Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:29:04 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Friday, May 14, 2004


Kerry's at it again...claims no one died in wars when Clinton was in office

Or perhaps he mean in the brief interval of time when Clinton was physically leaving the Oval Office for the last time.

Or perhaps he means "at war" in the legal sense.

Or perhaps he meant any number of things other than the most obvious meaning of "no one" and "died".

Well, whatever he thought he meant, he's wrong. As usual.

Many people died on Clinton's watch. From the first World Trade Center disaster through the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the terrorists were at war with us, even if we were not at war with them...in the legal sense.

From Somolia to the Balkans, from the Middle East to the United States Americans were dying during the Clinton era.

And when it comes to terrorism, we are all soldiers; we are all at war. [Reality Hammer]

8:00:09 PM    


Welcome To The Blogosphere

Rich Marotti at Seldom Sober has a welcome to those finding his website while looking for the Nick Berg video. He makes an excellent point about Big Media and how news is now breaking on the internet long before traditional media. He speaks the truth. [PoliPundit]

7:58:03 PM    


Destroyed Iraq's infrastructure? Not bloody likely....

New York City councilman Charles Barron looked like raving lunatic when he went up against me on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes a few weeks ago.Moonbat Barron tried to claim that the infrastructure of Iraq was destroyed by the US; that the nation of Iraq is far worse off now than it was under Saddam Hussain.

While we're talking about Iraq's infrastructure, let's talk about what the mainstream media, the Democrats on the Hill and the moonbats in the streets do not want you to know:   [Ramblings' Journal]

7:55:04 PM    


Get the shirts

7:43:56 PM    


WiFi antennae made from cheap Chinese cookware. These Kiwi WiFi hackers are building cheap, incredibly powerful WiFi antennae out of Chinese cookware (like this $2 parabolic "dumpling scoop") and USB WiFi dongles. They've got extensive build and testing notes: I wonder where I can get a dumpling scoop of my own?
[Boing Boing]

4:14:18 PM    


The Unnoticed Scandal

Talk about something slipping under the radar: while browsing the news sites yesterday, in the midst of all the stories about Abu Ghraib, I noticed a link on Drudge's site about Lynndie England, the Army Reserve private who's become the... [Attaboy]

4:08:17 PM    


Can ya hear me now?!?!

I get ticked off with my cell phone from time to time. Spring PCS is not always "free and clear".  [The Mayor Speaks]

4:02:49 PM    


Indoctrinating Our Youth

TEACHERS AT TWO HIGH SCHOOLS near San Diego are under investigation for showing students images of the gruesome decapitation of... [Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

4:00:25 PM    


Beheading Mania!

Even for an obscure little page like mine, over half the referrals today and yesterday have been for the beheading pictures. 

My god people!  Go to Blockbuster and rent all the 'Faces of Death' videos and let them run 24 hours a day on your 60 inch plasma wall screen!  Buy screens for every wall in your house including the bathrooms so you won't have to miss a single gruesome death.

Now I see why so many people watch crap like the survival programs on TV.  What a sick society we have going for us here.

3:54:51 PM    


Baby Steps

"It's not all dog leashes and porn in Iraq. Read Belmont Club on how coalition strategies in Fallujah and Najaf in recent weeks are quietly working. This was not supposed to happen. April was supposed to mark the death rattle of the American occupation in Iraq. It was never meant to lead to joint Marine-Iraqi patrols in Fallujah or Iraqi commandos hunting down Moqtada Al-Sadr in Najaf. Yet the change did not proceed from "more American boots on the ground" nor from the provision of additional guards for the Baghdadi antiquities or an influx of NGOs."  [Wizblog]

3:27:44 PM    


America's most arrogant person condems American arrogance!

He should know!

3:23:25 PM    


Doing to ourselves what the enemy could not.

"Have we any memory of a man in a suit and tie, nearly three years ago wading through the din and panic amid the morning rubble, assuring millions of stunned Americans that the national headquarters of their armed forces was still intact and capable of defending us after the mass murder of 3,000? And have we no shame in recognizing that should some congressional critics and Washington harpies get their way, Americans will accomplish what bin Laden's suicide bombers could not on September 11: remove America's finest Secretary of Defense in a half century?

The idea that anyone would suggest that Donald Rumsfeld ? and now Richard Meyers! ? should step down, in the midst of a global war, for the excesses and criminality of a handful of miscreant guards and their lax immediate superiors in the cauldron of Iraq is absurd and depressing all at once."  [NRO]

3:18:23 PM    


Those Italian Police must have lots of money.

The newest car to be used by Italian Police

3:00:31 PM    


Handwringers of America

"Those twin Senators from Massachusetts are the co-chairmen of the handwringers of America - the HWA.  [Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

2:46:31 PM    


Afternoon Cartoons

[American RealPolitik]

2:18:14 PM    


Don't need no stinking objectivity!  We have papers to sell!

"Objective Reality" of Prisoner Abuse

"Da, Comrade Stalin would have been proud. The "objective reality" of prisoner abuse is well-served by running fake photographs. Let us have Purge Trial of QRL, on any evidence. If evidence does not exist, Comrade Morgan will invent it. Khorosho."   [The Politburo Diktat]

2:16:28 PM    


Nadhmi Auchi/Nick Berg?  Setup?

Here's an interesting question for the blogosphere. Did the convicted criminal who used bribes and kickbacks to secure all the Iraqi cellphone contracts, as I blogged here, do a bit more? In short, Nick Berg was in Iraq working on... [bastardsword]

7:44:26 AM    


Saddam had their hands cut off. America gave them new ones.

"As far as I can make out, the purpose of this two weeks of media humiliation is that we--the president, all of us--are being asked to morally prostrate ourselves before the rest of the world. Some may choose to do so, but this story should make a few Americans want to simply stand up straight again.

As perfect justice, the story in fact begins in Abu Ghraib prison, in 1995. With Iraq's economy in a tailspin, Saddam arrested nine Iraqi businessmen to scapegoat them as dollar traders. They got a 30-minute "trial," and were sentenced, after a year's imprisonment, to have their right hands surgically cut off at Abu Ghraib prison." [WSJ]

7:02:00 AM    


War within a war

 "The story of what happened at Abu Ghraib prison was told by the American military authorities months ago. This was not some cover-up that the media exposed. What the media did, irresponsibly, was send inflammatory photographs around the world. 

In an age when some in the media are gross enough to release photographs of Princess Diana's dying moments, perhaps it is too much to expect forbearance about releasing photos that can only help our enemies around the world."

6:51:32 AM    


The Whine

"And now, predictably, we are subjected to the whine. Via LGF today, we find this little gem in which a columnist complains that we are unfairly targeting Saudi Arabia, Islam, and Arabs in general. Oh, dear gods above, give me...

1) It's not okay that Islamic extremists rammed jets full of hostages into high rise buildings, but it's okay now because they deserved it. And anyway, the "Zionists" did it and everyone knows that!

2) It's not okay to kill innocent people, but it's alright to blow them up when you have a "cause" in the name of Islam. That's called "resistance"!

3) It's okay to kill Jews because, well, Jews are evil! Mohammed said that himself. We all read it everyday in the Koran.

4) It isn't okay to hate Americans, but it is because they hate Islam so fighting them is fine.

5) It's terrible to behead a captive, but we really don't care because Americans are the enemy and so they deserve it. Anyway, Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg are Jews."  [Shining full plate and a good broadsword]

6:31:22 AM    


Unfinished Business

[Cox & Forkum]

6:26:59 AM    


 Private Rocket SpaceShipOne Makes Third Rocket-Powered Flight

 "In a post-flight statement from the company, the SpaceShipOne team reported that their space plane flew to 212,000 feet altitude, almost 41 miles. NASA awards astronaut status to anyone who flies above 50 miles in altitude."

6:05:01 AM    


Globe publishes apology for fake 'GI rape' photos
But Boston paper doesn't inform readers it knew images came from porn website.  [WND]

5:51:14 AM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 Zubenelgenubi and Friends

5:46:10 AM    


Engrish of the Day

As long as everyone is happy!

5:43:43 AM    


Day By Day Cartoon

5:36:10 AM    

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