Updated: 6/1/2004; 11:25:19 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Chavez and girl







10:10:43 PM    


"Any black who votes for Bush should be strung up and shot"

"Shay at Crispus has been dealing with friends -- not unlike I have -- who are so vehemently against President Bush that their hatred is tangible."Voting for Bush is Voting Against Your People"

No one can tell me why their hatred for the man is so strong. Many people immediately point at the war, but when you point out that their level of hatred was just as strong prior to the war, their arguement falls apart."

from Ramblings' Journal

10:03:27 PM    


World War II Memorial

Some images I had the pleasure of capturing yesterday at the World War II Memorial, dedicated today in Washington, DC. Click on the images for larger sizes.

from Silent Running

9:51:35 PM    


A Clinton Rescue?

"You won't read this in American newspapers, but the London Telegraph reports that the John Kerry presidential campaign has decided that they need Bill Clinton to energize the lackluster candidate that John Kerry has proved to be:"

"I've never heard him tell a joke," said one campaign worker at a Kerry fund-raising party last week. "I've never seen him look as if he was genuinely enjoying himself. He just needs to come across as more human. If Clinton can help with that, then we sure need that help."

from Captain's Quarters

9:49:34 PM    


Help a soldier phone home!

Got an old cell phone you aren't using? Check out CellPhonesforSoldiers.Com Our Mission: Cell Phones for Soldiers was created by two teenagers, 13 year old Brittany Bergquist and her brother, 12 year old Robbie Bergquist of Norwell Massachusetts.

from democrats give conservatives indigestion

I got a closet full of old ones!  I never could give em away.  Now I can.

9:41:18 PM    


Has Iran Declared War On The US?

"On one hand, you have to think that the Iranians can't really be this stupid. Sure, they have missiles; so do we, and in much greater numbers. While they see America fighting divisively over the war in Iraq, an attack on US assets would not only galvanize American unity, it would likely mean the end of all restraint from the UN or any other international body. The British and the Americans may be too indulgent in self-flagellation now, but that's a luxury we drop under attack, as we proved -- for too short a period of time -- after 9/11. Unlike that attack, however, an attack from a sovereign state would allow us to focus quite clearly on an enemy, and I suspect military enlistment rates would shoot into the stratosphere.

On the other hand, perhaps the Iranians are that stupid."

from Captain's Quarters

8:40:12 PM    


Media's Mission Accomplished: U.S. Troops Now Called 'Baby Killers'

"After weeks of repetitive wall-to-wall coverage of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, the American media have finally achieved success: U.S. soldiers are now being labeled as war criminals by some of their fellow Americans - just as their predecessors in Vietnam were.

"I've been called a baby killer," ROTC recruit Alexia Regner told the New York Post on Friday, saying the insult was hurled by some of her fellow students at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University.

It's "Mission Accomplished" for America's journalist class. They've managed to make Abu Ghraib and My Lai synonymous in the minds of enough Americans that now some of today's soldiers fighting the war on terror are being slandered the same way."

8:33:13 PM    


Sharia law

Sharia law comes to Canada. While Christians can be accused of a hate crime for citing certain Bibilical tenets. "This is an abuse of multiculturalism,...

from Common Sense and Wonder

Can this country in all it's PC glory be far behind?

2:21:15 PM    


8 days till moving day.

12:56:13 PM    


Heres whats wrong with America

 Every morning since 9/11, Donald Lamp has hung his American flag from the balcony of his Omaha apartment.

 Management of the retirement community where he and his wife live - citing policy about maintaining the appearance of the building's exterior - wants him to lower the flag for good.

Lamp refuses.

"I'm not about to take it down," the 89-year-old World War II veteran said.

Lamp is like many Americans who, because of housing covenants, are discouraged from flying their flags this Memorial Day weekend.

from Curmudgeonly & Skeptical

12:38:42 PM    


British view of America

"This picture of the United States was not all wrong, but it was notable for what it missed out. I learnt very little about the vigour of the freedom provided for under the American Constitution, the country's encouragement of large-scale immigration, its rising living standards. I did not know how well America had reconstructed Germany, Japan and the economies of western Europe after the war.

The BBC did not preach to me about the Soviet threat with the same ardour that it preached about racial prejudice. I therefore thought that America was very violent and very backward, and I could never quite understand why such a country was by far the most powerful in the world. If I asked people why, they would say, "Oh well, it's because it's so rich," as if wealth were something that simply descended upon you without the contribution of human effort. As a result, I understood very little about America."

from The Daily Telegraph

Our view of them is probably just as skewed.  We fools have believed everything the Teley has crammed down our throats for a lifetime.

7:29:30 AM    


Bring it.

So they popped their heads out of the fourteenth century, looked around, saw the rest of the world and said "it'll have to go". We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization and for the uprooting...

from Silent Running

7:12:46 AM    


C-130 Hercules

No problem!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and watch the video's of the 130 landing and takeoff from the carrier deck.  Safe for dial-up.

1:18:32 AM    


Jungsteinzeit: Ötzi, mumifizierter Leichnam


from flabber

12:40:41 AM    


Engrish of the Day

 Son, let me tell you about the bears and the bees...

12:26:04 AM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

12:24:02 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

 Cone Nebula Close Up

12:23:03 AM    

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