Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:29:20 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


Why not to choose open source!

Open source software, writes John Carroll, is not inherently more reliable, stable or scalable than proprietary. Furthermore, open source doesn't do nearly as good a job as proprietary of providing features that matter most to customers."

11:31:22 PM    


 Spamming for office

 "Since Jan. 1, a federal law has regulated spam. But if you look at the law's fine print, you'll find a telling exemption: Our elected representatives made sure the restrictions don't apply to them. As a result, the Can-Spam Act covers only e-mail promoting "a commercial product or service," which lets political spammers off the hook."

11:25:42 PM    


The price of generic drugs can vary widely from one pharmacy to the next.

"Comparison shopping applies to generic drugs just as much as it does to food, clothing, DVDs, automobiles, or any other product. Those willing to do some hunting around get the best prices, and many drug comparison sites are available on the web to help consumers compare the costs of various drugs at different retail outlets before submitting their prescriptions (although medical insurance or HMO restrictions may limit which pharmacies a covered patient can use). Price differences between pharmacies can't necessarily be chalked up to nothing more than mere greed, however — some pharmacies offer additional levels of service (such as staying open 24 hours a day) and have to recoup the costs of those additional services by charging higher prices.

Although we can't guarantee that Costco always has the lowest prices on generic drugs, it is generally true that their pharmacy will fill prescriptions for non-members (but be prepared to pay by cash or ATM card rather than check)."  [snopes.com]

10:53:21 PM    


A Sea Story

When I was in the Navy we had a saying: The only difference between a fairy tale and a sea... [Grouchy Old Cripple]

10:35:21 PM    


Vote of Nonconfidence

[Cox & Forkum]

10:24:52 PM    


 Rocket Launcher Found Near Atlanta Commuter Train Station

10:20:49 PM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 Brain Crater on Mars

9:58:22 PM    


Engrish of the Day

Carry on.......

9:54:02 PM    


News Coverage as a Weapon

"The emergence of the press and media as decisive implements of warfare arose from changes in the nature of late twentieth century war itself. If battlefield reality was paramount in earlier wars it was because literally everyone was there. During the Civil War 15 percent of the total white population took the field, a staggering 75% of military age white males. During the Great War the major combatants put even higher proportions of their men on the line. Even after World War 2 it was still natural for children to ask, 'Daddy what did you do in the War?' and expect an answer. Reality affected everybody. But beginning with the Vietnam War and continuing into the current Iraqi campaign, the numbers of those actually engaged on the battlefield as a proportion of the population became increasingly small." [Belmont Club]

12:41:14 PM    


I have a suggestion for familys like this.  MOVE THE HELL OUT OF LA!

Though Far From Poor, a Family Struggles Daily

Los Angeles Times - The scrapbook tucked under the bookshelf in Rudy Basurto's living room isn't full of family portraits — just photos of cabinets. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

I live in California and the cost to support a family here is half what it is in LA because of much cheaper housing costs.  Don't tell me it can't be done because thousands have already moved and the unemployment rate here is no worse and maybe better than LA.  Get off your dead ass and do something about the problem instead of complaining to the Times about it.

12:33:03 PM    


Spirit of America Update

THE TELEVISION EQUIPMENT that Spirit of America purchased last month has arrived in Iraq, the Marine Corps News reports. [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

12:15:10 PM    


The Cigar Marine

MEET GUNNERY SERGEANT NICK POPADITCH: To fully understand why strangers across the country are sending well wishes to "Nick Popaditch,... [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

12:14:04 PM    


Hilarious!  A must read!

Rover Reboots 23 Hours After Phoning Tech Support

Almost a day after phoning tech support to solve a software glitch, NASA's Mars Rover rebooted this morning and seems to be functioning normally. Engineers at the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, said the Rover... [ScrappleFace]

8:27:11 AM    


Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

7:28:37 AM    

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