Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:30:38 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Tough Golf Course

from Grouchy Old Cripple

8:27:06 PM    


Todays required viewing.

If your on dial-up, now is a good time to go mow the lawn or do some of those chores you have been putting off.  You won't be sorry.  Be sure to turn the volume up.

3:33:17 PM    


Moore Whine!

from Cox & Forkum

3:20:16 PM    


A different kind of story.......

from Iraq that you will never see or hear in the mainstream media.

"A friend of the Marine who wrote the letter below forwarded it to us to provide another perspective on the events in the news from Iraq. The letter describes how Marines kicked their own out into a sandstorm/rainstorm in order to give shelter to three Fallujah detainees, an event we're sure is more representative of how detainees are actually treated in Iraq than the news would indicate. The Marine describes how he was initially angry, and then proud, about this situation. We're pretty sure this is one story that won't make it into the mainstream media:"

from Power Line

3:15:23 PM    


Where is the 24x7 coverage of this?

United Nations peacekeeping troops are sexually exploiting teenage rape victims fleeing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to an investigation by the The Independent newspaper of London.

Many of the girls, as young as 13, are mothers who give up their bodies to the U.N. soldiers in exchange for food to feed their hungry children.


Remember, this is the organization that liberals insist we get the approval of before we defend ourselves!

from Reality Hammer

2:51:38 PM    


Go get um!

A poster of individuals sought in connection with possible terrorist threats against the United States is seen before a news conference by FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General John Ashcroft at FBI Headquarters Wednesday, May 26, 2004 in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

2:48:08 PM    


Special Ed Politics

1945 April 29
THEN: Germany Surrenders Unconditionally
IF NOW WERE THEN: Losses Mount in Pacific

1945 April 30
THEN: Hitler Commits Suicide
IF NOW WERE THEN: Bush Fails to Capture Hitler

1945 August 6
THEN: Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
IF NOW WERE THEN: Bush Massacres Japanese Civilians

1945 August 9
THEN: Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
IF NOW WERE THEN: Bush Atrocities in Japan Continue

1945 August 14
THEN: Japan Agrees to Unconditional Surrender
IF NOW WERE THEN: Millions Threatened with Job Loss as War End

from Dog Snot Diaries

2:45:46 PM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

2:03:33 PM    


Hagar the Horrible

"As you journey through life take a minute every now and then to give a thought for the other fellow. He could be plotting something."

from Quotes of the Day

Words of wisdom for this day in age.

2:01:24 PM    


Dog Daze

Are Chihuahuas actually a type of rodent bred to resemble dogs?

from New Urban Legends

1:58:40 PM    



ACLU threatens to sue over cross on seal
Says L.A. County emblem is government endorsement of Christianity

found at WND

12:23:21 PM    



Don't do drugs kid!

from Totally Flabbergasted

11:58:06 AM    



from Sacred Cow

9:49:41 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

At the Summit of Olympus Mons

9:43:48 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Happiness is best served cold...

9:42:04 AM    


Try to wrap your mind around these numbers.

Universe Measured: We're 156 Billion Light-years Wide!

"If you've ever wondered how big the universe is, you're not alone. Astronomers have long pondered this, too, and they've had a hard time figuring it out. Now an estimate has been made, and it’s a whopper."

from Space.com

9:09:22 AM    


 Yoo Hoo, Anybody Home?
John Kerry is considering a plan to game the campaign finance laws by not formally accepting his party's presidential nomination at July's Democratic National Convention. This would allow him to continue raising and spending money, ostensibly to compete for the nomination but really to campaign against President Bush, who of course is also waging a fictional campaign for his party's nomination until Sept. 2, when he formally accepts it.

The whole campaign finance regulation system is rather ridiculous, but Kerry's idea of delaying the nomination is especially so--and his defense of the idea even more so. The Boston Globe reports:

The senator chuckled at the criticism.

"Once again, the Republicans don't know history, and they don't know facts," he said. "The truth is that it used to be that the convention, after nomination, traveled to the home or the state of the nominee to inform them they've been nominated. Woodrow Wilson was at his house in Princeton, N.J.; Harry Truman was in Independence," Mo., he said. "They're trying to make an issue out of something that they're surprised by, because . . . they're very upset someone might have a way of neutralizing their advantage."

The Globe makes the obvious point that "the nominations of Wilson and Truman occurred in the days before public financing of presidential campaigns and federal election rules about campaign fund-raising." But here's the best part: This year's Democratic National Convention is in Boston. Unless Kerry's saying he's actually a Washingtonian, the convention won't have to travel to get to the nominee's home.

from The WSJ Opinion Journal

8:58:21 AM    


 What Europe Doesn't Understand
Neoconservatism is neither neo nor conservative. It's just American.

In the Wall Street Journal Zachary Selden sheds some light on why we do what we do with foreign policy in this country and why the European's don't have a clue.

 "Although there are notable exceptions, many European commentators and much of the public are resorting to conspiratorial theories to explain the direction of U.S. foreign policy and somehow overlook the fact that American public opinion runs in favor of the president's handling of foreign affairs. Perhaps more important, however, they overlook the deep historical roots of the current direction of American foreign policy. It is not driven by a "neocon cabal." Rather, it is that certain individuals associated with the neoconservative label have been particularly articulate in expressing a set of policies that flow from two ideas that resonate deeply in American public opinion. The first is a belief that the United States has a responsibility to spread its vision of individual liberty. The second is that the primary and perhaps exclusive task of the federal government is to protect its citizens from external threats. Whatever the actual causes of U.S. action in any particular instance, those principles loom large in the public debate and shape how and when the United States becomes involved in other countries' affairs."

from The Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal


8:41:27 AM    


Mac OS fix fails to plug security hole

A security hole still threatens Mac OS X users after a patch issued by Apple Computer last week failed to fix the underlying problem, security experts said on Tuesday.

from ZDNet

8:25:10 AM    

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