Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:45:02 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Err America

"This thing is failing even faster than I ever could have predicted. Way to go free market!"   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

11:41:45 PM    


Go to the Party  April 29

11:04:04 PM    



"In his review of a recent scientific book on the genetics of race, Paul Gross (University Professor of Life Sciences, emeritus, at the University of Virginia) makes the amusing point that good Leftists everywhere deny the existence of race and then promptly set about using race to give preference to certain individuals ("affirmative action"). So Leftists base passionately held policies on something that does not exist! Sounds typical."   [PC Watch]

9:17:04 PM    


This just in.........

New Nebula discovered in Leo

4:32:53 PM    


Ladies!  Eye popping performance!

4:30:51 PM    


Bot flies are large, hairy flies that are common to many parts of the world.... [Memepool]

4:19:45 PM    


Ecotards run amuck.

Citizen Smash warns of an incoming eco-tard flailing tomorrow. On Thursday, April 22, extremist groups are calling for a “Day of Action” against HUMMERS nationwide. Most of the public websites are calling for peaceful protests in front of dealerships, but if the past is any indication,.......... [Capitalist Lion]

4:13:23 PM    


Weight of the World   [Cox & Forkum]

4:09:30 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Whole Body De-horny Treatment!

4:07:45 PM    


UNSCAM Updates

"The moral and financial scandal at the heart of the United Nations continues to deepen. It looks like it really was blood for oil.

So many of the self-righteous left still scream about "blood for oil" and maliciously accuse the United States of toppling Saddam in order to secure petroleum supplies. The truth is otherwise. Oil for Food lined the pockets of Saddam, his international political supporters, and corporate cronies, and that oil was paid for, hour by hour, with the blood of Iraqis slaughtered by his brutal regime."   [Winds of Change.NET]

4:05:24 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nebulas Surrounding Wolf Rayet Binary

3:26:00 PM    


More Coverage of Kerry's Booboo

"Anyway, the records kerfuffle is just more evidence that Kerry and his people have no idea how to run a campaign. They managed to take a strength and turn it into a weakness. Let's hope they don't learn from their mistake."   [HOG ON ICE]

The libs have not learned from mistakes in the past and I would not expect them to start now.

3:23:34 PM    


Kofi the Komedian

Someone refresh my memory...how do we fire this guy?... [Silent Running]

3:13:43 PM    


Why We Invaded Iraq

Worth Remembering... "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 "   [PoliPundit]

2:54:54 PM    


Jermaine Spreads Love in the Gulf

Jermaine Jackson, washed-up pop star and brother of accused child molester Michael, is in the Persian Gulf "promoting understanding" between the Muslim world and America. How does this spoiled, pampered product of the Western star-making machine "promote understanding?" By appealing to Muslims' sense of victimhood, and expressing sympathy for the ... [Little Green Footballs]

2:44:52 PM    


And once again I say.....whats the problem?  AA loudly proclaimed that they had unlimited funding from rich Donks and would bury Conservative talk radio.  It's looking more to me that they expected a hand out and ran smack into the reality of the marketplace.  Welcome to the real world.

Air America Non-Disclosure

Well, the "official" word on the Air America situation in Los Angeles and Chicago is...that there will be no official word.   [American RealPolitik]

2:35:48 PM    


The French just don't get it!  They never have and never will.

Paris Matchless   [USS Clueless]

2:24:48 PM    


The Magnificent Bastards

"The contrast between the two perspectives is striking to me. Journalists, for the most part, are gutless, ignorant hacks. It doesn't surprise me that a journalist would focus on casualties, rather than accomplishments. Journalists don't understand what our soldiers, marines and sailors are doing, nor do they want to. It frightens them."   [annika's journal]

2:16:06 PM    



Check out this account by gun-fearing-wussy Chris Wright, about his experience attending Mas Ayoob's Lethal Force Institute. [The Spoons Experience]

9:02:01 AM    


Testing Einstein's Theories   Technically Speaking]

8:54:19 AM    




8:43:13 AM    


Shrimp Ahoy!.   Will Long John Silver's restaurants be giving away free Giant Shrimp on 10 May 2004? [New Urban Legends]

8:41:32 AM    


We Know We Left Those Scissors Somewhere......

An X-ray showing a 17centimeter (6.7 inches) pair of surgical scissors in the abdomen of 69-year-old Pat Skinner in Sydney, Australia, Tuesday, April 20, 2004. Mrs Skinner had an operation at St.George hospital in Sydney's south in May 2001, but continued to suffer intense pain and it was only when she insisted on an x-ray 18 months later that she discovered the scissors inside. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith)

from AP

[Dowbrigade News]
8:32:19 AM    


Gensec Bush

Shrimp Chub Bush was responsible for 9/11 attacks. He can raise oil prices, he can lower oil prices, both at a time of his own choosing. He makes war all by himself. "Unilateral," da? He can bring about the end of the world. Comrades, not even General Secretary Josef Stalin was this powerful. If Amerikans have opportunity to elect such an omnipotent man to Presidency, why would they not do so?... [The Politburo Diktat]

8:31:35 AM    


4/21/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

8:26:26 AM    


Morning Comics  [American RealPolitik]

8:14:56 AM    

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