Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:03 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Monday, April 12, 2004


Kerry: The Man With the Plan

"I'll save you the trouble of reading them (although read them you should). Kerry's plan for saving Iraq is to get the U.N. to pass a resolution, of course! And place the entire operation "under a UN umbrella".

Hey, makes sense to me. Should solve all of our problems, since after all, we know that the enemies we are fighting in Iraq have great respect for the United Nations."   [The Truth Laid Bear]

8:11:15 PM    


Raising Tyranny    [Cox & Forkum]

8:07:21 PM    


Todays "BITE ME" award of the Day goes to this SLIME BALL.  Andy Rooney

He was funny once in a great while in years past, but not since he sold his soul to the devil and just reads what CBS puts in front of him.  Now he is just pathetic and embarrassing.

Baldilocks also has a few choice words for this senile old fart!

7:58:17 PM    


Big One predictor    [Hell In A Handbasket]

I've always fantasized about having prior warning of "The Big One" and going up on the roof with the lawn chair and binoculars to watch.  I was hoping for a LA or SF impact zone both being about 200 air miles from here.  What a show!

3:51:04 PM    


The Fruits of Appeasement

Victor Davis Hanson has another brilliantly written column at City Journal, opening with a look at what might have been if Jimmy Carter had possessed a spine when he was President: The Fruits of Appeasement. Imagine a different November 4, 1979, in Teheran.  [Little Green Footballs]

3:30:24 PM    


Sex and gravestones. Online photo gallery exploring the sensual female form in cemetery memorial markers.
Link (Via MeFi) [Boing Boing]

I'm willing to bet the cops in this community get calls every night about unusual activity in the cemetery.

3:11:42 PM    


For all the new "No Code" hams out there.

Morse code translator. -- . - / -.. . --.. . / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. /... [Totally Flabbergasted - Weblog]

2:17:42 PM    


WHEW!  Another problem solved!

Energy Crisis Solved!

According to the LA Times, in a front page caption, and in the associated story, a set of geothermal plants in Northern California produces 1 million megawatts of power. This is great news. Who would hve thought that you could... [The Interocitor]

9:16:51 AM    


A Memo About The Memo

"Well, the White House has now released the infamous "August 6th PDB".

Boy, it sure is chock full of information, aint it? Based on that memo, we should have immediately instituted a "no fly" list (wait, we've done that and now the ACLU is trying to tear it apart), bombed the shit out of Afghanistan which was hiding and supporting Public Enemy Number One, Osama Bin Laden (wait, we did that and a bunch of people bitched), put armed air marshals on selected flights (wait, we've done that and a bunch of people have bitched about it), armed the pilots (wait, we're trying to do that and a bunch of people are bitching about it), enacted a Patriot Act which primarily encourages all the various law enforcement agencies to communicate with each other (wait, we did that and practically everyone on the left has had a coniption fit about it, using entirely overwrought rhetoric about how our rights have been taken away), profiled Middle Eastern men (wait, we've been doing that and every goddamn Arab "rights" group has been bitching about that), instituted stronger security checkpoints at airports (wait, we've done that and EVERYONE bitches about it), cracked down on sympathetic Muslim groups masquerading as "charities" that funnel money back to the terrorists (wait, we've done that and Christ, hasnt there been a bunch of bitching about that) and generally tried to shine the light of day upon the dark, nefarious movements of those terrorist cockroaches (wait, we've done that and taken nothing but shit from the left)."  [Mr. Helpful]

9:12:49 AM    


What is 2063 feet high and weighs 864,500 pounds?

More on the Big Stick.


8:03:06 AM    


Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

6:59:25 AM    


Liberal Talk Radio: Subsidized Propaganda

"Liberal talk radio has arrived - again.

Call it what you want, but this is nothing but a propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. People may think that conservative talk radio is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party but if it is it is only because we have earned the right to tell the GOP's side of the story the old-fashioned way - we've worked our tails off in the marketplace to become successful there. Neither the Republicans nor anybody else subsidized us. We did it on our own and it was anything but easy."   [American RealPolitik]

6:57:30 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

6:51:37 AM    


Engrish of the Day

50 Percent more choking guaranteed!

2:58:05 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

 Apollo 17 Panorama: Astronaut Running

2:45:29 AM    


Friedrich Nietzsche

"In heaven all the interesting people are missing." [Quotes of the Day]

2:37:30 AM    


2:32:14 AM    

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