Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:49 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Monday, April 19, 2004


Headline of the Day  [found at NGD]

 Air America off the air! ... Both listeners outraged!

11:40:35 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Cartoon obesity is no joke...

11:16:28 PM    


Even our beloved LA "lefty" Times gets it right sometimes!

All-left radio is lacking the right stuff for success

"The first time I turned on Air America, the new liberal radio network, I heard a commentator arguing that Republicans did not initiate impeachment proceedings against President Clinton because of Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater, lying or obstruction of justice. No, the man said, Republicans knew Clinton had committed no impeachable offenses, but they pursued impeachment anyway, in a diabolically clever ploy designed specifically to make the general public so disenchanted with the very idea of impeachment that they would not tolerate impeachment against the next (Republican) president — who, of course, deserves to be impeached immediately."


10:52:53 PM    


C-130J climbs faster, higher and further and takes off and lands in a shorter distance than C-130.

Air Force Welcomes First C130J Super Hercules. [Planenews Aviation News Portal]

10:43:38 PM    


Todays "BITE ME" consolation award goes to the Texas Donks!

Democrats false claims of racism fail again in court

"Funny, but Democrats were never concerned about representation when they were denying minorities the vote for a century and half and denying Republicans a vote for nearly the same amount of time in Texas. For example, in 1980 Ronald Reagan had to get the Republican Party to pay to have Republican polling stations put up in most Texas districts because for decades all there had been were Democrat booths. No concern about "equal representation" then from Democrats."  [Reality Hammer]
10:36:34 PM    


Once again the "BITE ME" award of the day goes to Spain!

Al-Sadr: Muchas Gracias, Amigos

"What massive cojones it takes to cut and run even prior to the date one promised ahead of time, and to stand up to the 20% of your electorate that disagrees with you! Yes, Zapatero is certainly a man of political courage!"  [Captain's Quarters]

10:30:49 PM    


Iran's Spoiling Attack

"Iran is at war with us whether or not we want to be at war with them. Nukes are on the table now, and they are not our nukes. We are on a count down to invasion to keep the nuclear genie from escaping.

The one thing the Mullahs have leaned in all of this is that American Presidential Administrations have an extremely difficult time doing new foreign policy or national security policy an election year or during the first six months of a new Administration. They are now taking advantage of this to strike, and hopefully cripple, the Bush Administration's reelection chances or failing that make America abandon its plan to democratize Iraq and destabilize their theocracy."   [Winds of Change.NET]

10:11:59 PM    


Exposing Commies

Howard Veit does an amazing peelback of liberal funding. Sample:

The 9/11 "Moms" or "Families for Peaceful Tomorrows" is not just a group formed to agitate our government to find the "truth" about 9/11. It is a front for raising money to be "donated" to other places. All Left. All against the... [Kim du Toit]

6:35:51 PM    


Yes or No, Kerry?

John Kerry was on Meet the Press this week. Take a look at the very first question Russert asked him, and note his answer.    [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

6:22:57 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Comet Bradfield Passes the Sun

3:47:29 PM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

3:45:57 PM    


4/19/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

3:44:06 PM    


Bowling for Fallujah    [Cox & Forkum]

3:43:22 PM    

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