Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:19 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


A Small Conundrum

The National Academy of Sciences estimates that around 600,000 metric tons of oil per year seeps into the ocean naturally, with estimates ranging from 200,000 to 2,000,000 metric tons per year. Plugging the 600,000 estimate through some conversions and that... [bastardsword]

11:54:00 PM    



"That's why I can't take seriously any political rhetoric about "cooperating with our alienated allies". They aren't allies. I can't take seriously any claims that we somehow alienated them by our actions; we weren't really allies even before the 9/11 attack. And that's why I cannot accept Senator Kerry's proposals for an alternate foreign policy. He hasn't said damned much, but one of the things he did say was that the first thing he'd do was to go to Europe and try to heal the purported rift in order to get our "allies" back on board.

For me, the best I can hope for is that he's lying now when he says that. (And he may well be, given his record of apparently being willing to say anything at all if he thinks it will help get him elected.)"   [USS Clueless]

11:45:15 PM    


The Iraqi mind

Raised in the West?  Don't even try to understand.

"Why the Iraqi people are not really upset with this issue?

Is it because of the firm and rapid response from the American officials to these terrible actions?

Or is it because the Iraqi people lack compassion with the majority of these prisoners?"

11:39:03 PM    


The Greenies have figured it out

Instead of sitting in trees and being laughed at all these years, just make a movie and all the zombie movie watchers in this country will believe it.  Works every time.

"My first reaction was, 'Oh my God, this is a disaster because it is such a distortion of the science. It will certainly create a backlash,'" said Dan Schrag, a Harvard University paleoclimatologist. "I have sobered up somewhat, because the public is probably smart enough to distinguish between Hollywood and the real world."

They are?  Since when?

11:27:43 PM    


 City-Sized Asteroid to Pass Earth This Fall

 A minor rumor has hatched on the Internet that a large and deadly asteroid will strike Earth this fall. Bulletin board discussions cite a 63 percent chance of impact, while concerned readers have e-mailed SPACE.com wondering if it is true.

Astronomers know of no such impending doom.


11:17:07 PM    


That naughty Oprah!

11:06:34 PM    


I'm sorry I broke your house!  Do you mind?

10:58:36 PM    


Here's the Army's 15-6 report from one of the abuse investigations..

I have it in the extended post. It's up on MSNBC. I assume the Army released it. It's a public document, so I'm posting it because MSNBC may choose to change their links as a part of routine site maintenance.... [Castle Argghhh!]

10:50:25 PM    


Another Little Cut

Here is another little cut to the Kerry campaign. I have a very clear memory of an incident which occurred while I was the Medical Officer at Naval Support Facility, Cam Ranh Bay. John Kerry was a (jg), the OinC... [Right on the Left Beach]

5:05:47 PM    


Behind Enemy Lines

To recapitulate, the main points are:

  • the enemy is probably still in the city
  • the enemy may consist, in part, of Syrian fighters
  • the USMC is probably still bottling them up otherwise how to account for the enemy containment, and is therefore present in the city, contrary to press reports
  • the USMC is attempting to drive a wedge, as per General Conway, between the hard core and the peripheral enemy elements  [Belmont Club]

4:25:26 PM    


What to do about Iraq

"But is Iraq really plunging into chaos? Anyone in contact with Iraqi realities would know that the answer is: No. . . .

What to do in Iraq? The answer is simple: Don't lose your nerve!"   [American RealPolitik]

4:20:37 PM    


Damn!  Rob and I would have made a great team when I was on recruiting duty for the Navy in that dying steel mill town in Illinois.  I could have found the 18 year old HS grads with no future and shoved them in the door for him to close on.

Military training

"The guy who installed my Comcast connection yesterday seemed to really know his shit about electronics and computers. I asked him whether he went to school to learn what he knew or if he just picked it up jackleg-style.

"The Army taught me," he explained. "I was a radar tech, so this stuff is a piece of cake."

If you want to enlist to fight, the military has a place for you. If you enlist to learn a skill or to rack up some money for college, the military has a place for you. If you're 18 years old and you don't have a clue about what you want to do with your life, the military has a place for you."  [Gut Rumbles]

1:02:16 PM    


environmentalism in a nutshell

"When you're all worked into a tizzy about Saving The Planet, you don't let ANYTHING deter your zeal."

 "We decided to have a closer look at how the listing came about and how it is applied. If a court decided it cannot be applied, we want to find out if the monster really needs to be protected or if the decision can be scrapped," he said.   [Gut Rumbles]

12:45:58 PM    


Job Search!

Well ... we can't say that Big Al is one of those who sit around doing nothing, feeling sorry for themself, after the last dismal failure in their life.  No Sirree Bob!  You won't find this go getter in a depression, blaming everyone else for his dismal failure and expecting a hand out.  This man yanks himself up by the bootstraps and hits the ground running forward into the future.

I can see the day in the distant future when the US Senate will be made up of nothing but dismal failures who couldn't succeed at anything else.

12:39:23 PM    


"Who was the last American POW to die languishing in a North Vietnamese prison forced to listen to the recorded voice of John Kerry disgracing their service by his dishonest testimony before the Senate?"   [Jessica's Well]

12:22:57 PM    



"'Regular readers will recall that the Ninth Circuit filed an opinion on April 19, 2004 striking down a California "Three Strikes" sentence as unconstitutional. That same day, I observed on this blog that the court had made a fundamental error regarding the maximum potential sentence for a felony conviction for petty theft with a prior. I also noted that the panel had criticized the parties and the sentencing court for supposedly having gotten this point wrong -- although, in fact, it was the panel that had gotten it wrong."  [The Spoons Experience]

Now if we could just get the Ninth Circus to see that they were created in error and abolish themselves!

12:20:01 PM    


United Nothings

"That is really what bothers me about the United Nations, and it should bother everyone else as well. Only, it doesn't. The West has become so Liberal that they can't even justify their own existence. Western Liberals simply wish to no longer exist. In their eyes, we created all of the world's problems. We created the Sudan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nazi Germany, Terrorism, Bin Laden - everything bad. Their solution: let the bad guys take over. After all, they're only victims of our own aggression."   [Shining full plate and a good broadsword]

12:13:41 PM    


Thank the Liberal Media!

"So why is it that you can count on a conservative to speak out against his own when they are wrong, but not expect the same from a liberal?"  [Shots Across The Bow]

11:43:43 AM    


5/4/2004   Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

11:33:21 AM    


Kerry's U.N. Fetish    [Cox & Forkum]

11:30:36 AM    


Morning Comics   [American RealPolitik]

11:26:37 AM    

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