Updated: 6/5/2004; 9:33:50 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Sunday, May 30, 2004


Pissing and moaning our rights away

We do a lot of bitching, and rightly so in this country about how we are losing the right to defend ourselves against the scumbags of society.  We feel a little better when we hear the stories out of places like the UK, Canada, and a host of other countries.  We should not feel smug about it.  We may still have a few of our liberties left to us but we are rapidly heading in the same direction as those countries.  Just being angry about it is a waste of time.  Our anger needs to push us into some kind of action no matter how small it may be.  Without some action the anger only builds inside us as we lose more and more of our liberties.

I will put my money where my mouth is. 

I let my membership in the NRA lapse a while back.  Reading the post below has reminded me of that.  When I'm through here I will go to the NRA website and renew my membership. 

Yes, I know they have managed to piss a lot of us off in the last few years but at least they are on the same side of the fence and fighting for the same ultimate goals we all want.  I can piss and moan about the way they do things and all I will be doing is helping the enemy.  That doesn't make me feel very good about myself. 

I will really not feel good about myself, and my childish behavior, if I do nothing, and live to see this country become just like the others. 

I'm off to NRA.org.

Self Defense = Paranoid, Weak Minded

"If you advocate self defense then you've come across them before. They're the people who claim that you're paranoid, weak minded and unable to see simple truths due to the hellish glare reflecting off of your guns.

These guys won't listen to reasoned arguments because they honestly think that there can be no defense against the "crime" of self defense. It's been my experience that it's best to avoid engaging them in a debate. If you do they'll simply raise the bar for proof, construct straw men and refuse to listen. Better to use your time for something constructive."

 from Hell In A Handbasket

11:54:55 PM    


Congrats AL ... I mean Marc!  I sort of had you pegged for a 'Marc' when I met you at Pendleton.  Expect great things from this guy folks.  Doesn't it feel good to finally be out of the closet?

Armed Liberal Comes Out

"Armed Liberal" reveals his real name, and his new job as COO for Spirit of America.

from Winds of Change.NET

11:00:02 PM    


Memorial Day Whack Job

"GMAFB! This f- -ktard is comparing Abu Ghraib to the Bataan Death March? I am so f- -king sick and tired about how the press is milking this story for all it's worth. I'm sick of it! Jesus H. Christ! We humiliated some f- -king ragheads. These were not choirboys. Many of these assholes were our f- -king enemies! It's not like we fed them into shredders or broke their arms and legs. Yeah, I was pissed when I first heard about it but now I'm getting pissed off at the press. The army was taking care of this before the booger eatin' moh-rons in the lamestrem media tried to make this story into the worst thing to have happened since the Holocaust. And now we have this asswipe trying to compare it to the Bataan Death March or the Hanoi Hilton. Enough of this shit! Stop it already!"

 from Grouchy Old Cripple

Looks like Atlanta has their own version of the NY and LA Times!

10:48:16 PM    


John Fonda Kerry Aircraft Carrier

Worth repeating.

from Grouchy Old Cripple

10:43:17 PM    



from Cox & Forkum

That they may live in peace and freedom.

10:40:57 PM    


The Standard

"Those of us who pay attention to such things are constantly bombarded with the allegation of how racist this country is. Supposedly, no non-white man or woman in today’s society can make it without a hand up or a hand-out. Examples to the contrary are ignored by those making the allegation."

 from baldilocks

7:42:10 PM    


He's back!

7:33:37 PM    


Lots of pictures from Iraq.  The other side of the story.

Smiles From Iraq

We've put together a collection of photos from our gallery that illustrate a different side of life in Iraq that perhaps doesn't get the attention it deserves. All of the photos were taken by soldiers in the Stryker Brigade and Task Force Olympia currently operating in the Mosul region.

7:29:35 PM    


It's a Sale

Whatta bargain!...

from Grouchy Old Cripple

7:25:59 PM    


This is the enemy. Don't look away

Perhaps when another rally is held in support of Iraqi "resistance" or "Palestinian liberation" somewhere in the world, counter-protesters can remind the ever-so-sensitive and progressive demonstrators of Nick Berg's scream of pain, or of two-year-old Meirav Hatuel cowering in her car seat, or of the Ramallah or Fallujah savages dancing with human entrails.

During the lynch of the two IDF soldiers who had taken a wrong turn into Ramallah in 2000, one of the Arab murderers paused in his savage beating to answer a cell phone belonging to one of the dying soldiers.

He told the worried voice on the other end of the line, "We are killing your husband."

There is a Talmudic dictum that states, "One who is merciful to the cruel, will ultimately cause cruelty to the merciful."

It seems to me that we, Israelis and Americans, have proven the Talmudic sages absolutely correct. Please, no more mercy.

from LGF

4:37:55 PM    


 Day By Day by Chris Muir

7:29:06 AM    


Kerry Presidency

6:49:34 AM    


Honest Church

6:40:20 AM    


Homeless in Missoula!

6:36:22 AM    


I have a dream.......

and another

and another

6:34:27 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Subscribe now and get a free groping....

6:29:51 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Astronaut at Work

6:26:42 AM    


6 days till moving day.

6:24:51 AM    

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