Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:29:39 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Sunday, May 23, 2004


The Battle of Fallujah VI

"Some people, including some of my fellow conservatives, had taken exception to our pull back from Fallujah; they read it, with some grounds for so believing, as an apparant blow to American prestige. Indeed, the enemy distinctly played it up that way and, of course, the critics of the war read it that way. What people forgot or, at least in the case of the anti-war people, didn't know is that battles and wars are not won so much by conquering territory and killing the enemy as they are by convincing the enemy that he cannot win. Napoleon said it, and it will always remain true in war - the morale is to the material as three is to one. The reason we were beaten in Vietnam was because of a collapse of morale - not initially in the troops or in the American people, but first in the political leadership of the United States, which then trickled down to the troops and the people." [Blogs for Bush]

9:06:26 PM    


The latest poop on the so called "wedding" for anyone that cares.

[Belmont Club]

8:36:41 PM    


It's All About the Oil

1. Bush Lied.
2. Bush and bin Laden are buddies.
3. We deserved 9/11
4. Everything in the Middle East is Israel's fault.
5. Haliburton.
6. It's all about the oiiil.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

8:21:33 PM    


Strange Bedfellows

[Cox & Forkum]

8:16:15 PM    


Don't just sit there staring at nothing!  Go check out my new digs at Lockergnome.net.  It's not open for business or ready for the housewarming yet but just like a new house you can stick your head in the door and look.  I'm looking at a grand opening about two weeks from today.  There will be balloons and prizes and lots of adult beverage to drink.

Flash bulletin!  Plan B is in effect.  I decided to also give Typepad a shot at being the new home for the Poopdeck.  You can see it here.  Nothing wrong with Lockergnome.net folks.  Its very easy and works like a charm.  There was no major difference between the two.  It was just one of those times when you go house hunting and you find two places that fit your needs but one just feels better for some reason that you can't put your finger on.

I still have a 6 month lease over there so if I change my mind I may move again. 

4:06:21 PM    


No More Letters to the Editor

Quit Being a Chump and Start Being Effective: Here's How to Make Your Views Matter to the Mass Media.

"When the advertisers get nervous, the publisher gets nervous."   [American Digest]

12:05:18 PM    



 Billion-dollar media companies showing pictures over and over and over again of some naked guys with hoods on their heads. The abuse of those prisoners was inexcusable, but so, too, is the completely disproportional and sensational manner in which it has been reported. These isolated and essentially insignificant abuses have been repeated incessantly day after day while every other issue of the war has been ignored and buried.

The pictures depict real events, but the emphasis upon them without context or proportionality creates an impression that is deceptive and false.

And evidence of a disturbing double standard.

Thanks Sid


12:02:09 PM    


Do you remember these?

Thanks OD

9:50:50 AM    


Moore Film Captures French, Arab Awards

"The Arab network's Palme d'Tree award recognizes Mr. Moore's anti-Bush documentary as a "stunning journalistic and artistic achievement which is all the more amazing because of the oppressive government under which it was produced."

"That someone could make a film like this in America, under the iron fist of the Bush-Cheney administration, demonstrates a kind of courage unknown and unnecessary in the free Arab film industry," according to the official news release from the Al Jazeera Film Festival."   [ScrappleFace]

9:06:48 AM    


Day By Day by Chris Muir

1:41:57 AM    


Kerry's First Campaign!

[Sacred Cow]

1:14:24 AM    


 Astronomy Picture of the Day

Working in the great outdoors!

1:12:17 AM    


Engrish of the Day

 It started out as just my Hamburger Helper...

1:09:59 AM    

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