Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:43:22 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Voters reject Wal-Mart City!

Take heart Wal-Mart ... you won't be burned out in the next LA Riots!

10:28:24 PM    


The Mission of the Media

We have a media determined to find imagery that will "define Iraq", in the same way they used pictures of a napalmed girl, and of a street execution, to "define Vietnam" -- with complete indifference to the larger truth.   [American Digest]

10:21:16 PM    


You don't know the half of it, infidel.

"The real cause underlining the Sadr rebellion is brought to light by DEBKAfile’s intelligence and counter-terror sources. They stress that it was far from spontaneous. Indeed it was prepared well in advance to at the behest of Tehran - with the collaboration of Damascus and the Hizballah - by the Shiite master terrorist Imad Mughniyeh. Its purpose: to trigger Iran’s Spring Offensive against the Americans in Iraq."  [Allah is in the house]

10:17:46 PM    



"This, of course, is exactly, precisely the reaction those murdering bastards were counting on, and I mean to do what I can to see that they do not get rewarded for their actions. They had assumed that if enough Americans could be killed, we would turn tail and run. This is not an unreasonable strategy on their part; we have trained these monsters to believe this about us in Beirut and Somalia, and the price we paid for minimizing pain then is coming due now, and will continue to come due until we can install some new programming into the surviving savages that commit these crimes."   [Eject! Eject! Eject!]

10:09:04 PM    


Dumb & Dumber Variety Show

"I think I have had it up to my arse with political bashing, people eating bugs, wanna be American Idols, costume malfunctions, people getting fired, people decorating other people's houses, news shows, talk shows, people who wanna win a million dollars at any cost and so on. It is time for the goody goody white teeth smiles, singing and dancing, cheesy slap stick comedy sketches, famous guest appearances, outlandish costumes (that don't malfunction), and other mindless mush that come with a variety show."    [Downtown Chick Chat]

10:07:09 PM    


Easter Cats   [Grouchy Old Cripple]

10:04:05 PM    


Still More On Gas Prices

There are a lot of folks who can't understand how we came to have an oil
shortage here in America.

Well, there's a very simple answer. Nobody bothered to check the oil. We
just didn't know we were getting low. The reason for that is purely

All our oil is in Alaska, Texas, California, and Oklahoma.

All our dipsticks are in Washington, DC.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

10:02:20 PM    



There's plenty of things that the current administration has done that ticks me off. Examples are the flap about a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, Bush's vow to extend the "assault weapons" ban if it approved by Congress, his... [Hell In A Handbasket]

9:59:35 PM    


from a pissed off Iraqi blogger..

(he is a "secular left-winged Muslim") But here is his opinion. I am totally against the super imposed democratic experience of the west on Iraq, and as a secular left-winged Muslim I used to have my theories for modifying our... [Left Coast Conservative]

9:57:47 PM    


more going on in Iraq than we think?

(Blogger salam in Iraq)Remember the days when every time you hear an Iraqi talk on TV you had to remember that they are talking with a Mukhabarat minder looking at them noting every word? We are back to that place.... [Left Coast Conservative]

9:56:56 PM    


A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged

"As an out-of-the-closet gun owner, N.R.A. member, and hunter you can imagine the comments that I hear from disapproving faculty members here at my place of employment. When one colleague learned I was in the N.R.A., he asked why "we" think that everyone should own an "assault rifle." That discussion ended when I asked him to tell me what an "assault rifle" was. He didn't know. He just knew he hated them because Dan Rather said they were bad. Oh, the intellectual curiosity."

This makes me realize how lucky I am to work in a place where guns are one of the tools of the trade.  We get to play with them all the time, and a liberal is a rare bird.  Those who are liberals don't last long or become an instant radical far right wing conservative the first time they get gassed.

9:22:46 PM    


Kerry: Murdoch 'Traitor' for Moving News Corp. to U.S..

Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry today called media magnate Rupert Murdoch "a traitor, a Benedict Arnold" for moving his company out of Australia and into the United States.  [ScrappleFace]

8:07:39 PM    


Hey Disney ... GO TO HELL!

'The Alamo' destroys memory of American heroes

I am so tired of Disney rewriting American History I could kill something.  No wonder Roy Disney is upset.

Please don't let this sick company rewrite American history for your children.

8:03:51 PM    


Engrish of the Day

3:15:27 PM    


Like Fish in a Barrel

3:13:39 PM    


Voodoo Economics

Wow, you've almost got to admire the balls it takes to stand up in front of a group of people and make these statements.  [Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

2:59:55 PM    


Baghdad Burning? - Hardly!

"The news you are hearing stateside is awfully depressing and negative. The reality is we are accomplishing a tremendous amount here, and the Iraqi people are not only benefiting greatly, but are enthusiastically supportive.

My job is mostly to be the driver of my platoon's lead Humvee. I see the missions our Army is performing, and I interact closely with the Iraqi people. Because of this, I know how successful and important our work is."   [Blackfive - A Robertson of Clan Donnachaidh]

2:49:43 PM    


Just When You Think You Can Trust the Pentagon   [American Digest]

2:47:32 PM    


Speaking of pictures and their worth....

I rather like the way that New England Republican said this. [Accidental Verbosity]

2:37:05 PM    


Who Do You Want Quarterbacking The Nation?

2:25:38 PM    


Those Crazy Dutch!

2:15:16 PM    


Rice's Best Defense

 "Commission Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton went on "Meet the Press" Sunday and said that their final report will include surprises and, more stunningly, that the Sept. 11 attacks could have been thwarted. How did the commissioners come to these conclusions before the long-awaited public questioning of the national security adviser? Or for that matter before reading through all those Clinton-era documents said to have been withheld from the commission, and before FBI Director Robert Mueller, CIA Director George Tenet, Attorney General John Ashcroft and President Bush have testified? And before former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former Attorney General Janet Reno and Bill Clinton have weighed in under oath?"  [WSJ]

1:48:49 PM    


10:31:22 AM    


Check out all the miniatures

10:17:38 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Unusually Strong Cyclone Off the Brazilian Coast

10:11:59 AM    


Who's Scared of the Price of Gasoline

Peter Van Doren and Jerry Taylor from the Cato Institute put the recent gas price hysteria into perspective:

"If we adjust gasoline prices for inflation and use 2003 dollars, we find that during the most celebrated days of cheap fuel and gas guzzling cars -- 1955 -- gasoline actually cost $1.66 a gallon on average across the nation. In 1972, the year before OPEC began to flex its muscles, prices were $1.28 a gallon. In 1981, the real record was set -- $2.36 cents a gallon. Heck, prices are only a nickel higher now than at this time last year."   [Common Sense and Wonder]

You ain't heard nothing yet.  Listen for the wailing and gnashing of teeth when gas reaches seven dollars a gallon during the next decade because we refuse to use the oil we have under the ocean and Alaska.  I have no sympathy for this country as long as we allow ourselves to be held hostage to a few eco nazis.  You can have your Caribou or your low gas prices.  The choice is yours.

9:49:01 AM    


THE SHOTGUN    [DiscountBlogger]

Check out this new Canadian blog to keep tabs on the Canadian Loony Left.  Thats right! ... they have one just like ours.

9:24:46 AM    


Iran's Proxy War   [Cox & Forkum]

9:14:55 AM    


Morning Comics    [American RealPolitik]

4:32:34 AM    


4/6/2004. Day By Day Cartoon

4:29:15 AM    

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