/2004.  Day By Day Cartoon

7:43:54 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

7:42:21 AM    


Compassionate blindspots

"I was naive, too. The last 12 months of political rhetoric has long since opened my eyes: "compassionate" leftists don't in the slightest care about people in the world who are tortured and maimed by their own governments. They only care about whether anyone is injured or killed by American military action. Far better that thousands of Iraqis die at the hands of Saddam's torturers than that a few hundred die because of an Anglo-American invasion to take Saddam out."   [USS Clueless]

7:40:40 AM    


I Love Condi

Her testimony is a thing of beauty. That is all. [Accidental Verbosity]

I haven't had a chance to listen, but if Jay likes it that's good enough for me.

7:38:08 AM    

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