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  Saturday, December 27, 2003


Don of Anger Management has posted his "Mostly Useless Guide to Not Being Funny". Unfortunately, due to a series of typographical errors and a premature smacking of the "post" button, it wound up titled something else.

It's some 4-year old attempts at humor, and I point them out as encouragement to new bloggers: everyone sucks when they start out, but with practice, you'll eventually be asked to post Drink Alerts on your entries.

Read, cringe, and laugh at the occasional working gag.

Heh. "Humping my leg".

posted by Harvey at 4:42:34 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Liberals used to have a place in this country's political debate, but lately, in their quest to knee-jerkingly oppose anything that Bush says or does, they've wound up defending perpetrators of the most grotesque atrocties imaginable in Afghanistan and Iraq. Or at the very least, not opposing them as they would if those atrocities took place in America, especially considering how vocal they are on the few lesser versions that can occasionally be found. I've heard this point brought up on occasion, in one form or another, but I really like the way Lynn of Reflections in d minor phrases it as a pair of "no honest answer available" rhetorical questions:

Where are all the Liberals who believed in secularism and women's rights? Where are all the Liberals who cared about the poor and oppressed? They have abandoned the real oppressed and choose instead to pretend that they are the oppressed ones just because they live in a society where people are free to disagree with them

I swear, I'd just like to sit at her feet and have her read to me for hours. She gives me goosebumps.

posted by Harvey at 4:32:58 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I love the Carnival of the Vanities. Trouble is, I don't always get a chance to read it as soon as I'd like. I finally made my way through #65 at Drumwaster's. There I found one of the gemmiest gems I've gotten from a Carnival in a long time. Lee of See the Donkey took the story of the Three Wise Men and gave it a Suessian poetical twist including lots of illustrations. The overall effect is quite delightful, and no more blasphemous than the way the Revised Standard Version of the Bible knocks all the beauty and poetry out of the KJV for the sake of clarity.

I also like the fact that he gives a summary of the Three Wise Men story for the benefit of the biblically challenged.

posted by Harvey at 4:21:39 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I have no idea how it happened, but Internet Explorer took a crap on me today.

Recently, some assmaggot website hijacked itself into being my new homepage. I could re-assign a new one, but the pirate page would come back upon restart. Deleting my cookies did no good, and my limited geek skills gave me no other clues.

Well, this morning, I started tweaking my security settings and my firewall to try to block this stinking browserjacker, but all I managed to do was make IE inoperable. The shortcuts still exist, but the program simply will not fire up.

I did manage to snag a copy of Mozilla prior to compete software implosion, though, and that's working ok. Good enough, in fact, that I'd be willing to give up on IE altogether, if I could figure out how. I tried Googling for "remove internet explorer" and the top page I found sounded panicky and mentioned the importance of making back-ups of this, that, and the other before even allowing yourself to speak the words aloud. Apparently, uninstalling IE is an agonizingly delicate and complicated process akin to removing a spinal tumor. Not something I want to try when there's blogging to be done, and my geek of choice (Blogless Brother Tom) is not available to supervise.

Meanwhile, Mozilla is servicable, even if a little more creepily Netscapish than I'd like. And I hooked a copy of Opera... just in case.

posted by Harvey at 4:03:54 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Religiously, I'm "none of the above", but Beloved Wife is "one of the above" (or "three of the above", I'm kinda fuzzy on that part), so I've been dragged to church on occasion, kicking and screaming (at least on the inside). Once those big wooden doors shut, I resign myself to my fate and try to make the best of things.

One way I do that is to try figure out just what exactly the folks who attend voluntarily are getting out of this exercise. Usually it's pretty simple with the sermon. The preacher picks a bible passage (more or less at random, as far as I can tell), connects it to a current news topic, whether local or national, and then comes to a conclusion about how to apply the particular bible verse to your life to make yourself happier.

Then come the hymns. And these I just don't get. Look, I realize they were mostly written a couple hundred years ago, but they're still just horrible. They keep calling Jesus "king" and "lord" and "sovereign" and "master". I think the original intent was to make the singer feel some sort of subserviant reverance toward a higher power.

But I'm an American. My forefathers fought battles to topple kings & lords. A sovereign in my country is answerable to his people. He is not necessarily better or smarter than I am, he's just a guy doing a job. When I hear the word "king", I want to smash his crown, not fall to my knees. It makes me rebellious rather than reverant.

Which leads me to ponder, what would be a more appropriate, modern, American analogy? President? Congressman? CEO? Quarterback? When it comes to wielding absolute power, do we trust anyone who holds it? Do we respect and admire anyone who attempts to acquire it?

Nothing comes to mind. Every position of authority in America is ultimately answerable to some person or group of people. Checks and balances aren't found only in the 3 branches of  Federal Government, they have applications in all walks of life. Vote the President out of office, impeach a Supreme Court Justice, fire a CEO, bench the quarterback - there are no kings in America.

So, what term of reverance would fit Christ in modern America?

I really don't know. I think Vince Lombardi did a pretty good job as a benevolent dictator, but somehow "Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn Vince" just lacks singability. I guess I'll just have to ponder on this some more.

posted by Harvey at 3:49:01 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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