Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:45:15 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Friday, April 23, 2004


Measuring Up  

"Around the Internet, I see a recurrent theme among men in commenting on the death of Pat Tillman: “I wish I were half the man that he was.” So be half the man that he was, then; plus some, if you can. You’re still alive and have the chance to do so. I’m not necessarily saying that you should run out and join the military and volunteer for Ranger school as Mr. Tillman did. I am saying that there are many other ways to be a real man and if you want to do it, stop talking about it and get on with it. Be advised, however, that to be the type of man that he appears to have been requires faith, integrity, strength and, yes, some sacrifice. Lunch isn’t free, not unless it’s day-old and spoiled."    [baldilocks]

You tell um Baldilocks.  I hear far too many men now days who say "I wish I had enlisted and served my country but I had a wife and just couldn't."  Well I got news for you .... there are tens of thousands of men doing their duty over there right now who are married.  I'm sure the large majority of those wife's are stone cold proud of their men in uniform.  As this lady say's .... those that aren't .... maybe you don't want anyway.

7:58:44 PM    


Expectant Mother Diaper Rage!

Excuse my language, but I don't f!@#ing think so. Haven't these people ever heard of the germ theory of disease? You know, every now and again I toy around with the idea that we should set aside a little bit of land for these folks, send them off to live off the land together, and check on them in twenty years or so. Just dump 'em in the wilderness naked and fence 'em in. If any of them are still alive when we check, we might consider letting them back into polite society if... [Accidental Verbosity]

You tell um Deb!

7:37:56 PM    


Engrish of the Day is MIA!

Looks like they may have forgotten to renew their domain.  Darn!

Update:  They now say they are down for maintenance.  Some of the Japanese PC Police Hackers probably decided to have a little fun with the site.

3:57:09 PM    


The difference was..........

People are always stopping me in the liquor store and asking, "Rodge, why do you say that Hillary... [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

3:39:33 PM    


Happy Earth Day, Mr. Kerry
Yesterday was Earth Day, the environmentalist faux holiday observed every day on Lenin's birthday. In fact, the first Earth Day was April 22, 1970, the Lenin centenary. John Kerry is presenting himself as the environmental candidate, so it's a little surprising to learn that he spent Earth Day advocating policies that would increase Americans' fossil-fuel consumption. As Reuters reports:

Kerry on Thursday challenged President Bush to prove he had not cut a deal with Saudi Arabia by pressuring OPEC oil-producing countries to lower prices now. . . .

"Mr. President, I'm here today to say if there was no deal, no agreement . . . then stand up today and jawbone OPEC to lower the price now," Kerry told a rally at the University of Houston to mark Earth Day.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports Kerry may own "a gas-guzzling SUV"--depending on what the meaning of own is:

Kerry thought for a second when asked whether his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, had a Suburban at their Ketchum, Idaho, home. Kerry said he owns and drives a Dodge 600 and recently bought a Chrysler 300M. He said his wife owns the Chevrolet SUV.

"The family has it. I don't have it," he said.

Well, at least he didn't inhale the exhaust fumes. Kerry also "said it's important for his family to buy American cars." But that Chrysler 300M of his turns out to be made in Canada.  [WSJ]

3:34:43 PM    


The Professoriate and the Truth

"The truth of the matter is that the opinions stifled on our campuses run counter to a prevailing orthodoxy that abuses its power and prevents the expression of opinions it opposes. This coercive stifling of opinion permeates daily life, not just our campuses. It is very hard to think of an area of life that is free of the exhortation of intrusive moralizing."   [American Digest]

3:23:33 PM    



That's right: "Republicans In Name Only - In Name Only." They're the guys that say they're lifetime Republicans, and pretend to be moderate converts to the other side, but are actually subscribers and proponents of the Moby philosophy of unfettered... [The SmarterCop]

I know some of these people.  They are liberal as the day is long but are ashamed to wear the badge and uniform proudly.  The only way they could keep anyone from knowing about their liberal leanings would be to never open their mouth.  When they do speak the true colors shine through and from that point on they have lost all credibility.  When cornered on their lefty thoughs they always puff out their chest and say something about being a "Blue Dog Republican."  What a bunch of crap!  Why not just come out of the closet and say "I'm a liberal and proud of it!"

3:12:41 PM    


Black College Women Take Aim at Rappers (AP).

AP - Maybe it was the credit card that rap superstar Nelly swiped through a woman's backside in a recent video. Here at Spelman, the most famous black women's college in the country, a feud has erupted over images of women in rap videos, sparking a petition drive and phone campaigns. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

I can think of some rappers I'd like to take aim at and they are not all black!

2:58:46 PM    


U.S. Soldiers Re-Enlist in Strong Numbers (AP).

AP - Despite the shrapnel wounds Staff Sgt. William Pinkley suffered during his tour in Iraq, the 26-year-old is joining other soldiers who are re-enlisting at rates that exceed the retention goals set by the Pentagon. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

2:50:45 PM    


Shining the light of truth.........

"Myth #3: Lies got us into this war. Did the administration really mislead us about the reasons to go to war, and does it really now find itself with an immoral conflict on its hands? Mr. Bush's lectures about WMD, while perhaps privileging such fears over more pressing practical and humanitarian reasons to remove Saddam Hussein, took their cue from prior warnings from Bill Clinton, senators of both parties including John Kerry, and both the EU and U.N.

If anyone goes back to read justifications for Desert Fox (December 1998) or those issued right after September 11 by an array of American politicians, then it is clear that Mr. Bush simply repeated the usual Western litany of about a decade or so — most of it best formulated by the Democratic party under Bill Clinton. Indeed, we opted to launch that campaign in large part because of Iraq's work on WMDs."  [NRO]

2:25:00 PM    


Tilting The Data

Via our friends at Bizarre Science (an excellent site which should be bookmarked, incidentally), I note the following:

March 2004 was an auspicious month for a certain rise in temperature measured of the ocean of the north Pacific - a rise deemed to be related to global warming. However it seems there is something unusual on the ocean floor in that region, apart from light on sea floor, we also have a temperature of 370 deg... [Kim du Toit]

10:48:58 AM    


Earth Day
Has the environmental movement left the world behind?

"But the story is much different elsewhere. Indeed, for much of the rest of the world, conditions are worse than they should be. Ironically, the very movement that made its presence felt in rallies across this country in 1970 and that thrives in the developed world today must shoulder much of the blame for the developing world's sorry state. It is impeding both economic and environmental progress due to an agenda that is anti-development, anti- technology and, in the final analysis, anti-human."

10:21:39 AM    


Pat Tillman gave up the glamour of the NFL to serve his country.

A Real American Hero

PAT TILLMAN didn't have to join the Army. He didn't have to volunteer to become a Ranger.  He didn't have to go to Afghanistan and fight terrorists.

He did it anyway.   [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

10:06:37 AM    


Morning Comics  [American RealPolitik]

10:04:31 AM    


Are Men Obsolete?

 Genetically Engineered Mice Reach Adulthood via 'Virgin Birth'

"Does this suggest that other male mammals -- namely, us -- will lose some of our baby-making value? Rest easy, guys, and don't shelve those Barry White tunes just yet."

9:56:55 AM    


  ATMBanks!  Can't live with um, can't live without um!

Press buttons as follows:

1.- To make an appointment to see me.
2.- To query a missing payment.
3.- To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there.
4.- To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am sleeping.
5. -To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to nature.
6.- To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am not at home.
7.- To leave a message on my computer, a password to access my computer is required. Password will be communicated at a later date to the Authorized Contact.
8. To return to the main menu and to listen to options 1 through 7.
9. To make a general complaint or inquiry.

9:35:17 AM    


A mother enters her daughter's bedroom and sees a letter over the bed.
It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm telling you that I eloped with my new boyfriend.
I found real passion and he is so nice, with all his piercing and tattoos and his big motorcycle.
But it's not only that mom, I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer in the woods.
He wants to have many more children with me and that's one of my dreams.
I've learned that marijuana doesn't hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and his friends, who are providing us with all the cocaine and ecstasies we may want.
In the meantime, we'll pray for the science to find the AIDS cure, for Ahmed to get better, he deserves it.
Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care myself.
Some day I'll visit for you to know your grandchildren.
Your daughter, PS: Mom, it's not true.  I'm at the neighbor's house.  I just wanted to show you that there are worse things in life than the 
school's report card that's in my desk's drawer...I love you!

Thanks Sid.

9:28:16 AM    


Food for Dictators.   [Cox & Forkum]

5:04:37 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Comet C 2001 Q4 (NEAT)

4:46:25 AM    


4/23/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

4:32:14 AM    

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