Updated: 5/1/2004; 8:46:23 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Monday, April 26, 2004


Adventures in Headlining

The Sacramento Bee analyzed a Los Angeles Times poll (always a dangerous task) on gay marriage in a state with the nation's strongest gay movement. The results of the poll showed that less than a third of Californians supported legalizing same-sex marriage. However, the Sacramento Bee headlined the story thusly:

Poll: Nearly one of three Californians favor gay marriage

[Captain's Quarters]

11:04:09 PM    


How to win Friends

"God, they're doing the work of the Republican National Committee"Sen John Kerry, ripping off the microphone after his interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson on Good Morning America, after being grilled about his shifting 'Medal Throwing' storiesHeh. Yeah, those ABC News... [Silent Running]

If Kerry was not so pathetic he could be funny.

10:57:40 PM    


Evidence of Iraq WMD Isn't Spectacular Enough for Press to Report

"When the facts don't fit the story the media is trying to peddle, they just ignore the facts -- even when the facts relate to the discovery of WMD in Iraq. This accounting of the findings by the Iraq Survey Group by Kenneth Timmerman is breathtaking. I knew that David Kay's testimony was misrepresented to the public, but did not realize the extent of the misrepresentation.

What the president's critics and the media widely have portrayed as the most dramatic failure of the U.S. case against Saddam has been the claimed failure to find "stockpiles" of chemical and biological weapons. But in a June 2003 Washington Post op-ed, former chief U.N. weapons inspector Rolf Ekeus called such criticism "a distortion and a trivialization of a major threat to international peace and security."   PoliPundit]

10:47:59 PM    


The Dream lives on

Every year they hold their little summit meetings,  pat each other on the back and say "We can do this!"  And every year nothing happens except to plan some more pep rallies.

I have been watching this phenomenon now for what? - five - six - seven years?  I lose track.  Every year I do my own little survey of the hit counters on all the biggest web pages and every year I come up with the same result - no increase in the percentage of desktop machines using Linux on the net.  There was a very slight up-tick this last year but the increase for Apple was almost five times greater by a whole percentage point. 

Every year at the pep rallies they make the speeches about what needs to be done to give Uncle Bill indigestion, and every year none of it happens.

They will keep dreaming however.  Their hatred for MS drives them.  That same hatred is what keeps them from moving forward.

Basing your business model on seething hatred for one man and one company is doomed to failure.

It is fun to watch though.


8:38:33 PM    


The Power to Do Good

"Victor Davis Hanson reviews the new book by Niall Ferguson, Colossus: The Price of America's Empire: The Power to Do Good. SO, the real crises of American power are soaring entitlements, unfunded social mandates and ever-increasing laxity and affluence among an indulgent citizenry.

Those who got it right about America were not Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter, but Teddy Roosevelt and Douglas MacArthur. The latter did not welcome war, but accepted that the world outside our shores was often a pretty rotten place that would take and take until someone - usually us - stopped it."    [Little Green Footballs]

8:03:20 PM    


Boeing to Proceed With 7E7 After $6 Billion ANA Order.   

[Planenews Aviation News Portal]

3:10:49 PM    


Wallowing in nuance

"Another six weeks of Dick Clarke's book tour, of snotty network reporters condescending to the president at his press conference, of the sneering Richard Ben Veniste and emotionally unhinged Bob Kerrey badgering Condi Rice at their hack hearings, of Bob Woodward and his unreadable book filling up slabs of CNN's prime time every night with irrelevant arcana about what did Prince Bandar know and when did he tell Woodward he knew it, another six weeks of things that make Bush ''vulnerable,'' and he'd be heading for a 49-state blowout over Kerry."

3:06:03 PM    


Operation Iraqi Freedom - Troop Morale Survey

Some of you may have seen this already. It's a report put together by Charles Moskos - a world famous behavioral scientist (Northwestern University) who did extensive work on the all volunteer force and Army behaviors over time. [BLACKFIVE]

2:47:55 PM    



The Corner poster Kathryn Jean Lopez has the day's week's quote(s) of the day.   [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

2:26:17 PM    


A Question For The Doves

I have 3 questions for people who want to be 'aggressively chasing terrorists' while not invading countries. How - exactly - does that work? Because I can't figure it out. [Winds of Change.NET]

9:23:27 AM    


No More Heinz

Why buy Heinz ketchup when you can buy this? [PoliPundit]

8:58:42 AM    


more than numbers

The American soldiers who die in Iraq are more than numbers that can be useful to manipulate election year polls. They are people, with hometown newspapers that write about hometown heroes. Meet these American heroes. [Julie Neidlinger]

Great find Julie!

8:40:54 AM    


Before Copernicus

The $1.5 million book is tucked inside its own protective case, sitting on a shelf in a huge vault with a steel door 5 inches thick.  [American Digest]

8:19:01 AM    


Kerry to Reenact Medal Tossing Protest

(2004-04-26) -- Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry today announced he would reenact for TV cameras the historic moment when he tossed his own Vietnam war medals over the White House fence.   [ScrappleFace]

8:02:37 AM    


Get Fuzzy for 26 Apr 2004

7:55:43 AM    


4/26/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

7:52:55 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

7:47:56 AM    

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