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  Monday, December 15, 2003





You will only find one true love in your life

And if you’re lucky

You’ll get to spend the rest of your life with her.


[to which I added]




posted by Harvey at 11:43:27 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



From the book "Picking Up Chicks for Dummies", page 65:

"This one falls into the category of "cute" techniques. Although it's usually quite effective, it's important to keep in mind that the denomination of bill you use should be inversely proportional to the number of drinks your target has consumed."


posted by Harvey at 11:38:31 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Boy, I thought the Dems were screwed before. Now that Saddam's in custody, the whole party has become almost completely irrelevant.

Nevertheless, they have to toss a sacrificial goat on the altar of the 2004 Presidential election, and there are currently 9 demented, twitching ogres eager to throw themselves on the pyre.

Being a loyal American, I want to do my part to help one of them commit political suicide, so here, in accordance with this week's Alliance Precision Guided Humor Assignment, are my suggestions for some Democratic campaign slogans:

Dennis Kucinich - Now that I'm no longer desecrating your dead sons, I'd like to defile your live daughters (link via Frizzen Sparks).

Dennis Kucinich – “Your women, I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters. Sell them to me. Sell me your childrens!

Carol Moseley Braun - Twice as diverse as Al Sharpton.

Carol Moseley Braun – Vote for me - unless you’re a racist misogynist.

John Kerry - Pardon my French

Howard Dean - Not to be confused with Howard the Duck.

Joe Lieberman - Because Al Gore used to like me.

Joe Lieberman - Don't worry, Gentiles, he'll still let you celebrate Christmas

Al Sharpton - Joe Stalin's politics, Kim Jong Il's hair

Rev. Al - putting "God" back into "God dammit, cracker, you better vote for me!"

Hillary Clinton - You know I can lick Bush. Wait... did that sound dirty? Nevermind.

Hillary Clinton - Now, more than ever. Because by 2008, I'll have died from the syphillis that Bill gave me.

Dick Gephardt – Dick and Jane run for the White House. Run, Dick. Run, Jane. Run! Run! Run!

Dick Gephardt - As Aryan as you wanna be.

Wesley Clark – Riding the short bus to the Presidency

John Edwards – Vote for me or my Klingon hordes will destroy you!

Or they can just go with the all-purpose Democrat slogan:

"It's not fair! Bush never should've won in the first place! Stupid electoral college! WAAAAAAHHHH!"


posted by Harvey at 11:20:33 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Steven Den Beste of USS Clueless has one of the best analyses of war and how to win it that I've ever read. It's about 20 minutes' worth, but it makes a complex subject very understandable.

One of the things that he mentioned that piqued my interest was when he contrasted terrorism and guerilla warfare:


I've written at length about the basic theory behind terrorism here, so I will only briefly summarize it. The strategy is to motivate the uncommitted to join the fight or to support it, and the tactic is to engage in acts against a much more powerful enemy which will provoke reprisals from that enemy. Usually the goal is to cause the enemy to make massive reprisals against the large mass of the uncommitted, angering them. Some of them may then join your cause; many others will at least become more sympathetic to it.

Violent attacks against enemy targets, especially civilian targets, are one way to do that, and that's what most people think of as being "terrorism".

But sometimes, in very special cases, peaceful demonstrations of resistance can win directly by bringing about a loss of political will by the enemy (which is how Gandhi won in India).

That's relatively rare, and is only possible against unusual enemies. Gandhi was able to win because of British sensibilities; if the occupiers had been Russian and the enemy leader had been Stalin, Gandhi's campaign would have been a failure, and Gandhi would have been executed early on without a trial.

What is far more common for successful terrorist campaigns is that they gradually transition into guerrilla war as support builds up. There's a distinct difference between the two. According to the doctrine, terrorist attacks are primarily designed to provoke reprisals, but guerrilla actions are directly intended to harm the enemy militarily. [emphasis mine]


and he comes to this conclusion as to how to label what the Baathist leftovers are doing in Iraq:


All of the preceding discussion is intended to lead up to Wretchard's post about Iraq titled "Follow the Money". Though the insurgency in Iraq has used low level tactics we associate with terrorism, it is in fact a guerrilla operation. [emphasis mine] The attacks are not intended to provoke American reprisals so as to gain sympathy among Iraqi civilians and induce them to join the insurgency or to support it. If anything, Iraqi support for the Coalition has continued to strengthen since the invasion as the Coalition continues to work to try to improve the lives of Iraq's civilians.

The insurgency is rather attempting to engage primarily in classic hit-and-run attacks on Coalition forces or on other foreign bodies, hoping they'll lose heart and pull out. In some cases they've been successful; one bombing attack caused the UN to pull out, and several other NGO's have curtailed their operations in Iraq.


Which made me think of the discussion that's going at Angelweave, wherein a liberal opined:

The bad guys attacking our soldiers are not terrorists--they are guerrillas, engaged in an insurgency.

And Heather's response:

Take your classification of guerillas. I disagree, and I'll take to the dictionary.

Guerilla - A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids. (from

Okay - suicide bombings - yeah, it fits either way - terrorist or guerilla. You believe one way, and I believe the opposite? Is one of us lying? No, I don't believe so. It's merely semantics.

Well, I guess I'll have to disagree with Heather on the analysis of that single point. The liberal is right - it's guerilla warfare, not terrorism. However, Heather's right the the conclusions drawn by the liberal in question are [my term] blithering asshattery.

Nor are they a direct threat to the American people--or is this an admission that the neo-con's beloved "flypaper strategy" is a failure? I'll further note that we created the current violent environment in Iraq through an illegal invasion and inept occupation.

Regardless, these statements are proof positive that Bush offers only fear to the American people.

Knee-jerk anti-war liberals are funny that way. Even when they finally get something right, they quickly cannonball into the deep end of the short-sighted idiocy pool.


posted by Harvey at 9:49:25 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I was doing the New Blog Showcase Results post at the Alliance, when a happy thing happened to me. I got to put both Ith of Absinthe & Cookies AND Ninjababe of Ninjababe's Ramble in the "voted this week" category.

Why is this such a good thing?

Well, like most people, I don't get around to anywhere NEAR all the places in the blogosphere that I'd like to. I've got a pretty long blogroll and I can't make it longer, because it already takes me the whole day to make it through. But in the course of surfing hither & thither, there are some blogs that, if I see them linked by someone else, I'll go visit, because I know there's good stuff at the other end.

One of them is Absinthe & Cookies. It's got a certain edgy charm to the atmosphere that I find appealing. Not to mention an adorable picture of Ith looking doll-o-liscious in the corner. Plus I found out in the process of poking around tonight that she's recruiting ladies for the "Girls! Girls! Girls!" group blog. I don't have the right equipment, myself, but I've always been very *ahem* supportive of women.

Another is Ninjababe's Ramble. Light-hearted & fun, plus one of the biggest, best, gratuitous cleavage shots I've ever found. YOWZA! Of course, she's got here dangerous side, too. Seriously, don't let her get too close to you with that penis needle. I'm cringing just thinking about it.

Anyway ladies, I just wanted to thank you for voting in the showcase this week. You've made an old man VERY happy.

mmmm... cleavage.


posted by Harvey at 9:13:56 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I swear, I've got the coolest blog-buddies imaginable. Susie & Matt I don't even have to think twice about, the Geekster always has his vote up by the time I make it there all panicky on Sunday afternoon, and Kevin, who has no time to blog at all because of his insanely complicated life, still manages to put in a vote once I remind him that midnight Sunday is fast approaching. I wish everyone I nudged were so attentive.

But here's what else is cool about them:

Susie - she's always full of Christmas cheer, and even when she's feeling low, she's still fascinated by how often I can use my post in a single day. Susie, you're so naughty :-)

Matty O'Blackfive - You thought he was just a drunken Irish paratrooper? Not so. This man is a drunken Irish paratrooper who celebrates Saddam's capture with poetry! He also informs me that Kucinich took down that bullshit video. Oddly, this post was not done in the form of a poem. Therefore I will help:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

The video is gone

But Kucinich is still a fucking crap weasel for ever having it up in the first place!

Physics Geek - thoughtful guy that he is, he's posted a sweet Christmas tale that makes my Grinchy heart grow 3 sizes. He's also posted a picture of Susie taking a break during one of her braless blogging sessions. Sure it's cold in Indiana, but the scenery is just gorgeous.

Kevin of Eckernet - Still fiddling with that "real life" thingy of his, but there's plenty of goodies in his archives. I can't wait until he's got more time for blogging. Meanwhile, here's the Top 10 Reasons Regular Citizens Should Be Able To Own An Assault Rifle:

10) Sometimes you're too mad for just a normal gun.

9) If you see a dozen deer in one meadow, how else are you supposed to shoot them all before they run away?

8) Self-defense sometimes involves "assaulting" a fortress.

7) Keeping control of a fully automatic weapon helps build upper body strength.

6) If we're not allowed to have assault rifles, that will make us mad and we have other guns.


I'll leave the rest for you to go look at on your own.


posted by Harvey at 8:42:31 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


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posted by Harvey at 7:46:28 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Anti-Idiotarian Rotweiler (537 links) - 4135 visits/day V
Flying Chair (174 links) - 3332 visits/day V
IMAO (552 links) - 3261 visits/day V
Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love (292 links) - 2017 visits/day V
annika's journal & poetry (125 links) - 260 visits/day V
Bad Money (155 links) - 253 visits/day V
Colorado Conservative (65 links) - 231 visits/day V
Ramblings of Silver Blue (167 links) - 230 visits/day V
Patriot Paradox (126 links) - 220 visits/day V
Being American in T.O. (94 links) - 218 visits/day V
Leaning Towards the Dark Side (70 links) - 211 visits/day V
The Inscrutable American (97 links) - 191 visits/day V
Practical Penumbra (230 links) - 186 visits/day V
the evangelical outpost (149 links) - 186 visits/day V
The Alliance (174 links) - 175 visits/day V
Pardon My English (92 links) - 170 visits/day V
From the Halls to the Shores (68 links) - 169 visits/day V
Absinthe & Cookies (190 links) - 162 visits/day V
angelweave (133 links) - 122 visits/day V
An Englishman's Castle (60 links) - 104 visits/day V
dogtulosba, ink. - soapiate of the masses (50 links) - 100 visits/day V
Who Tends The Fires (113 links) - 94 visits/day V
Judicious Asininity (118 links) - 84 visits/day V
Five Wasps (56 links) - 81 visits/day V
Idiot Villager (59 links) - 77 visits/day V
physics geek (72 links) - 74 visits/day V (39 links) - 70 visits/day V
The S-Train Canvass (66 links) - 64 visits/day V
Le Sabot Post-Moderne (79 links) - 58 visits/day V
VRWC, Inc. (89 links) - 52 visits/day V
Left Coast Conservative (142 links) - 47 visits/day V
Semi-Intelligent Thoughts (71 links) - 44 visits/day V
The Gleeful Extremist (59 links) - 42 visits/day V
Wince and Nod (84 links) - 39 visits/day V
Frizzen Sparks (54 links) - 36 visits/day V
Civilization Calls (56 links) - 35 visits/day V (55 links) - 34 visits/day V
Homicidal Maniak (60 links) - 31 visits/day V
Grim's Hall (58 links) - 30 visits/day V
curi's domain (59 links) - 30 visits/day V
Pinto's Blog (44 links) - 27 visits/day V
Cavalier Attitude (47 links) - 24 visits/day V
Elegance Against Ignorance (73 links) - 20 visits/day V
Single White Male (48 links) - 19 visits/day V
Ninjababe's Ramble (59 links) - 17 visits/day V
Hypocrisy and Hypotheses (63 links) - 17 visits/day V
Cannon's Canon (57 links) - 15 visits/day V
Irreconcilable Musings (58 links) - 15 visits/day V
The Conservative Cajun (42 links) - 15 visits/day
Shameless Self-Promotion (55 links) - 14 visits/day V
Hoppings of Roxette Bunny (63 links) - 14 visits/day V (39 links) - 11 visits/day V
Newmanisms (57 links) - 11 visits/day V
CandyUniverse (89 links) - 3 visits/day V
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Ripe Bananas (70 links) - visits/day V Political Commentary (132 links) - visits/day V
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