Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:27 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Thursday, May 06, 2004




"Here is the most powerful guy in the world, and he wants to make sure I'm safe." .. [annika's journal]

10:35:13 PM    



Now that I'm fast approaching the Viagra Generation they come out with a handbook.  Where were you guys when I could have done something about it?

10:30:32 PM    


Dear Ragheads

Warning! I'm pissed. Adult language follows.  [Grouchy Old Cripple]

And Right On Grouchy Old Cripple!

10:26:14 PM    


prisoner abuse

" Bush should not have apologized. I am still waiting for an apology for the following acts of violence and war against Americans: Khobar Towers, USS Cole, 9/11...and all the other acts of undeserved violence on civilians in the past 15 or more years.

Truman never apologized for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. FDR never apologized for Dresden and all the other bombings of German civilian targets. Clinton never apologized...for anything. To anyone.

They hated us before the incident. They hate us now. Who cares what they think? Those who want to hate will always find an excuse."   [Julie Neidlinger]

Right on Julie!

10:22:35 PM    


Why Linux will never be mainstream.

I haven't bashed Linux for awhile so I'm due.  The one percent of us who are true geeks love to play with new things.  Linux is wonderful for us because we can waste buku hours just trying to get it to work with all our hardware.  The other ninety nine percent of computer users who try it will fold at the first sign of trouble.

By the way ... I also had the same experience with debian based distros that is talked about in this article.  I'm thinking my next adventure with Linux will be to go back to Mandrake where I started.  I will have come full circle.

So much fun.

6:55:38 PM    


 SPECIAL REPORT: Hackers grab IE's address bar (and others)

 "Scam artists on the Internet have developed a way to make your browser's address bar say that you're viewing a legitimate Web site — when you're actually visiting a malicious site instead. The new technique is known to affect Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser, but also affects the Netscape browser and possibly others as well.

This new rip-off method is a disturbing evolution in a fast-growing wave of e-mail scams called "phishing." The typical scheme involves an attempt to get victims to reveal a credit-card number, online banking password, or other personal information."

6:11:05 PM    


 Hate at the Local Mosque

 "It saddens me that these Muslim organizations and my mosque leadership are reluctant to take a strong stand, because ending hate begins at home. If Muslims in America and elsewhere expect religious tolerance, we must ourselves enforce a zero-tolerance policy against preaching hatred and bigotry. At the very least, American Muslims need to follow the lead of the mainstream Muslim Council of Britain, which sent a letter to 1,000 British mosques urging members to oppose extremism and provide "Islamic guidance" to help "maintain the peace and security of our country."

The goings-on in my small mosque may seem inconsequential, but we are a microcosm of the challenges moderate Islam faces throughout the world. If tolerant and inclusive Islam can't express itself in small corners like Morgantown, where on this earth can the real beauty of Islam flourish?"  

Sorry to be the one to burst your bubble Mr. Nomani, but your religion has been taken over by people who have only one goal in mind and that is to rule the world.  There is only one thing standing in their way and that is the U.S.  It is obvious that we are going to receive no help from anyone (the UK will drop out as soon as there is a leadership change).  It is going to be a very long and very bloody war and millions will die before it is over. We will not grow any balls to do what needs to be done until your side drops the big one.  That of course is just a matter of time. We can then get down to the business of eliminating the insane people who have taken your religion from you and made it into a weapon of war.  Isn't it funny how human history just continues to repeat itself?

Bush is not the next Hitler.  Islam is the next Hitler!

5:07:38 PM    



"One of the biggest mistakes we ever made in this country is hatching the notion that schools can teach "self-esteem" to young minds full of mush. NOBODY can teach self-esteem and you damn sure don't do it by praising inferior performance or protecting delicate ears from words that may offend them. Self-esteem is something a person develops for himself or herself and it doesn't come overnight and you don't order it in a cafeteria line."  [Gut Rumbles]

2:55:16 PM    


Profile of Iraqi torture woman. lynndie englandI've been waiting for the press to do a story about the female American soldier shown tormenting Iraqi soldiers. Her name is Lynndie England, she's 21, and she comes from a "backwoods world" West Virginia.

"To the country boys here, if you're a different nationality, a different race, you're sub-human. That's the way girls like Lynndie are raised.

"Tormenting Iraqis, in her mind, would be no different from shooting a turkey. Every season here you're hunting something. Over there, they're hunting Iraqis."  [Boing Boing]

11:41:02 AM    


Mad Cow!

Ran this a long time ago but just in case anyone missed it...........

Mmmmmmmmmmm. Cow!

I wasn't hungry till I saw this.  Now I'm on my way out to eat.

11:15:55 AM    


5/6/2004   Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

11:06:09 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Thats just not my THING!

11:03:46 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

A Lunar Eclipse Mosaic

11:01:51 AM    


Kerry Created 20 million jobs?!

He gets more and more like Al Gore every day, doesn't he?   [Reality Hammer]


11:00:49 AM    

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