Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:43:43 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Friday, April 09, 2004


The Media Are the Enemy

France's Agence France Presse news service continues waging their own little Gallic Tet Offensive, with another blatantly anti-American caption grafted onto another photo plucked from Getty Images:  [Little Green Footballs]

7:41:32 PM    


I love you blockedReferrer!

If you tell me who you are I promise not to tell!  Why would someone want to hide?  Hmmmmmm.

7:27:24 PM    


Rice: Testimony Manipulation   [smalldeadanimals]

2:50:11 PM    


Hey Belgium!  BITE ME! mean anything to you?

Belgium to America - drop dead!

The world's least interesting nation, often referred to (when it's noticed at all) as the screen door of Europe, is once again attempting to bite the United States in the ankles. It's rather like being savaged by a narcoleptic hamster.... [Silent Running]

2:40:04 PM    


Viagra needed?

2:28:15 PM    


BREAKING NEWS.... ...FROM BAGHDAD.... [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

12:18:50 PM    


Who Let 911 Happen? We All Did..

A key reason that al Qaeda operatives wreaked havoc on 9/11 is that virtually no one, especially among our political and cultural elites, believed that our national security was in any serious jeopardy.    [American Digest]

12:15:52 PM    


Damn! ... we do good work!

NASA Gives Mars Rovers 5 More Months (AP)

AP - NASA gave its twin Mars rovers the green light to continue searching the Red Planet for evidence it once was a wetter place hospitable to life. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

12:05:42 PM    


You say you can do a better job running the country?  Do it!

National Budget Simulation

11:56:30 AM    


Battery recharges in 30 seconds

Details are sparse, but NEC Corp announced they've developed a battery that can power a minidisc player for 80 hours yet takes only 30 seconds to recharge! "The company will initially try to commercialize the technology for using the battery as an emergency power source for computers, according to sources at NEC." Link [Boing Boing]

This will be great if it works and doesn't cost a fortune.

11:53:06 AM    


more on the Camel Spiders

11:50:03 AM    


Deliver Us From Democrats

"And of course there was Carter's masterful handling of the crisis in Iran, leading America to betray our ally, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. Even as Carter was back-stabbing this loyal U.S. ally, the Shah was assuring those around him, "The United States has always been our friend, and it won't let me down now." Sadly, there was no one to warn him: "Run for your life! A Democrat is in the White House!"

9:33:12 AM    


The Similarities of Vietnam and Iraq

* Both Vietnam and Iraq have an 'i' in them.

* Both are foreign countries.

* Both wars were opposed by stupid, smelly hippies.

* Both wars were supported and then opposed by John Kerry


9:23:40 AM    


Obesity Bullshit

"Our enemies may be lean and hungry; but we have enough of our own lean and hungry people to take care of the problem -- most often, wearing words like "USMC", "U.S. Army" or "82nd Airborne" on their arms.

Not bad, for a nation of fatties."   [Kim du Toit]

9:11:14 AM    


Connecting Dots   [Cox & Forkum]

9:06:07 AM    


Happiness Is Only Grin Deep

Does it really take more muscles to frown than it does to smile? [New Urban Legends]

8:50:25 AM    


Scam Report

New daily feature: the Scam Report    [New Urban Legends]

8:45:11 AM    


Ralph Waldo Emerson  "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." [Quotes of the Day]

8:43:28 AM    



Bastard has served up Tasty Waffles for our breakfast.

7:33:04 AM    


Engrish of the Day

7:16:14 AM    



Colonel who fought in 3 wars evicted from home

"As a Marine, Col. Ken Reusser, 84, earned 49 medals, four Purple Hearts and two Navy Crosses. He served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, and is considered the most decorated veteran in the state of Oregon. It's that service that supporters want to honor by helping Reusser save his Cooper Mountain property, which was originally settled by his grandfather."

7:03:59 AM    


Bring it on!

Saudi al Qaeda man calls for killing Americans

"O mujahideen this is your day, your jihad and this is your enemy occupying your land, turning it into bases to fight Islam and Muslims, and controlling apostate agents. So fight them until...you only see blood and body parts as they have done to your brothers in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq in their battles in the Muslim peninsula."

6:56:48 AM    


Western Cannibasilm

"Out of all the recent chaos emerges one lesson: Appeasement of fundamentalists is not appreciated as magnanimity, but ridiculed as weakness — and, in fact, encourages further killing."  [NRO]

6:45:26 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

NGC 4565: Galaxy on the Edge

6:34:34 AM    


Daily Kos - Again

"I think, simply that the root issue remains that Bush et al decided to respond to the sponsors of the terrorist acts, rather than the individual actors. That's a legitimate policy distinction, and one where, as I've said in the past, I fall on the side of the White House.

But to somehow assume that the President and National Security staff will personally foil every plot (although the image of Condi Rice dressed up as Wonder Woman might be pleasing to some) - or even manage the response to every plot is ludicrous."   [Winds of Change.NET]

6:32:50 AM    


4/9/2004. Day By Day Cartoon

6:21:41 AM    

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