Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:44:09 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Universities under assault from savvy Unix fiends

Have Solaris or Linux - will hack By Ashlee Vance . [The Register]

But I thought Linux was immune to all this!

8:15:22 PM    


Engrish of the Day

7:38:21 PM    


Googles All the Way Down

A man, a plan, a keyboard ....Stupidus! [American Digest]

7:22:12 PM    


Go here and read all the comments from real Americans instead of the press analysis.  Comments like this..........

"Bush may not be a great public orator, but I don't think that's the ultimate qualification of a good leader. Clinton was a great public speaker, yet he was a self-absorbed moral cretin. One of the reasons I remain confident Bush will win in November is that his opponents continually "underestimate" him."

The Prez on the Tube

Leave your comments on Bush's speech here.   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

7:18:13 PM    



Sniper rifle shoots RFID chips into people?. id gun This is probably phony, but it seems like something that might actually be used: The ID SNIPER rifle implants "a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The microchip will enter the body and stay there, causing no internal damage, and only a very small amount of physical pain to the target. It will feel like a mosquito-bite lasting a fraction of a second. At the same time a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope will take a high-resolution picture of the target. This picture will be stored on a memory card for later image-analysis." Link (Thanks, Thorzdad!)

Steve Lawson sez: The ID Sniper Rifle is indeed a fake. The NPR show "The Next Big Thing" did a segment on it--the guy made a mock poster, business cards, etc. and took it to a weapons convention where he got serious interest from the Chinese. See http://www.nextbigthing.org/ and scroll down to the story "High Tech High Art" [Boing Boing]

The funny thing is that right now there are a million people around the world, who never read beyond the headlines, telling their drinking buddies ... "Hey - did you hear that the government is shooting chips into everyone?  Yeah man - the next time you feel a mosquito-bite it will be one of those chip going in you!

7:01:15 PM    


Big news of the Day!

Clear duct tape. 3M has shipped tranparent "Scotch" duct-tape. Kevin Kelly's been playing with it and he says it holds up as good as the silvery stuff, but strong uptake would obviate my favorite Star Wars joke: "Duct tape is like The Force: It has a dark side and a light side and it holds the Universe together." Still, we could sub in "Duct tape is like the good government: It is perfectly transparent and it holds the nation together." Link (via Cool Tools)
[Boing Boing]

6:59:27 PM    


Debunking the kooks on the "bin Laden" flight, and asking some serious questions..

Various liberal kooks have been promoting the story that President Bush "allowed the bin Laden family to flee the United States on September 11th, 2001".   [Reality Hammer]

6:27:19 PM    


It's not a bad idea to go over these rules just before you think you are going to have an intelligent political conversation with most liberals.

Reviewing the rules of liberal free speech Just in case you forgot:

  • Free speech: means that liberals get to talk and you get to listen.
  • Hate speech: any attempt to counter what liberals say.
  • Bigot: anyone winning an argument with a liberal.
  • Censorship/civil rights violations: any attempt to enforce laws when liberals are the perpetrators.
  • Law enforcement: the arrest of conservatives and Republicans. (Note: no actual crime need to have been committed.)
  • Diversity: promoting the views of anyone who is not a conservative, Republican or libertarian.
  • Equal opportunity: promoting anyone who is not a descendent of Europeans, except perhaps women who feel they are victims.

Memorize these rules! See "law enforcement" for what will happen to you if liberals are the controlling legal authority. [Reality Hammer]
6:22:13 PM    



Poke enough holes in a ship or boat and it sinks. Basic stuff, right? The US Navy has been concerned about small suicide craft attacking our warships ever since the USS Cole (DDG 67) was attacked.   [Hell In A Handbasket]

I was privileged to watch these bad boys in operation many times during my 10 years on carriers.  You can be anywhere on the ship and know when they are testing by the loud hammering sound it makes.  We would then rush up on the island to watch the show.  Another great show was to stand on the fantail and watch the shell casings come pouring out on the deck as the gun fired.  Great fun.

6:01:07 PM    


European Avatar

"As the story went, they decided that the core slogans in their ad campaign were going to include the phrase "Woody, the Internet Pecker". Supposedly an American employee of this company heard about that and was aghast, and diplomatically explained to the Japanese a particular way Americans would interpret woody and pecker if that campaign went forward."  [USS Clueless]

5:53:41 PM    


I can't watch!

I can't stand to watch news conferences.  My heart doctor would have a fit.  I get so upset by the stupid, uninformed, idiotic, questions asked by so called news people I want to start punching holes in the walls.  The wife would probably not like that much and then I would be even more stressed out.

So I will wait for all the blogs to begin their analysis of what is said.  I will still get angry but at least I won't hear the questions myself.  You know ... the same question asked over and over because the reporters have been told what to ask by their bosses and they are not bright enough to come up with a new line of questioning if they are not called on first.

Yes there is such a thing as a STUPID QUESTION and they are all being asked as I type this.  Actually the President is probably making his opening remarks which answer all the questions but they will ask anyway as if they heard nothing he said.

See? ... my BP is shooting up just thinking about it.  I envy you that have the stomach to watch such garbage flowing out of your TV's all over the floor.

I'll be waiting.

5:44:01 PM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

An Iridescent Cloud Over France

5:29:24 PM    



Hey, Mr. Rooney, here's your heroes. Marines - "No better friend, no worse enemy." Go get 'em, boys!   [BLACKFIVE]

4:55:05 PM    


Only For Gun Geeks

From Reader Mike L. comes this set of streaming videos taken at the Blackwater Shootout, when SpecFor types get to try out all sorts of cool stuff. My favorite video: the reworked M60 (M60??? give me a break) Model 43, shooting 850 rounds of 7.62mm NATO in 1 minute 45 seconds, non-stop. Anyone who's ever fired an M60 (as I have) will know that in its... [Kim du Toit]

4:42:45 PM    


Orwell Was Right (Again)

"Following up on this post, we now have an even more disurbing report on Britain's slow descent into exactly the type of world that George Orwell warned us about.

So, it's a massive government sanctioned intrusion in the lives of almost every citizen, it serves no noticable purpose, yet the British people are perfectly happy with it. "As long as we don't end up like those gun-toting crazy Yanks!"   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

4:25:00 PM    



"Now, I'm not saying that the Clinton Administration is "to blame" for 9/11. Did we do everything we could to fight terrorism? Obviously not. You can always do more. However, testimony from former Clinton Adminsitration officials ought to cause dishonest pundits on the left to shut up for a while about how everything is Bush's fault.

It ought to, but it won't."   [The Spoons Experience]

4:17:40 PM    


Mouth-breather alert

Joanne Jacobs reports that San Francisco State is proposing to tighten its budget by closing the University's School of Engineering, while keeping all the wacko special study programs, such as "The Institute on Sexuality, Social Inequality and Health".   [The Interocitor]

4:08:02 PM    



Anonymous donor is posting positive message billboards in North Dakota.  [North Dakota News - North Dakota News]

If I had that kind of money I can think of a lot of other messages I would use than "Have a nice day".  What a waste of good billboard space.  That statement just pisses people off when they don't want to have a nice day.  Oh well, it's his money.

3:54:14 PM    



Campaign 2004 turns extreme in Florida with the placement of a newspaper ad calling for physical retribution against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld!

"We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say 'This is one of our bad days,' and pull the trigger," the ad reads. [Drudge]

This guy must really bother the Donks a lot to do this.  Good!  Of course if it was the Packs doing an ad like this the hue and cry would be deafening for the next 10 years.  Looks like Acidman and terpsboy don't care for it.

3:37:05 PM    


In case you missed it the first time.  Even better now with the new domain, faster loading, and new material.  Don't miss.

Chernobyl Biker - Update

Elena now has her own domain, kiddofspeed.com. With more, new eerie photographs, and promises for more updates. Do not miss ... A young woman motorcycling through post-Apocalyptic roads and villages of Ukraine's nuclear wasteland.  [The Politburo Diktat]

3:27:59 PM    


It's official. Israel is to blame for everything.

9:28:44 AM    


One Difference Between Us And Them

"No, you see only a conservative icon like Ronald Reagan can inspire such hatred and vitriol. Because he was, and still is, so loved, his portrait remains a target for the haters. And unfortunately, there seem to be a large number of lefties who have no problem being violent and destructive when they want to send their little hate messages. Conservatives might dislike Jerry Brown (especially conservatives living in Oakland these days), but they're not going to slash his picture.

Lefties like the one who vandalized Reagan's portrait, and the one who blew up all those SUV's in L.A. last year, and the professor who vandalized her own car, and the ones who screamed in my face as i walked to class during last year's anti-war demonstrations, and the ones who carry signs saying New York looks better without the World Trade Center, and the ones who smash the windows of Starbucks Coffee because it's a successful business, and the one's who go around saying that the terrorists in Iraq should kill more Americans, etc. etc."   [annika's journal]

8:50:34 AM    


George says..........

8:40:46 AM    


Elif air ab tizak, Mr. Kerry.   [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

8:30:26 AM    


Taxes are so to funny!    [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

8:26:33 AM    


Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

8:19:59 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

8:18:42 AM    

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