Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:30:42 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Thursday, May 27, 2004


How's This for Doublespeak?

The propagandists who serve as a source of irresponsible journalism have apologized.

But not for being biased, left wing zealots who push socialist propaganda, but for being servile lackeys of the vast right-wing neocon conspiracy.

Yep, the New York Times was a "victim" of the administration.

I'm not surprised that the propagandists who gave us the likes of Jayson Blair have played this card. You see, each WMD found in Iraq, and each piece of evidence that links Iraq to 9-11 is another nail in the coffin of the anti-Bush movement.

So, in order to prop up that movement in the hopes that it lasts until the day after the election in November, the Times is putting forth the notion that everything you see about Iraq is a lie.

Thus, the recent reports about WMD being found? A lie!

The recent reports about Iraq's ties to 9-11? An administration false-front designed to deceive the innocent voters!

After all, if the New York Times is "admitting" that it is a victim of administration lies, then we can all feel good about proclaiming our own victimization at the hands of those nasty neocons!

And all that troubling news seeming to indicate that the Bush administration was right about Iraq? Just ignore it! The New York Times has already "admitted" that it is a lie.

from Reality Hammer

8:53:24 PM    



"The upcoming release of the global warming disaster movie ''The Day After Tomorrow'' reminds me of the noted global warming alarmist Stephen Schneider. In a Discover magazine interview in 1989, he was explaining how climate scientists handle communicating with the public: ''To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective, and being honest.''

from The Spoons Experience

8:50:01 PM    


Renewing the assult weapon ban

"The Million Mom March charges that these weapons are "far more powerful than conventional guns" and "able to pierce body armor." But as Don Kates, co-author of "Armed: New Perspectives on Gun Control," points out, "All rifle rounds [except mere .22s] will pierce body armor."

from Common Sense and Wonder

7:59:42 PM    


Pray Attention

from Cox & Forkum

6:54:04 PM    


Flight-capable B52 plane model. This impressive model of a B52 airplane really flies. 
from Boing Boing

6:47:30 PM    


1940s telephone manual. "How to Make Friends By Telephone" is a 1940s instructional booklet on using the new telephonic device network. Here's a scanned version -- it's a hoot.
from Boing Boing

6:45:39 PM    


Iowa Terrorism!

The state of Iowa suffered a huge blizzard a few months ago.  It forced airlines to cancel or divert flights all across the country.  Now, this week, Iowa suffered from flash flooding & tornados.  It forced airlines to cancel or divert flights all across the country.  But hey, guess what?  That's NOTHING compared to what a cyber-terrorist will do someday!  Read these two classics before you dare to drive through Iowa:


from Vmyths (sign up for the newsletter).

6:38:57 PM    


 MemorialMalware Day speech

 "Every virus expert, past or present, brought to the fight their single most valuable asset -- their résumé. They offered to pump out a relentless stream of antivirus updates for any customer's addiction. It could be Frank in your accounting department or it could be a colonel's PC on the rear lines of IraqQater. It doesn't matter. "Strife, addiction, and the pursuit of updates" shouldn't be unique to us, and virus experts know it. That's why they choose to put on a clown costume."

from Vmyths 

6:30:28 PM    


Big Engine!

Engine testing on 747 of the new GE engines for the Airbus A380 at Mojave Airport, California.

Lots of pictures of the construction progress on the first A380.

from Supersonic Sid

6:08:11 PM    


 To Their Surprise, Bloggers Are Force for Change in Big Media

"A parody helps change a corrections policy at The New York Times. An online critic's query ends a career at the Chicago Tribune. Bloggers' scrutiny is making its mark on traditional journalism.

 Blogger Robert Cox tried everything he could do to get The New York Times to change its ways. After he read an incorrectly abridged quote in a Maureen Dowd column last year, he tried in vain to get a correction in the paper. He vented, he raged, he rallied the blogosphere and even some other newspapers. But in the end, his parody of the Times' correction page -- and the overreaction from the Times' legal department -- got the newspaper to change its policy.

The old policy was to let columnists make their own corrections. Thanks to Cox's efforts, the editors at the Times now will make the final determination on corrections, which will run at the bottom of future columns -- so that syndicated columns are corrected in all the papers in which they run.

And Cox isn't the only blogger who's made waves recently. Australian blogger Tim Blair unearthed a fabricated quote by Chicago Tribune correspondent Uli Schmetzer, whose career at the paper ended shortly thereafter. And blogger Patrick Frey, aka Patterico, helped counter a series in the Los Angeles Times about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's conflicts of interest with a front-page L.A. Times story on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's own conflict."

from USC Online Journalism Review

found at Lockergnome

3:49:51 PM    


One theory on the mental breakup of Al Gore

by  JAMES TARANTO of the Wall Street Journal.

Guilty Gore Goes Gaga
"It is now clear that Al Gore is insane," writes the New York Post's John Podhoretz. "I don't mean that his policy ideas are insane, though many of them are. I mean that based on his behavior, conduct, mien and tone over the past two days, there is every reason to believe that Albert Gore Jr., desperately needs help. I think he needs medication, and I think that if he is already on medication, his doctors need to adjust it or change it entirely."

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times agrees. When he delivered a speech to the far-left outfit MoveOn.org yesterday, she writes, "Mr. Gore hollered so much, he made Howard Dean look like George Pataki." She says the erstwhile veep represents "the wackadoo wing of the Democratic Party."

Well, give Gore credit for helping liberals and conservatives find common ground in this era of polarization. Pretty much everyone agrees Gore is nuts. Well, OK, we did get one e-mail in Gore's defense, from a reader whose name we'll withhold because that's the kind of compassion we practice here at Best of the Web Today:

Al Gore spoke the truth, the real truth, and American truth. The hate speech that we are exposed to on a daily basis comes from the likes of you and the rest of you lying fascist scum that contaminate this country. You are the Republican taliban.

This charming missive pretty much captures the tone and spirit of the Gore speech, though our correspondent at least understands the virtue of brevity. Gore's speech, by contrast, ran more than 6,500 words. Maybe he's hoping for Fidel Castro's job.

How did things go so terribly wrong for Al Gore? When he ran for president in 1988, he was a fresh-faced, moderate "new Democrat." He lost the nomination to the electrifying Michael Dukakis, but he was only 40 and his future looked bright. Yet he never lived up to his potential, and today he is a pitiful, though scary, old man.

An Associated Press account of yesterday's speech notes that "Gore, who served in Vietnam, predicted greater problems for America's involvement in Iraq." The AP apparently means to suggest that Gore suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder, since the Vietnam reference is otherwise a complete non sequitur. But according to WebMD, "symptoms of PTSD usually occur within three months of the traumatic event." True, "they can occur months or years later"--but three decades later?

We've got a better theory: Gore, in our view, has cracked under a crushing burden of guilt.

To explain why, it helps to remember that a desperate anger pervades Gore's entire party at the moment. That's not surprising. For the first time in half a century, the Democrats are out of the White House and have a majority in neither house of Congress. A decisive GOP victory in November would leave the Dems a minority party for a very long time.

Oh, they put on a brave face, noting excitedly every Bush swoon in the polls. They say the president is manifestly incompetent and John Kerry will beat him easily. Maybe they'll even turn out to be right. Who knows? Certainly some Republicans are spooked about Bush's re-election prospects. But the shrillness and hysteria of the Democrats' rhetoric tells us they are far from confident.

Still, the immoderation of Gore's words, combined with the fury of his tone, puts him in a class by himself, or very nearly so, even among angry Dems. And while political candidates routinely engage in hyperbole in order to stir up the party faithful, Gore isn't running for anything. Dick Gephardt stopped ranting about Bush's being a "miserable failure" when he left the presidential race. Gore has nothing to gain by sacrificing his dignity in this way.

How did the Dems come to such a pass? In large part, it's Gore's fault. The Democrats held the White House in 2000, at a time of apparent peace and prosperity. They should have won the election that year, and they surely would have had they only had a decent candidate. But instead they had Al Gore. Even he came close enough to winning that he was tempted to try to steal the election.

There's a telling line right at the beginning of Gore's speech: George W. Bush, he says, "has brought deep dishonor to our country and built a durable reputation as the most dishonest president since Richard Nixon." Here Gore is engaging in what psychologists call "projection": attributing one's own faults to others. The most dishonest president since Richard Nixon obviously is the one who was impeached for lying under oath--the president, that is, whose No. 2 was none other than Al Gore.

Gore would have become president had Bill Clinton resigned after his 1998 impeachment, or had 17 Democratic senators voted to convict him in his impeachment trial. President Gore likely would have been re-elected in 2000, since he would have had the advantage of incumbency and been free of the Clinton taint that (unaccompanied by the Clinton charm) hurt him so much in the "red" states.

Instead, party discipline held, and the Senate acquitted Clinton. This was another missed opportunity for Gore. Had he publicly broken from Clinton and called on the president to resign, other Democrats might well have followed his lead. Instead, he appeared at a White House rally immediately after the impeachment vote and described Clinton as "a man who I believe will be regarded in the history books as one of our greatest presidents."

Thus it was Al Gore, more than anyone else, who assured the election of George W. Bush as president. And if Gore actually believes all the paranoid nonsense he utters about "global warming," "an unprecedented assault on civil liberties," the "American gulag," the "catastrophe" in Iraq and so on, he let down not only his party but his country and the world, which will soon be destroyed thanks to Bush's decision to withdraw from the Kyoto treaty.

That's more guilt than anyone should be forced to endure.

3:26:09 PM    


Engrish of the Day

 I was hoping they would come out with a machine for that....

9:30:34 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Two Comets in Southern Skies

9:28:51 AM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

9:10:16 AM    

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