Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:46:30 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Note to Democrats: it's not too late to draft someone?anyone?else!

" With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air."   [Bastard Sword] 

7:57:04 PM    


Tracking Blogs

"Do you catch the massive flaw in this moron's argument? Blogs are not private. While there is no expectation of illegal activity on blogs, those of us who write and publish them also do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This is a public website, and anyone who wants to log in, from the CIA to al Qaeda, is welcome to do so and read whatever they like. A blog is like an instantly-published magazine. Would James Love object to the CIA reading Time Magazine? Probably not. But tracking public websites? Ooooh, fascism!

Nader, just like all his followers, is an idiot."   [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

7:41:15 PM    


The USS Hornet Museum will be hosting a festival July 16-25, 2004, to commemorate the 35th anniversary of NASA?s Apollo 11 and 12 flights, which landed the first humans on the moon. As the primary recovery vessel for these historic missions, the USS Hornet played an important role in the Apollo space program. The Museum will be opening two new exhibits showcasing Hornet?s role as well as other spacecraft recovery missions performed by the US Navy supporting Mercury, Gemini, Skylab and Soyuz launches.

5:53:11 PM    


Not a Trannie

Oh. My. God. Be prepared to pee yourself laughing. [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

3:56:19 PM    


We can always hope for some excitment at the Donk's convention but I'm not holding my breath.  We will find out if the Clinton's really are in charge.

The Old Switcharoo

"They will either have to find a way to demonize John Kerry, or they will have to find an "honorable" way for him to withdraw while saving face. If they choose to demonize they will want to take into account how they, the Democratic Party, look while making the switch. They'll want to look like they got duped by a conniving John Kerry. As if they were taken in hook, line and sinker - just like the rest of America (even though the reason they would need to use the Torricelli Defense is because the rest of America was not taken in). Moral indignance will be the emotion of the day. This is relatively safe ground for Democrats, victims that they are. It’ll start like this, “I/we can’t believe he didn’t tell us… (fill in the blank).”

3:53:38 PM    


Two fresh coats of paint for your memories

As time passes, our memories begin to fade. With each new day our recollections begin to mist over and changes in what we recall start seeping in. Every now and then we must remind ourselves of what REALLY HAPPENED. [Who Tends the Fires]

3:42:38 PM    


Discarded Medals    [Cox & Forkum]

3:37:59 PM    


If you think these guys are cute and cuddlely and have a right to live - fine - I'm with you.  If however you are fool enough to go into their territory without protection or the will to use it,then I believe this little kitty has the right to have you for lunch.

Absolutely Right

"California game wardens now visit elementary schools, advising children to stand still, wave their arms and shout when they encounter one of these deadly predators.

It's good advice as far as it goes -- the animal is far more likely to take a small human for prey if it tries to run away. But shouldn't the kids yell something else, first? Something like, "Daddy, shoot the cat"?   [Kim du Toit]

3:30:53 PM    


Today's "BITE ME" award will go to Nature Magazine for going over to the dark side of scientific quackery.

"Note to Nature: Even journalists, normally your friends on global warming, are getting suspicious."

3:17:51 PM    


The Usual Suspects

Here's an example of $3 Billion of your foreign aid tax dollars at work.   [American Digest]

3:02:08 PM    


Whole Lotta Hot Air

"Earth Day came and went last week, and despite the most dire predictions of the Green Lobby, the overwhelming majority of Americans are still breathing. To hear many of the environmental activists over the last week, this is no thanks to the Bush administration, which evidently has gutted eco-friendly funding".

2:52:30 PM    


Trojan Alert!

Osama bin Laden Captured

That "Osama bin Laden Captured" e-mail carries not important news, but a malicious trojan. [New Urban Legends]

2:27:23 PM    


John Stossel on the Media

"I don’t win Emmys anymore. It just stopped. And the reason is that I wised up. I realized that the real bad guys were not business. Yes, there are scams like Enron. In a $10 trillion economy, you are going to have some Enrons. But it was the markets, not the government, that figured Enron out, and Enron’s management is not laughing all the way to the bank. Compare that to government scams. When the government messes up, they go to Congress and say: “Sorry, it didn’t work. We need more money.” And Congress gives it to them."   [The Interocitor]

2:25:07 PM    


Explaining Liberal Anger

"Why are liberals such as Paul Krugman, Michael Moore, and Howard Dean so angry and aggressive? I like to think that I have insight into this matter, since I was a liberal for a long time. If you haven't been a liberal, you may be puzzled by what you hear and read from them. They may seem -- dare I say it? -- insane, or at least discombobulated."  [techcentralstation.com]

1:51:00 PM    


Here is an interesting new blog. It is called The Religious Policeman. This guy blogs from Saudi Arabia and has to use an illegal satellite connection to access the internet lest he be sniffed out, arrested, and maimed or killed.... [Jessica's Well]

1:32:44 PM    


Allah's new toys are almost ready.  He is gracious enough to provide us with lots of technical info on blast damage so we can properly prepare.  The Russians were certainly not as helpful.  I think a good time to move out of New York and D.C. would be yesterday.

Not even the Jew's taunting can spoil Allah's day today. With Mossad's access cut off, the final solution to the American question is now close at hand: Already writhing with tension and terror, the Middle East is sliding toward a... [Allah Is In The House]

1:26:18 PM    


Allah has lots of suggestions for the new Iraqi flag.  This is my favorite.

and more.........

10:55:38 AM    



'Spirit of America' Book Auction

There's been a very generous response to our original art auction so far, and we're very grateful to all who are participating. We decided to offer another lot: a signed copy of our book, Black & White World.   [Cox & Forkum]

10:29:25 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

10:27:29 AM    


Listen to what I meant - not what I said.

3:52:57 AM    


Good Reporting From Iraq

FOR A SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER, the North County Times is doing an excellent job of covering the fighting in Iraq.    [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

3:40:33 AM    


Environmental Trends For North America -- Past 30 Years

"These observations are provided without any warranty of any kind and you can dig into the report if you want to check their accuracy or find out more. The gist of the report is that we have been improving environmentally for the past thirty years. I'm not surprised and I doubt you'll be hearing about this report in the mainstream press because it is overwhelmingly positive."  [Insults Unpunished]

3:32:01 AM    


Taking Chance Home

The following is Marine Lieutenant Colonel Strobl's account of escorting the remains of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps. It's a long and beautifully written and it deserves to be read in it's entirety. It's about Honor and Respect. [BLACKFIVE]

3:10:46 AM    


Morse cellphone. This Morse phone is the teaser for a Worth1000 photoshopping contest called "Vintage Products." Link
[Boing Boing]

2:53:26 AM    



Israel Identifies New Hamas Leader (AP). AP - Mahmoud Zahar, a 53-year-old Egyptian-trained physician whose son was killed in an Israeli airstrike, was identified by Israel on Monday as the new Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip. Israeli officials signaled he won't be targeted for death if the militant group halts suicide attacks. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

2:48:09 AM    


So - what is it that makes Kerry so desperately not want to be President?  Has he already received his orders from the people who really run the Democratic Party?

Kerry Demands Bush Prove Guard Service (AP)

AP - John Kerry, a decorated Navy veteran criticized by Republicans for his anti-war activities during the Vietnam era, lashed out at President Bush on Monday for failing to prove whether he fulfilled his commitment to the National Guard during the same period. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

2:44:19 AM    


4/27/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

2:32:55 AM    

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